Chapter 12:

Chapter 12: “The Golden Days"

Madman's Forgiveness

Chapter 12: “The Golden Days"

The scenery was just how he remembered it. Lush and full of life. Just across the water, he could see his friends playing a game of volleyball. Kazuma and Kentaro, while an unlikely pair; they were playing on the same team. They were playing against Yua and Troy. They believed it was only fair to do it this way considering the age differences. This left Suzume alone, sitting on the dock. Even while being so far away, Hiro could vividly see her smiling. She was relaxing, kicking around the water with her bare feet. He couldn’t tell, but she swayed in a certain rhythm. It was as if she was humming something. If Hiro’s memory serves right, this was one of Suzume’s favorite spots.

Yet, as he walks across the lakeside he can't help but feel disappointed. Of all places, why here? Why was Kazuma’s first thought upon learning of Hiro’s ability to bring them back to this spot? After all their talks, he should have known that it would only bring back bad memories for Hiro. Memories that he had tried so desperately for years to forget.

“Hey wait up!”
 A much younger Suzume called out as she ran across the chow hall to catch up to Hiro. It was dinner-time at Camp Gehenna, and one of the counselors made their signature dish; freshwater eel stew over rice. This dish was only his specialty due to it being the only meal he knew how to make. Inadvertently, this fact would make all the campers but one skip eating on the days he was assigned to cook for them.

Kazuma sat in his usual spot, stuffing his face to Kentaros disgust.

“Dude.. you’re gonna make me sick.”

“How do you even stomach this shit..?”

He asks, slowly raising a piece of the eel that he had draped across his spoon.

Kazuma however looks at him with genuine confusion. Taking time to slurp up his own spoonful before he spoke.

“What are you talking about bro?”

“Scared of a little eel”

“It’s just fish man.”

He suggests slyly.

“Couldn’t be me.”

“I love this stuff!”

Turning his attention to Kentaros tray, a wide grin stretches across his face.

“Well if you’re not gonna eat it, don’t mind if I do!”

Without another word, Kazuma snatches the tray and pours its contents onto his own. He doesn’t seem to care that this caused his tray to begin to overflow. This left him with the same amount of food, but a bigger mess to clean up. Some of which got onto Kentaro’s pants, who can’t do anything but look on with terror.

Just the sight of the food mixing proves to be enough to make Kentaro audibly gag.

The sound of Suzume’s voice catches Hiro by surprise. By this time in the timeline, they’d only been friends for about a year or so. This was enough time for Hiro’s budding feelings for her to begin to develop. As he turned, Hiro was greeted by a familiar sight. There she was, in all her glory... and wearing an apron?

Over the standard camper uniform, Suzume wore a white apron with the face of a poorly drawn kitten in the middle of it. While its features weren’t that distinguishable due to Suzume’s terrible artistic skills, only coming across as a black cat with eyes the size of saucers.

Hiro was able to guess that it was supposed to be “Ferrik the talking cat.” She would always tell him from time to time about him being her favorite cartoon character. About how it’s one of the only cartoon’s her late grandfather would watch with her before his passing. In her illustration, she drew the cat giving what he had only hoped to be a thumbs up. Above it, “Camp Gehenna 2005” was written in rainbow-colored text.

“Oh uh hey.”

He spoke, clutching at his arm. Though this was a frequent occurrence, he didn’t expect her to want to meet up with him for lunch.

In her hands, she held two circular boxes that she had tied together and stacked with red yarn.

“That’s right..”

He thought to himself, taking note of this,

“She always cooks for us both..”

He notes, remembering a previous discussion they had about her food allergies. Due to this, she was granted access to the kitchen at all times by the camp head. The fact she bribed him with the first home-cooked meal he had in years may have also played a factor in this however.

Sure it may have been dangerous to grant an eleven-year-old access to sharp utensils and fire, but 2005 was a much simpler time. One where anyone could get away with whatever, without much repercussion for their actions. If someone got hurt, it’d just been seen as another lesson learned.

She wore that same dopey smile again. Her eyes sparkling as they beamed up at him.

“Hey, Hiro!”

