Chapter 15:

Chapter 15: Saikan Academy Defends Japan!

Project: INFERNO

(He'd say nothing and began to get up.)
"Sawano: Why.. Why do all of this..? Why was we truly separated...?"
"Okisaki: Why? Why you ask..? Sawano, I want you to listen to me clearly. You might be my big brother, but I NEVER. Loved. You. And why was we separated? I only said all of that about protecting you..? Because you're just a WEAKLING."
(He'd stand there with no other words to say but his head remains down.)
"Kira: Kira believes that's quite enough out of you!"
"Okisaki: Oh..? You honestly believe you can defeat me Kira..? You must've been raised in a family of morons..."
"Kira: Words cannot hurt Kira in anyway, so try as you might she'll not fall to words."
"Okisaki: I believe that's "Come down here and beat my ass senseless" to me. In that case, I shall."
(She'd jump from the top of the stairs and lands on her feet then she'd remove her robe, revealing her black wings and left red and black eye.)

"Kiri: She has the same eye as Sawano's!"
"Kira: Don't worry Kiri, she might be Sawano's sister but we have to stay on guard. Kira has heard lots of rumors about her!"
"Konnor: She's a negative twelve star..."
"Kiri: Negative twelve...?!"
"Akira: Yes.. with one simple clap of her hands, the entire school was demolished."
"Konnor: That's not all, she's responsible for assassination of multiple military commanders in the past four years."
"Okisaki: To end our little class time, I'm also the one who killed our mother!"
(Sawano kept standing there and slowly walked towards Okisaki.)
"Akira: You did what..?"
"Konnor: You're sic-"
(Sawano walks past them and stops as his body was engulfed in flames and stood in a stance.)
"Okisaki: Tch, if you're gonna try to defeat me. You're wasting your time."
"Kira: On Kira's mark-"
(She'd be instantly punched in her gut, through her barrier which began cracking then shatters. Then, Okisaki would drop Kira then kick Kiri across the floor into the wall then she'd collapse onto the floor.)
"Okisaki: Kira, the Goddess Of Creation. For said goddess Chloe was right, you're a bunch of weaklings."
"Kira: You.. bastard... How.. did you break Kira's... shield..?"
"Okisaki: I took that move from my old man, I mean.. OUR old man."
(Sawano squeezed his fist to the point fire exploded on his hand.)

"Sawano(Beast): YOU BITCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
(He'd storm at her faster than ever while roaring to the top of his lungs and tries landing a blow on her as Okisaki continued to dodge his attacks.)
"Okisaki: Aww... is my big brother upset..? Did I hurt him too much..? Too bad!"
(She'd kick his fist into the air then punches him exactly like Kira.)
(She'd steal his power and use it against him as Okisaki punched him again and flames explodes, blasting Sawano straight to the ground but he'd lay there barely alive after the fatal blow then started bleeding around his body.)
"Aw.. did I go too hard on you..?"
(She'd kick him to the other side and stomped on his right arm.)
"Understand this, irrelevant commoner. You might be in the same family as ME, but I'll never accept you as my big brother. I wanted you here so I can kill you myself."
(She'd stomp on his arm again to breaking a bone inside it and he continued to lay there.)
"You don't know how badly I've waited for the day to rid you out of my life."
(She grabbed him by his bloody jacket and pulled him closer to where she bit his neck and ripped off some of his flesh.)

"Tch.. disgusting. I don't even have a beast yet you can't even touch me..?"
(Okisaki lets him go to where his motionless body fell to the ground then she'd kneel next to him and grabbed her own sword and aimed it at his neck and slowly started cutting.)
"Don't worry.. This will be nice and quick.. Just relax and you'll black out soon.."
(The ceiling and walls of the hideout began to collapse as both The High Commission and The Elemental Federal Branch arrived in time then Okisaki quickly vanished back into the darkness.)
(Sawano laid there in his pool of blood and remembered the first time he was going to die.)
"Sawano(Thinking): Xiazress.. Kiri.. Kira... I'm... sorry..."
(He closed his eyes and continued bleeding out.)

-Three Months Later...-

(Everyone waited at the hospital waiting room for access to see Sawano. Akira, Tsuka and the rest of the Disciplinary Committee stayed quiet for they finally had a chance to visit Sawano after three months.)
"Doctor Zachary: Are you all familiar to Sawano..?"
"Chimon: How is he..?"
"Doctor Zachary: Come with me..."
(The High Commission, Disciplinary Committee and Akira followed him to Sawano's room. After a while, they stopped and he shows them Sawano on the hospital bed hooked up to different types of machines. Akira fell to his knees and kept looking at him, later on crying.)

