Chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Welcome To Saikan Academy, Sawano!

Project: INFERNO

(A few days later, Sawano was sleeping from his intense battle with Kenta as the trial ended a few days after the fight.)

"Chimon: Everything's back to normal. Sawano's home with us and the gang's happy again. Let's just hope that never happens again."

(A while later, Akari sat in Sawano's room and checked on the sleeping Sawano.)

"Akari: Sawano, you did it. You fought to the end and you did it. I don't know how but you somehow defeated a lightning elemental. Not to mention, Kenta is a twelve star elemental. Besides all of that, I'm glad you're back."

(A few hours later, the gang gathered in the main room.)

"Chimon: Alright, so we got word from Angel that she's the new chief in charge of the Elemental High Commission."
"Everyone: Huh?!?!"
"Chimon: Trust me, I'm shocked too. But from what I heard, Kenta felt bad for going too hard on Sawano and he was inspired more to fight.. So he placed Angel in charge and decided to get back into the fighting spirit."
"Dalton: Well that's good news!"
"Chimon: But we HAVE gotten closer to finding the leader responsible for the assault on both the stadium and the city recently. But with Sawano out of commission, we're going on hiatus for a while until he's cleared up."
"Botan: Another hiatus already? Wouldn't it be a better idea to send some of us out on patrol?"
"Chimon: It's a good Idea yes, but unfortunately we can't risk the team getting attacked like that. Besides, I don't want a recap of the Sawano incident."
"Everyone: Reasonable.."

(A while later, Sawano began to wake up and went outside to check out the night sky. As Sawano stood there looking at the sky, he remembers what happened back at the stadium between him and Kenta.)

"Tsuka: You should be getting rest."

(He turns around to see Tsuka next to him.)

"Sawano: I know, but I'm just remembering some things."
"Tsuka: Like what?"
"Sawano: Honestly, my fight with Kenta changed me. When he activated his trump card, it was unbelievable how.. Strong I was to overpower it. It was power I never fought against. I'd do anything to surpass power like that."
"Tsuka: I see. Speaking of power... What's the secret behind your elemental abilities? They're unlike anything I've seen..."
"Sawano: Well, I don't remember much from my past but my father mentioned my element to me one time long ago. What he told me was...:"


"???: Sawano, you possess a power unlikely to be an ally to both me and your mothers. Let's just say you can make flammable things more powerful when they combust."


"Tsuka: So he never told you the truth?"
"Sawano: Yeah. My family hit a major bump in our road after he went missing."
"Tsuka: Well.. what about your sister..?"
"Sawano: ...My sister and I were there for one another no matter the crisis. But, before our separation my mind was completely blank on what happened. All I remember is my sister and I being pulled apart."
"Tsuka: I know it's not my business to ask but can you tell me the whole story? If you want too."
"Sawano: It's ok, I'm afraid I can't tell you yet, sorry.."
"Tsuka: It's ok! I mean, I understand.."

(Sawano smiles at Tsuka then begins to head back inside.)

"Sawano: Come on, let's get some rest."
"Tsuka: Y-Yeah! Also, Sawano do you think.. I could train with you and Akari someday..?"
"Sawano: Of course."

(The next few days Akari, Tsuka & Sawano have been training together and becoming sharper with their instincts. Until visited by an unexpecting visitor.)

"Kenta: Hey!"
(They all looked and saw Kenta with a few bandages on his body.)
"Sawano: Kenta! It's a good thing you weren't badly injured."
"Kenta: Ah these? They're nothing, how's the arm?"
"Sawano: I won't lie, I kinda put too much force into my arm. My sword kinda has a mind of its own."
"Kenta: Hm. I see, OH! Since we're on the topic, mind if I ask you a question?"
"Sawano: Sure!"
"Kenta: Have you ever given it any thought of fighting officially as a school's elite fighter and student?"
"Akari: Sounds like a great Idea Sawano!"
"Tsuka: Yeah you should do it!"
"Sawano: Hmmm.. wouldn't hurt to give it a shot!"

(The three of them smiled. A few hours later, Sawano signed up to be an official member of an Elemental Academy. After that, he'd look at the top ten fighter ranks.)

"Sawano: Hm.. twelve stars? The one at the top of the ranks seems to be the strongest. Wonder where I'd end up."

(Sawano enters the waiting room with the others that signed up and waits.)

"Fighter: Hey, who's the kid?"
"Fighter #2: Probably someone who's hoping to get their dreams up on getting into one of the elemental academies."

(The others laughed as Sawano ignored them then a female fighter stood and stomped her foot to the ground.)

"???: Hey! He might be stronger than all of you combined, you know?"
"Fighter: So what? That kid looks like he's down in the dumps, maybe he should consider-"
"Coach: Alright, all attendees to the training room."