“I’ve got a great dinner for us today, but I can’t tell you what it is just yet!”

“It’s a surprise.”

She giggles, grabbing him by the wrist. Before he has time to react, she begins to walk him toward the exit.

“Hey wait a minute-”

He tries to speak, only for her to immediately interrupt.

“I was thinking we could eat outside today.”

“There’s this really nice spot I want you to see.”

“We should hurry though!”

“Dinner ends in 45 minutes!”

They now found themselves, walking through a nature trail. Suzume began to hum a familiar tune as she did so. It was the theme song for “Ferrik the talking cat.” Hiro had only recognized it due to the fact that Suzume would hum it during most mornings breakfast. This particular area was unfamiliar to Hiro. It was just beyond the gated-off area that separated Camp Gehenna from its neighboring community. This being Saninkaigan National Park. It was lush with thick patches of grass and unkempt bushes. This was partially due to the fact that this small bit of land wasn’t owned by either side. Making it out of either of their jurisdiction to take care of.

Though they didn’t see any to verify this. By the sound alone, they could tell that the wildlife in the area was very much active. The jovial tone of a sparrow humming its morning tune echoed throughout.

The counselors would always warn them to avoid it at all costs. Though they never would say why, rumors would begin to float around the campsite. Rumors of venomous snakes that had been smuggled to japan via a rogue plane, rumors of bears possibly inhabiting the area. The most talked-about rumor however involved that of Michael Kurosawa. You see in this small section of land, there was rumored to be an abandoned cabin. This particular cabin was said to be among the first built whenever the camp was first created. It never got used however considering it was on the border of the camp and the park.

They believed that the reason why Michael hadn’t re-surfaced over the years was due to him possibly camping out in it.

Being a horror movie fanatic, Hiro was scared to think of the implications.

“If there really was a serial killer out here, surely they wouldn’t let kids roam freely..”

For the sake of looking strong in front of Suzume, he desperately began to think of possible explanations to trick himself into not worrying. Though he knew deep down that he was just in denial.

“We’re probably safe.. right?”

“If there was a big bad killer, I think he would have made himself known already.”

“That’s what they do in the movies after all.”

“Their whole thing is that they get off on killing people one by one.. right?”

“I doubt he’d just stay idle year in and year out as campers come through.”

He thought as Suzume continued to lead the way.

“Besides, even if Michael was still out here. I’m sure he would have run into major health issues by now..”

“Like, I understand he could always hunt for his food but..”

Picturing a generic masked killer with odor radiating off of him, Hiro covers his nose in disgust.

“In terms of health, I find it hard to believe a human could survive this long without proper care..”

“We’re here!” Suzume announced, slowly releasing her grip on his hand. After what felt like minutes, they came across what looked to be a rocky lakeside path. He remembered that she loved the water, but it was odd to him as to why she took him so far away from their usual spot.

“Hey, Suzume..?”

He called out, genuinely confused by this.

“Don’t we usually go to the docks?”

“Why are we all the way out here?”

Yet, Hiro didn’t gain a response. Suzume just stood there, gripping her now free hand tightly.

Hiro could tell from her body language alone that something was bothering her, but for the life of him he couldn’t guess what.

“Hey.. are you okay..?”

He asked, reaching for her shoulder. Only to back away surprised by her suddenly smacking his hand away, dropping the bento boxes that she had so carefully crafted.

“What’s gotten into you!”


He tries to confront her but is stopped in his tracks the moment she turns around. She’s sobbing profusely. Snot and tears now streaming down her face.

“I can’t do this anymore..”

“I just can’t..”

She pleads, looking up at Hiro.

Hiro tries once again to comfort her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders.

“What can’t you do..?”

He’s genuine with his approach, not choosing to pry and surprisingly not feeling any fear. At this moment he saw his friend in trouble and made the conscious decision to help.

“Did someone do something to you?”

“I’ve never seen you like this.”

He asks, looking into her eyes.

Suzume however can’t bring it upon herself to look back at Hiro. Closing her eyes tightly, she begins to gently punch at his chest.

“I just don’t understand you!”