"Chimon: Oh my- No.."
"Angel(Voice breaking): Sawano...."
(Akira punched the wall repeatedly in anger.)
"Akira: Damn it.. DAMN IT.. DAMN IT.. DAMN IT...!!! Why did he have to take her on...?"
(Tsuka looked away, crying.)
"Doctor Zachary: I'm afraid the battle Sawano has been through injured him to his limit. His sword was shattered and it's impossible to have it repaired at this point.. It took us three months to fix his sword along with calming down his virus. Unfortunately, there was no chance in saving him all this time."
"Edea: You mean.."
"Doctor Zachary: As much as I hate to say it, but its time to call this off. He's no longer in any condition for any fight and its possible, he won't make it out of the coma."
(Kiri rested her hand on the window and scraped it down, tears flowing from her cheeks.)
"Ash: Can you do anything..? Anything at all..?"
"Doctor Zachary: Even if I could, I would. But his injuries are far too severe. His core and his beast is the only thing keeping him alive right now. I'm sorry..."
(Zachary began to walk off as everyone remained silent for Sawano but meanwhile in The Void Realm. Xiazress locked herself in her room in depression and was only thinking about Sawano.)

"Xiazress: Through so much.. Thick and thin.. He'd never stop fighting.... He would do whatever it took.. And now.. This happens to him..."
(She remembered looking at his brutally battered body as she began to cry again but sobbed loudly in her pillow.)
"Clara: Sir Sawano..."
"Allastir: Damn.. I can't believe this happened to him.."
"Guron: Xiazress sure is taking it rough, she shouldn't be bothered for a while."
(Somewhere on Earth, Tayna then hears of the news at her clan's hideout.)
"Tayna: Sawano's what..!?
(Other Decayed Retribution members looked at Tayna with a sad expression on her face after she left her cabin.)
"Member: Tayna..? What's wrong..?"
"Tayna: I'm going to Earth for a while, its... urgent business. You're in charge till I come back Vlad..."

(She'd then leave her hideout and made it to Earth. After so, Kira was banished to Earth after losing her role as a Goddess for Element Abuse but was given back her powers then she'd walk towards the hospital Sawano is being held. A while later Kira arrived at the hospital to visit Sawano then walked to his room then entered his room and sat down looking at his horribly wounded body.)

"Kira: Sawano. At first, Kira had her doubts about taking a liking to you. But now, she knows the truth. You're a someone who carries power unlike any other. Sawano, Kira believes you can surpass anything. Even though the consequences are deep, you continued pushing forward and fighting till the end. Kira doesn't see you as an acquaintance anymore Sawano, Kira sees you as a... trustworthy comrade, a friend."

(She held his hand and felt his burn marks on his right hand then a knock was heard on the door.)
"Tayna: Excuse me.. Are you a friend of Sawano..?"
"Kira: Yes, you're Tayna of Decayed Retribution?"
"Tayna: Yup."
"Kira: Kira sees."
"Tayna: What happened to him and how did this... happen to him...?"
"Kira: We was up against his sister, Okisaki Magachi."
"Tayna: Her..? The negative twelve star...?"
"Kira: Yes, Sawano's own move was used against him but four times more stronger. His ribs are destroyed, his lungs are barely working and he hasn't woken up in three months.."
(Tayna looked at Sawano's burnt right side of his face.)
"Tayna: I see.."
(She'd later on notice the missing arm bracelet she gave Sawano.)

"Tayna: The bracelet.. He took it off....."
"Kira: A bracelet?"
"Tayna: Whenever Sawano recoils after use of HellBlazer, he'd vomit black blood. I gave him a special arm bracelet that'll save him from those types of problems."
"Kira: Ah... I see, the question Kira want to know is why did he push himself..?"
"Tayna: Your question is the same as mines.."
(The nurse came in later on.)
"Nurse: Excuse me, it's getting late and visiting hours ends in a few minutes."
(They understood and began to leave.)
"Tayna: Rest well Sawano, I know you're still there.. But you can fight this."
"Kira: See you soon Sawano."
(They'd both leave as Kira switched the light off and closed his hospital room's door.)
(A few days later at Saikan Academy, homeroom class was beginning to start.)
"Mr. North: Ok, class before we begin we have an update regarding Sawano."
(The entire class looked up in worry.)
"According to the doctors and surgeons, Sawano's path of fighting.... has ended indefinitely."
(Most of the students would burst in tears as others remained in silence or shock.)