(Everyone got up and began to head to the training room.)

"???: Sorry for those guys, they happen to be jerks."
"Sawano: No no, it's ok. I've been through worse..."
"???: Well don't beat yourself up! Do good out there!"
(She ran to rejoin the group as Sawano stood there.)
"Sawano: Thanks.."

(Everyone was gathered in the room later on.)

"Coach: Now, you all are here to become official elemental fighters? I see potential in almost all of you but if you wish to make it to the big leagues. Not just that, you will also have the chance to attend an academy. You'll have to prove you're worthy of attending by passing today's tests. Let us begin with the training! May everyone have the best of luck."

(Other competitors laughed and insulted Sawano as he prepared for spar combat.)

"Coach: Also, we'll have all of the Elemental School principals here to vote on who passes and who fails at the end of the training. Right now, we will be sparing. Weapons are allowed, you must knock your opponent unconscious or make him concede."
"Referee: Ready?"
"Fighter #4: You're gonna regret taking on my special weapon, The Gemini Axe!"

(Sawano says nothing and is in a stance.)

"Referee: Begin!"

(The fighter runs towards Sawano for a swing but he dodges it and trips him to the floor. Everyone began to laugh.)

"Sawano: If you're really going to consider close-range, I'd suggest you concede."
"Ragami: Nobody talks to me, RAGAMI LIKE THAT!"

(Ragami continued swinging his axe at Sawano as he continued dodging and countering every swing. The other fighters continued watching as they were a bit worried and embarrassed about underestimating him.)

"Ragami: RAAAHHH!!"

(He'd slam his axe onto the ground, creating duplicates of himself.)

"Ragami: Now you understand the Gemini Axe, it creates numerous duplicates of me depending on my own-"

(Sawano appears behind him and attacks with a charged fist, punching him to the other side of the ring.)


(Almost everyone gasped in awe as they were impressed at Sawano's intelligence.)

"Sawano: You lack focus and concentration toward your opponent. You allow your aura to be easily opened, leaving the advantage to me."

(Sawano appears next to his side and attacks him with two powerful hits as he demolishes him in the ring.)

"Ragami: I.. c-concede.."
"Referee: Match Over! Sawano Wins!"

(Everyone clapped, including the coach.)

"Coach: Excellent win out there, feel free to rest in the back. Alright everyone, next match!"
(A while later, Sawano was meditating in a quiet area inside the facility and he began to remember his past.)


"Okisaki: Big brother!!"
"Sawano: Sister!"

(She'd tackle him and they'd both fall down a grass hill, laughing at the end. Sawano meditates deeply as he remembers him and his sister's separation.)

"Okisaki: NO! I love my brother! I'm not letting you take me away from him!"
"???: Then you leave us no choice.."

(Sawano gasped, waking up from his meditation and anxiously looked around.)


"Sawano: Damn it.. Why do I always remember that..?"
"???: Hey! It's you!"

(She'd walk towards Sawano.)

"Sawano: Oh, hey..."
"Kiri: Sorry! How rude of me, I didn't introduce myself! My name is Kiri, I am also one of the signees here! I could possibly be the only female."
"Sawano: Is that so? Well.. the name's Sawano. New to the town not too long ago."
"Kiri: Well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sawano!"

(Kiri smiled with glee.)

"Sawano(Thinking): Even though I look scary, there are some people out there who can accept me for who I am. That makes me feel grateful.."
"Kiri: By the way, I wanted to ask you a little something. During your match, did you learn martial arts?"
"Sawano: Well actually yes, but it was my own tactic of martial arts. My father taught me it but then I added a few techniques."
"Kiri: That's awesome!"
"Coach: Hey you two! Next event's starting!"
"Both: Coming!"

(Back inside the facility in the gym, many trainers stood by.)

"Coach: Ok everyone, most of you didn't pass the exhibition matches. This time we'll all be doing strength. For this one, you all will be lifting weights. BUT for every five seconds, they will become heavier. These weights are automatically weighted by your power."

(A while later, everyone was lifting weights as they began to get heavier every five seconds. Kiri had a smirk and began to yell with her might as she lifted the weights at the top of her head. Sawano continues lifting the heavy weights with no problem at all.)

"Kiri(Thinking): Impressive.. He's lifting those heavy weights with no problem! I need to match his strength..."
"Trainer: Whoa.. he's good!"

(Later on began the speed test where Sawano and Kiri became the fastest ones by time limit. At the end of the training, the headmasters began the overall judging as the rest of the trainees waited in the rooms.)

"Trainee: That guy is not human.. If he has that much physical power, he must've been training harder than any of us."
"Trainee #2: That girl is pretty decent too, possibly those two might get accepted..!"

(The coach came into the room.)

"Coach: Alright everyone, you are being given your certificates for attending the training. So in shorter words... you all pass."