“Why do you hate me!”


Hiro thinks, confused by this statement. He never hated Suzume. She was the first friend he had upon moving to Hyōgo Prefecture after all. The only reason he decided to go to camp in the first place was to spend more time with her. He remembered all the hurdles that she went through when they initially met. All the things she did just in order to be his friend. So to have that same person wondering if their friendship meant anything, wondering if he hated her? That hurt Hiro deeply.

“How could I ever hate you..?”

“We talk nearly daily don’t we?”

“That’s something you can do with just about anyone!”

“You can talk to someone for years and still hate them you know!”

She states, burying her face into his chest. Though the concoction of tears and snot bled through his shirt, Hiro wasn’t the least bit phased.

“I honestly don’t even know what you’re talking about Suzume”

“But I swear we can talk about it and make this right-”

He tries to bargain, but again she interjects.

“I don’t even know if we can..”

“There’s no way around all of this really..”

“Hiro, in all the time we’ve known each other..”

“Things have felt forced.”

“I feel like I’m nothing more than a burden to you.”

“Someone who you have to pretend to like just to not hurt their feelings...”

Moving away, she begins to back away from Hiro so she can clean her face with her shirt.

“I’m just tired of constantly having to wear a mask..”

“I’m sick of the constant worry of not knowing how exactly you feel..”

Hiro could do nothing but just stand there, waiting for her to finish. Her words had gotten through to him, but he had no idea how to continue the conversation. Rather, he didn’t know what the best thing to say in this situation would be. Believing that silence would be his best bet. It’d give her a chance to express all of her emotions uninterrupted, and show her that he was listening carefully to what she had to say.

Something began to catch Hiro’s attention however.

Shining near his feet was something glowing. It seemed to be coming from one of the bento boxes. He couldn’t quite decipher what it was however. Just that the light reflected off of it, making it appear as though it were sparkling.

“Hiro...I want to know what you think about me.”

“Don’t even sugarcoat it either.”

“I want to know exactly how you feel so I don’t have to constantly be plagued with the what if’s.”

“What does she mean by “what if’s?” ” Hiro thought to himself, not being able to put two and two together. Having still been relatively young and experience less, the very concept of a love confession was foreign to him. While it had appeared as though the feelings he had for her were mutual, his tiny twelve-year-old mind just couldn’t comprehend that just yet. Yet a burning sensation surged throughout him. It was odd, unlike any feeling he had felt before now. As if his body knew what his mind didn’t.

Hiro was in love, but had no way of identifying it.

The palms of his hands began to sweat profusely as his heart rate began to increase. A tight knotting sensation formed in the center of his chest causing him to grab at it. What exactly was this feeling? Why did it compel him to say things without proper rationalization? Why did the girl standing before him look way more beautiful than she was before?

“I really don’t know what you want me to say here Suzume..”

“I’m sorry if I upset you but you should know that I truly do care about you.”

“I’m sorry if I’m not always able to show it..”

“It’s just that I’m still doing my best to recover from the accident..”

“My mind’s been everywhere.”

“And I feel like a dumbass for not being able to do more.”

“I’m still trying my best to figure out things but I know one thing for certain.”

“I don’t hate you.”

“I never could.”

“In fact, I care about you more than I even know how to put into words.

“I’m sorry for how things first started out, if they gave the wrong impression.”

“But I want you in my life.”

Reaching down, Suzume grabs hold of one of the bento boxes. Specifically the one on top. It was the one she had prepared for Hiro after all. Standing back up, she began to press the sides. Snapping the cardboard back into place as to not reveal the contents.


“I still owe you dinner for today, so I apologize if it’s a mess..”

As she’s holding the box outward to him, waiting for him to accept the gift. Hiro can’t help but to notice the red beginning to form on her face as she looks to the side. Due to her feelings, Suzume was hesitant to look him in the eyes.

Hiro, still oblivious to what this whole set-up was about; gladly accepted the box. Taking it into his hands, he took note that it was surprisingly lighter than the past boxes she had prepared for him.

“What’s all in this?”

