Chapter 25:

Vorelando Magic

The final match of the first day was Kobe’s but it was so unspeakably violent that the event was wiped from everyone’s mind using experimental technology. Everyone remembered that it happened, that Kobe had won but no one could recall any specifics.

Some of the more religious amongst the voring community suggested that God himself simply could not conceive how he would orchestrate the total victory which had been ordained for Kobe and had simply decided to skip over it, lest he conduct something not befitting of the Steakhouse name.

Most, of course, dismissed this idea out of hand. After all, why would God be so lazy? For what possible reason? It wasn’t as if God had obligations, he did not have a job to work, he did not have to eat food, he did not have to sleep.

God was God, after all. The idea that he didn’t have an idea for something as simple as a vore match was absurd, even if he did, he had all the time in the world to think of something. He could just pause time, go for a walk on the cosmic beach and ruminate on how to make this bout sufficiently epic. He had eternity, it wasn’t like he was working against some kind of deadline.

Nope, the reason that everyone had forgotten about the fight had to be a worldly one, they reasoned. Some even speculated that Kobe’s signature move allowed him to do something like this, they had still never seen quite what went on with Nrvnqsr inside the reality marble as it had shielded things from the camera’s view.

Most decided to simply accept their faulty memory as a fact of life, no need to get so worked up over something that didn’t ultimately matter, especially not when the week was packed with back to back vore.

Kobe and Vorelando had also decided to move on. Two had invited both of them and John to a local temple to meditate and destress after their respective victories.

It had been decades since the great religious schism had happened. Most in the modern age hadn’t even heard of Christianity or Islam. Western Culture was dominated by two ideologies. The monolith that was Voreism and the comparatively small

Vorelando was vehemently opposed to Voreism on principle but luckily, Two was a faithful follower of the church of

When they arrived at the church, they were greeted by the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. Vorelando’s jaw spontaneously dislocated as it hit the floor.

“How is it possible for a woman to be so beautiful?” he gurgled.

“It is because I donated to Every time I do so, I become more beautiful.” She replied.

“Does it work for men too?” Kobe asked.

“Absolutely.” Replied the crispest baritone you’ve ever heard. Stepping out from one of the back rooms was Chad Giga, the church’s resident chad. He was stunningly beautiful.

“I’m 83.”
“Oh my god.” Vorelando exclaimed.

The woman provided them all with ceremonial robes.

“We don’t require a donation for you to receive the gifts of, but if you are in the financial position to do so, we would encourage it.”

“Who exactly is this” Kobe asked.

“No one knows, no one even knows their true name. Our working theory is that is an anagram or some kind of code. It is said that the sexiest of us all is to find them and that they shall discover all the riches and joys that any conceivable realm has to offer.”

He smiled at them chadly.

“Thank you, I think we’ll pray now.” Two said.

He led them all into the prayer room and got into the proper position, which looked a little like reverse cowgirl. Then he got out his phone and navigated to before donating a small amount and beginning his prayer.

“You don’t believe all that noise right?” Vorelando whispered to Kobe.

“Nah… nah… but… couldn’t hurt to try, right?”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

They both got into the reverse cowgirl position and took out their phones to donate. Suddenly, a warm sensation spread across their whole bodies. Quicker than the rotation of an electron, every single muscle they had ripped and repaired itself multiple times over.

Looking down at themselves, they found that they were fucking ripped. They had been sexy before, but by god, now that they’d donated to they were pure demigods.

“Oh my god it worked.”

John, who had decided not to donate, still looked like a virgin in a suit.

“I’m a changed man.” Kobe said.

“As am I. Now, let’s go get this bread.”

Kobe and Vorelando walked out of the church that day as better men. That night, they started and concluded a multitude of orgies.

This is the power of donating to

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