(Everyone began to cheer with joy.)

"Coach: HOWEVER! Some of you will be picked for the academy, you'll be given an email regarding what academy you've been chosen for. Till next time, good job today everyone and I hope to see you all again soon."

(The trainees began to leave the training facility as Sawano and Kiri walked and talked more.)

"Kiri: So mind if I ask you another question, Sawano?"
"Sawano: Go ahead."
"Kiri: What's that black stuff on your arms?"
"Sawano: Huh?-"

(He'd look at his arms then realized his black veins were showing as the beast was active.)

"Sawano(Thinking): NO.. I SEALED IT.. HOW IS IT STILL THERE..?"
"Kiri: Are you ok..?"
"Sawano: It's... nothing. It's just possibly just some ink or something.."
"Kiri: Oh ok.."

(The light turns green.)

"Kiri: Well, I'll see you soon Sawano. Hopefully we get into the same school!"
"Sawano: Yeah, I hope so."
(Kiri ran across the street and waved at Sawano as she went home. Sawano began to head back to the academy's dorms himself and returned into the guest room.)
"Sawano: Ugh.. wonder if I'm gonna end up here."

(The next day, students was all waking up to a delicious smell.)

"Chimon: Huh..? What's that smell..?"
"Akari: Not sure.. Do you guys smell anything?"

(Edea, Dalton and Botan took a sniff in the air.)

"Dalton: Yeah, I smell that.."
"Edea & Botan: Same here."

(They all looked around then came outside, seeing a giant buffet of breakfast.)

"Sawano: Hey guys!"
"Sawano: Well, it's a thank you for letting me stay here so I decided to cook you guys breakfast!"
"Chimon: (Laughs) A thank you?! Did you check your email?"

(He looks a bit confused as he checks his email, reading the message then looks back at Chimon with a shocked expression.)

"Chimon: Sawano. Welcome to Saikan Academy. Your classes are on the schedule in the email."
(He'd stick his hand out as Sawano shook it in happiness.)
"Chimon: Glad to have you part of the academy. Alright everyone, let's eat!"
"Everyone: Thank you for the food!"

(After a big breakfast outside the academy, everyone praised Sawano for his cooking as the bell rang.)

"Chimon: Alright, everyone to class!"

(A while later, Sawano walked around the halls as class was about to begin.)

"Mr. North: Good morning class. As we all know, we have a new student today and he's officially a new student of the academy, introduce yourself."
"Sawano: Hello, my name is Sawano and it's a pleasure to meet you all as your new classmate."

(Everyone complimented him about his matches at the stadium.)

"Mr. North: Ok that's enough, as you all know. Sawano's the star pupil of this class thanks to his unforgettable matches that happened recently. Sawano, if you would please take a seat."
"Sawano: Of course!"
"Dalton: Hey! Sawano!"

(He'd smile and sit next to Dalton.)

"Sawano: Hey!"
"Dalton: What a coincidence of us being in the same class, man!"
"Sawano: Yeah!"

(After class, Sawano got up to lunch after a long period and walked with Dalton.)

"Dalton: So Sawano, mind if I ask something?"
"Sawano: No problem, what's up?"
"Dalton: I saw you looking at the window. Something on your mind you wanna talk about?"

(Sawano looked down with a depressed look in his eyes.)

"Sawano: Its.. fine."

(Dalton looked at Sawano as they continued walking to the cafeteria, then four seniors walked in front of Sawano and Dalton.)

"???: Yo, Dalton. Who's this wimp? He looks too edgy."
"Dalton: Man, we talked about this.."
"Bluebolt: Hey, newbie. The name's Bluebolt and Saikan Academy is my turf, don't go bringing your dark emo cloud train on my territory. Got that?"

(Sawano kept looking down, ignoring them and continued walking to class.)

"Bluebolt: Yeah, smart move! Hey, you might be fourteen but you don't have the will to face someone more superior than you in a fight!"

(His friends and him laughed at Sawano as he entered the cafeteria and Dalton followed him and they both sat down at a table.)

"Dalton: Sorry about them, Sawano."
"Sawano: It's fine... I've been through a lot of that. I can take it."
"Dalton(Thinking): Sawano's mood has been rather grim lately.. Could it be the exhaustion from all of those fights..? No, it could be the pain of something he's hiding from us but rather would not say. I need to know what it is."

(As everyone began to enter the cafeteria, Sawano had his head down and a group entered the cafeteria and surrounded the table.)

"Senior #2: Hey, wake up."

(Sawano picked up his head, looking at the seniors surrounding him.)

"Sawano: Look, whatever this is about, make it quick. I'm hungry."

(They looked at him with a disgusted look.)

"Senior #2: You think you're all tough? Listen to me, I don't know how a nobody like you, got this much attention. But mark my words, I will-"

(Sawano looked at him with a devilish stare.)