He questioned, beginning to undo the red bow that tied it together. Yet, Suzume refused to give him a solid answer. Demanding that he “Just open it already..”

Lifting the top slowly, everything began to finally make sense. Hiro’s eyes began to water as he saw the contents of the box. It was none other than a figurine of his favorite superhero. The first superhero ever created, one he first learned of when his parents would take him to kamishibai shows in Akihabara. It wasn’t just any old figure however. It was the same variant of the character that his father had bought him as a child. The same exact figure that caused his untimely death mere moments after.

He recalled traveling with his parents down Akihabara during the winter months. A younger Hiro was accompanied by two adults. So much time had passed however that he’d grown to forget their faces. Only being able to remember a husband and a wife, these were his parents. His mother wore a light brown coat, that he’d remember making fun of. Believing it to look like the exterior of a sofa. She had covered herself with a white scarf, a nice pair of winter boots, and a gray wool hat that barely covered her long blonde hair. His father on the other hand was the polar opposite. Despite it snowing, he wore warm clothes. Opting to just travel with a pair of jean shorts, sandals, and a gray and white striped t-shirt. His most notable features were his chiseled jaw-line, goatee, and his jet-black hair that he wore in a bun. His father was an absolute beef-cake. Due to his size, he’d often be mistaken for a yakuza member, despite despising violence.

Recalling that whenever his mother would pry him to wear warmer clothing he’d always tell her something along the lines of. “Why do I need to stay warm when I’ve got someone as hot as you in my life?” As sly as the line was, it never truly amused her. Even so, she knew there was never a way to talk him out of it.

Today, they decided to visit Akihabara in order to do some last-minute Christmas shopping. It was only a week until the holiday and they were hoping to find all of the good gifts at a discount. From store to store they traveled, yet they were proven wrong every time. In fact, a majority of the stores raised the prices around this time of the month. Believing that the customers who waited this long to purchase gifts for their family would bring in more profit. They were completely right to believe so. Hiro’s father noted that almost every store they visited had a line going down the street.

“It’s getting late. Maybe we should just try another day?” Suggested Hiro’s mother as she looked down at her son sadly. Just hearing this was enough to bring a look of disappointment to Hiro’s face. They had promised to take him shopping all week after all. To go home right now would surely leave him restless all night anticipating their next outing.

“Now that wouldn’t exactly be fair now, would it Misato?”

His father would exclaim, quickly jumping to Hiro’s defense.

“What good is tomorrow if we don’t make use of what’s left of today?”

“Besides babe, there’s still one store left we’ve yet to try out.”

He suggests, digging his hands out of his pockets. His father points to a store on the other side of the street. While, it looked old and run down. It surprisingly didn’t have a line.

Though the lights to the sign had all died, in bold text it read “Rent-a-Flix.”

“A rental store..?”

“Kyosuke you can’t be serious-”

But before she could finish, her husband cut her off. This was something that would become common with the family later down the line. Tossing their son onto his back like a rag-doll, Kyosuke ran across the street in the direction of the store.

Upon entering, Hiro just couldn’t believe his eyes. It was glorious, unlike anything he’d seen before. His interest in film had only just begun to sprout. As a bonding experience, Kyosuke would watch classic films with Hiro. Though some of these films weren’t exactly ones that Misato was fond of.

Believing Hiro to be young to be watching things like slasher films.

“There’s just too much violence there, you’re gonna damage his mind!” she’d say.

Yet, she couldn’t deny that her son reacted differently to these films than other children his age. Hiro wasn’t scared, he knew even at a young age to separate fiction from reality. He loved seeing the situations play out in the films, laughing at the sheer absurdity of certain things. His favorite being how incompetent some of the characters would act in these scenarios. Visualizing how differently he’d react in his head.

Even before his film craze kicked in though, he loved the theatre. Which is why one particular item ended up catching his eyes.

Standing on display on the front counter was a figure of a golden skeleton wearing an all-red cape, and what looked to be lime green wool pajamas. Its eyes were bulging out of its sockets and it held tightly onto what looked to be a rapier sword made out of bone.

“It couldn’t be..”

Hiro thought as he released himself from his father's grasp. Moving closer to the object to get a better look.

Realizing it too, his father couldn’t help but smile. They both were filled with timeless memories, while Misato could have cared less. The figure was of the character Ogon bat. A golden skeletal superhero popularized through local kamishibai theatres. Specifically in his original public domain appearance. Right next to it however appeared to be a vintage hand puppet of Ferrik the talking cat. The puppet however seemed to be used. The strings that held it together were frayed.

Hiro was absolutely dumbfounded, the figure was in mint condition. Yet it didn’t seem to have a label anywhere on it detailing how much it exactly cost. The elderly store clerk appeared to be disheartened watching young Hiro analyze it.

Hiro turned to his parents, ready to express his desire to have the figure. Kyosuke however was already in the process of reaching around in his wallet for precise change.

“Good to see you’re still in business Hajime.”

“I hope you don’t mind me taking that figure off your hands for my kid?”

The old man however seems a bit saddened by the offer, looking down at the figure.

“I don’t know if I can actually sell this one Kyosuke boy.”

“I’ve been saving this one for someone special.”

Kyosuke tries to play it off with a bribe, pulling out quadruple the exact change and setting it in the rectangular tray in front of the store clerk.

“I’m sure we can work out something. Besides, don’t ya owe me for keeping this place afloat after all this time?”

One thing to note about Hiro’s father. The man knew his stocks. Investing in the stock markets early in his life led to him being able to really do whatever he pleased financially. Though he may not look it, the man was loaded.

After a brief moment considering the offer, the old man sadly nods his head.

“I suppose you’re right... I’m sure my granddaughter would much rather like something Ferik related anyways.”

The man hands over the figure and Hiro is overwhelmed with excitement. So much so, that he can’t wait to leave the story to take the figure out of the box. Politely discarding the ripped cardboard before he and his parents' exit.

As they made their way down the snowy Akihabara streets, the couple uncharacteristically agreed upon not holding onto Hiro’s hands. Believing that he should “be a kid” as they put it, and be able to enjoy his childhood. They wanted him to be able to play with the figure to his heart’s content on their way home.

This decision would come with severe consequences.

Ultimately changing the course of Hiro’s life.

Remembering the final fight between Ogon Bat, and Doctor Nazo. Hiro began to recreate it with the action figure and his free hand. Pretending that his less dominant hand, his left was the villain.

He remembered this fight going very differently than how it played out originally. He remembered Doctor Nazo regaining his memory. How Doctor Nazo was never truly the bad guy of the series. Recalling how he and Ogon Bat had actually swapped mindsets in their first bout before their millennia-long slumber. Something that came as a big shock to him, being as how he believed the whole time the literal living skeleton was a hero. Something that in hindsight, he should have known was false. Yet, his underdeveloped mind had yet to gain the ability to process the concept of what truly made something good or evil.

“This will be the final time we battle Ogon Bat!”

He screamed out, launching his fist into the face of the figure.

There was a pop. Just from that one hit, the head of the Ogan Bat figure had popped off. Gaining momentum, it began to roll toward the streets. Still having been a young child, Hiro was primarily focused on getting the stray piece of his toy back. Worried about the possibility that an oncoming car may crush it. Hiro sets down the figure and goes running into the streets. Due to his parents walking in front of him however, they aren’t able to stop him. The sound of screaming from multiple bystanders fills the air, finally alerting his parents.

It appears to be too late though.

Hiro reaches down, collecting the now bruised skull of the figure. A bit disappointed that it was now missing an eye.


Kyosuke screams out, trying to catch his son’s attention.

The boy begins to turn around with a smile on his face, prepared to show his father that the figure was alright.

“Dad, I rescued Ogon Bat!”

“We can put him back together!”

“We can-”

It was then that Hiro realized that 10 feet in front of him, a semi-truck began to barrel down the road toward him. Dropping the head of the figure, he couldn’t help but stare into the lights. It was almost as if he was mesmerized. The sudden rush of anxiety was too much for the young child to handle, so he physically shut down in the moment.

“Hey kid!”