"Sawano: You will what?"
"Senior #2: ....Who or what even are you..?"

(Sawano got out of his seat and stood up.)

"Sawano: Of course.. The question everyone asks me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am an officially enrolled student at this academy, I am someone who doesn't fear anyone, I am someone who does not back down. The name is Sawano."

(The senior was silent as he slowly backed away from Sawano after feeling intense power building inside him.)

"Senior #2: ....You're not human.. I know it..! Let's go guys."

(The seniors walked away as Sawano began to sit back down at the table, even more annoyed.)

"Dalton: I'll uh.. Go get you some lunch..!"

(Sawano sat there, looking down still as Sumizaki came up to him.)

"Sumizaki: S-Sawano..?"

(He looked up after hearing her voice.)

"Sawano: Hey."
"Sumizaki: It's been awhile since those trials.. Right?"
"Sawano: Yeah, it has."
"Sumizaki: How's the injuries?"
"Sawano: They said I just need to avoid fighting for a while. The bandages are still there but, I just have.. another problem."
"Sumizaki: What's that..?"
"Sawano: N-Nothing.. It's fine."
"Sumizaki: Oh.."

(Dalton returned with lunch for him and Sawano.)

"Dalton: Hey Sumizaki!"
"Sumizaki: H-Hi Dalton!"
"Dalton: I brought us some lunch, Sawano, at least try to eat something."

(Sawano sat there, looking more down than before.)

"Sumizaki: Sawano..? Will you please eat..?"

(He'd sigh and eat, Dalton smiling a bit after assuming that he's going to be okay. After lunch, Sumizaki, Dalton & Sawano return to their next class.)

"P.A System: Could Sawano please report to the disciplinary office? I repeat, could Sawano please report to the disciplinary committee office?"
"Sawano: Ugh.. what could they want..?"
"Dalton: Not sure, but you do know how to get there right?"
"Sawano: Yeah, I'll be fine. You guys head to class without me."

(They'd both nod then continue heading to class as Sawano began to walk to the disciplinary committee office. Sawano would then open the door, seeing half the higher-ups in the office.)

"Sawano: ...Whatever's going on must be big.."

(He walked around and saw Chimon speaking with a high level student.)

"Sawano: Chimon."
"Chimon: Sawano, glad you could make it."
"Sawano: What's going on?"
"Chimon: Everything will be explained during this meeting, we've marked you to be excused for your class."
"Sawano: What about the High-Commission? And the rest of the guys?"
"Chimon: They're aware of the situation that's going on. Now you need to know."
"Sawano: What..?"

(Chimon walked to the front of the office.)

"Chimon: Alright everyone, may we all have silence please?"

(Everyone started to quiet down as they began to sit down and some decided to stand and listen in.)

"Chimon: Ok good. Now, firstly I'd like to welcome and thank all of you for attending this urgent meeting. All of you are known as fighters above seven stars. Which means you carry unique and exotic skills in combat. Now, let us begin. As we all know The Order Of The Encursed Elements has committed several crimes lately and even has tried to invade the seven hundred eighty second Elemental Free-For-All. But what has been going on lately was sudden disappearances of multiple fighters and students."

(Chimon puts up a list, naming each of the missing people.)

"???: So tell me, do you believe it is their doing? A clan like them could be given death for such crimes."

(Everyone looked as the Twelve Star fighter, Vanguard Wind walked in.

"Chimon: Twelve star, Vanguard Wind. Late huh?"
"Vanguard Wind: I was busy looking after my own area, cut me some slack Chimon!"
"Chimon: Anyway... it is pretty much clear what everyone knows about the situation so far. But, we have another urgent problem. Twelve star fighter, Kuroto Gauze has been killed on the line of duty."

(Everyone looked at Chimon in shock.)

"Nuclear: What?! Gauze is dead..?"
"Electro-Deuce: How can a twelve star be killed..? They're the strongest elite fighters!"
"Golden Clover: Think about this, someone with a higher skill in combat could surpass Kuroto, but the one thing about him is the fact he's a Void elemental. And Void is one of the strongest elements in our rankings."
"Chimon: Yes, it is true Void is one of the strongest elements known. But what we're dealing with here is something far more powerful than that. We are dealing with.... A negative eleven star organization."

(Sawano sat there and said nothing, listening still.)

"Golden Clover: So a negative eleven star huh? Seems kind of... dangerous."
"Chimon: Also, what we're being told is that someone here in this very room is being hunted by the Order as we speak. But they have a primary objective which they'd do anything to achieve."

(Chimon points at Sawano which made him look up.)

"Chimon: Sawano, The Order Of The Encursed Elements is targeting you.

(Everyone looked at Sawano out of surprise.)

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