The cries of the bystanders called out as Kyosuke ran to his son's aid. Hiro’s attention slowly turned to his father as he dived forward, kicking away the child from the oncoming truck with the last of his strength.

The cries soon turned to screams, as the people began to run away. Hiro however, lay against the sidewalk petrified. Unable to truly rationalize what had just happened. His mother is now at his side, in tears. The only thing he chose to focus on, was the now discarded action figure. Still where he had left it.

The figure that Suzume gifted him had the same exact damages done to it. The scratched pants from rolling in the streets, the missing eye… There was no doubt about it, this was the same figure he had lost that day. Yet he couldn’t help but wonder how she could have possibly found it. Let alone, how did she know about it? His tears began to stream down his face, as he looked down at her.

“I can't tell you how much this gift means to me, Suzume..”

“I need to know though..”

“How did you come to obtain this..?”

“I’ve never once told you about the specifics of what happened that night..”

Her gaze now met his, as she attempted to force a smile.

“My grandfather and your father were close..”

“I came to find that out through my mom.”

“Before my grandfather’s passing, someone had returned the figure to his store.”

“He had told my mother about how he originally created the figure with me in mind, but I just couldn’t accept it..”

“After finding out what happened with your family, I made a vow to return this to you.”

“So please..”

She bows, her forehead now resting against Hiro’s chest.

“Please accept this gift!”

This gift left Hiro feeling conflicted. On one end, it felt insensitive. On the other however, she had returned to him the only remnant he had left of his father. Exhaling deeply, Hiro dropped the box. This sudden action startled Suzume, who looked up at Hiro confused.

“You.. you don’t like it..?”

Yet without words, Hiro pulled her closer to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he began to hug the girl. Placing his hand gently on the back of her head.

“I love it..”

“And Suzume..?”

“I love you.”

As of that moment, the two had officially solidified their relationship. Having finally confessed their feelings for one another. Before they could continue their dinner date however, a siren began to echo throughout the campground.

“Oh, it’s already time to go back..?”

She asks, unaware that they had spent a majority of their dinner time looking for this secluded spot in the first place. Something that in hindsight wasn’t the smartest of ideas, yet Suzume didn’t want gossip to go around camp if someone were to find out about the confessions.

“I should probably head back immediately.”

“I have the keys to the girls' cabin so if I’m late I won’t be able to hear the end of it!”

“Let's meet up here again tomorrow okay?”

She suggests, looking up at Hiro who is still in the process of absorbing that he now has his first real relationship.

“Oh uh, yeah sure!”

He says cheerfully as she begins to run off into the woods. It’s not until she’s fully out of view however that Hiro begins to realize the error in his actions.

“Wait, you aren’t gonna walk with me?!”

He screams out, but she’s already too far away to hear him.

Hiro was stranded in the middle of the night, in a portion of the land that was unfamiliar to him.

“Alright, Hiro... You’re going to be okay.”

“You’ve been through worse..”

He tells himself, attempting to travel through the underbrush. It’s too dark for him to see ahead of him, and the ground beneath him is too dry for him to be able to retrace his steps.

“You just need to find that gate and you should be in the final stretch..”

Late at night, the wilderness surrounding the national park and the camp was an entirely different beast. The sound of movement came in all directions, filling Hiro with an uneasy feeling of being watched. Looking up at the night sky, he was forced to use the moon as his only source of light. Even that proved to be too much for him to bear however. Mistaking the eyes of an owl to be a man lurking in the trees.

After what felt like hours however, a small dim light up ahead caught Hiro’s attention. Relieved, he began to run toward the light, believing it to be his salvation.

“Finally I made it back to the camp!”

“God, I can already hear Kazuma’s mouth!”

Yet, what he saw stopped dead in his tracks.

“He’s probably gonna talk so much shit-”

Mere feet in front of him, a bonfire had been erected. Normally, one may not think anything of this. You may think it’s a hiker who decided to camp out there for the night, or even a camper that wasn’t part of the Gehenna program. What Hiro saw was far worse. Behind that campfire was the cabin that his peers had rumored about. It was a standard one-story tall cabin house. It looked to be completely abandoned. The windows all shattered, and the door wide open. The thing that worried Hiro most of all however was something he couldn’t explain.

It wasn’t just the fact the cabin existed, he knew better. He knew that even with the proof of its existence, it was just a cabin at the end of the day. It was the fact that the bonfire in front of it seemed fairly new. As if, whoever or whatever crafted it had done so recently. Possibly in the past hour when he and Suzume were having their dinner date even.


He called out, hoping to hear her response. In his small twelve-year-old mind, he believed it to be perfectly logical that despite her telling him her exact plans, that she’d make a pitstop here.

His call however fell on deaf ears.

He scoped the area out, but could see absolutely no one in sight. This clearing seemed completely devoid of life. It was as if, not even the wildlife dared step foot in this ovular shape of the land.

After some time thinking it through, Hiro began to move into the cabin to scope things out.

Hesitant to do so at first, realizing that he’d basically be breaking a cardinal rule of horror movies. He didn’t want to believe Michael was really still out there, but the possibility of a slasher akin to the ones he loved watching being real? That sent chills throughout Hiro. The cabin was in absolute shambles. Aside from a singular mattress, it didn’t appear to have any furniture. The only items dressing the room were shards of glass, leaves, insects, and surprisingly shredded book pages. Walking to the mattress, he couldn’t help but find his curiosity peaked the moment he saw a novel resting on top of the pillow.

It appeared to be a copy of “The Great Gatsby.”

“Hey... I remember this one.”

Hiro thought to himself, flipping through the pages. Rather, the few pages that had been left inside of the book.

“This is a story about the billionaire whose goal he could never truly reach..”

“Despite doing everything in his power, he was always one step away.”

In a sense, Gatsby reminded young Hiro of himself. How throughout his life up to that point, he had always been just one step away from danger. Just one step away from things going awry in his life. In a weird way, this gave Hiro a sense of relief. No matter the past, he needed to cherish his life for what it was.

To do that, he needed to first know what it meant to live in the present.

It was decided. The following morning Hiro had planned to start making the most of his time at Camp Gehenna.

Making his way to the exit, Hiro froze in his tracks. There towering over him was a masked figure. Despite never seeing him, the boy immediately knew who it was.


He questioned, looking into his visage. Hiro had nowhere to run, and the cabin wasn’t large enough to hide in either. He was trapped.

The masked man appeared to be taller than anyone he had seen at that point. Even the tallest person he knew in his life was only about 6’1. That being his late father Kyosuke.

“This is bad..”

“I should have just ran and caught up with Suzume..”

Reminded of that same fear he felt during the death of his father, Hiro can’t help but to fall. Grasping at his knees. Hiro refuses to look up at the killer, going as far as burying his face into his legs.

“Please for the love god don’t kill me!”

He pleaded.

Michael however doesn’t show any hostile intent toward Hiro. Rather, he gently pulls the book away from the child and walks over to the mattress. Leaving Hiro to sit by himself in the middle of the doorway. All the while Michael sat on the edge of the mattress staring him down. After a few minutes passed however, Hiro gained enough courage to finally turn around.


“Y-you’re not gonna kill me..?”

He asked, staring down Michael who had just started reading what was left of chapter 8 of the story. Michael however was incapable of responding, politely shrugging at the child before turning his attention back to the novel. Michael looked...different than Hiro was led to believe. The man’s face had been infused with a burlap sack. It was to the point that he was completely devoid of facial features except for the hollow black holes where his eyes should have been. He wore a fairly new-looking brown jacket over a purple counselors uniform. The hood of the jacket was a lighter brown. When draped over the man’s skull, it gave off the appearance of a cowl. Making Michael seem more like a living scarecrow.

“This isn’t right..”

“Where’s the big cut-out grin?”

“Where’s the giant spearhead..?”

He began to ask the killer, but his questions were ignored. Michael seemed more focused on reading the same excerpt over and over to actually do anything.

“I… better not count my blessings.”

Hiro thought, as he slowly began to creep out of the cabin.

Michael, only choosing now to look up from his book. He watched silently as the boy left.

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