"Konnor: Yeah.. we're pretty much aware.."
(Konnor looks at the window.)
"Mr. North: I know you all are upset, but Sawano's actions has saved us countless times. For his bravery, there will be no school next week. After several assaults on the academy, we all could use a break. So for now, let us continue our lesson."
(As Mr. North began teaching the class, Akari sat there and regretted everything she said and did to him then a while later a knock was heard on the classroom door.)
"Mr. North: Come in!"
(Oshikida enters the room and stands in front of the class, half of the room in shock.)
"Ah right! Class this is our new student, Oshikida Kiowara."
"Konnor: Oshikida!?"
"Dalton: You're alright?!"
"Oshikida: Yup! The doctors told me I was out for two months so I had to stay put in the hospital for a while."
"Mr. North: Alright, Oshikida. Please take a seat wherever you see fit."
(She'd sit down next to the empty desk Sawano sat at.)
"Oshikida(Thinking): I overheard everything that happened to you Sawano... If I was there, I could've helped you and became stronger... And now you're hospitalized...?"
(Oshikida began to cry a bit as she thought about Sawano. A while later, the news started talking about the hospitalization of Sawano and the press was surrounding the hospital. Oshikida was walking past the crowded hospital and went to a nearby coffee shop.)

"Worker: Welcome!"
(She'd take a seat on the stool and took off her hoodie.)
"What can I get you?"
"Oshikida: Hot coffee, medium sugar."
"Worker: Coming up!"
(She'd watch the TV as she waited for her coffee and saw Sawano's doctors talking to the press then a minute later, her coffee was placed in front of her.)
"Here you go!"
"Oshikida: Thank you."
(She'd pay for the coffee and takes a sip of it and continues watching the news.)
"Worker: Interested in the Sawano story huh?"
"Oshikida: Yeah.. he's actually my... childhood friend."
"Worker: Oh..! I'm sorry for that.."
"Oshikida: I just wished I was right there for him, but now he's hospitalized from his own sister.. The negative twelve star, Okisaki Magachi."

"Worker: Wait.. Okisaki Magachi is Sawano's sister?"
"Oshikida: Yes, I didn't see the fight for myself. But she was strong enough to render him in critical condition."
"Worker: Whoa, she's that powerful..? That's terrible.."
"Oshikida: Yeah... but I know Sawano more than anyone.. He'll get back up and fight again."
(He'd smile and hand her Oshikida's money back.)
"Worker: The coffee's on the house. You have lots of trust in him and to be honest, I strive to be like him too one day. With or without an element."
(Oshikida would smile then grab her coffee and finish it.)

"Oshikida: Guess we both have different goals on the same person."
"Worker: Yeah."
(They'd both laugh.)
"Oshikida: Well.. I should get going, I got a test coming soon and school gets held out for the next week."
"Worker: Ah that's ok, come back anytime!"
(She smiled at him as she left the coffee shop and began heading back to the dorms but stopped at the sidewalk and looked at the hospital as the press continued to gain answers.)
"Oshikida: Sawano, for you.. I will get stronger and I will fight for you..."
(Chimon was looking outside his office's window, remembering how Sawano looked in the hospital.)
"Chimon: Angel, what do you need?"
"Angel: Nothing... thinking about him again huh?"

"Chimon: Its just unpredictable that something like this could happen to him. Look at us, we captured Velriot, Maseda & Chloe because of him. Bloodhound & Widow Butcher are gone and now we know we're dealing with a negative twelve star enemy. With Sawano out of commission, we're doomed.."

"Angel: Its painful to see him this way, what are we going to do..?"
"Chimon: I need to consult with the Elemental Federal Branch. This academy has suffered too many invasions and attacks, we'll need twenty four seven protection from the branch."
"Angel: But a lot of our fighters are injured after the invasion on the school."
"Chimon: We'll be sure to bring in more elemental fighters for the school."
"Angel: Sounds like a plan."
(Angel began to walk off and went outside the school to make a call.)
"Girl(On Phone): Hello?"
"Angel(On Phone): Hey, we might need your assistance. Sawano's down."
"Girl(On Phone): The hell happened to him?"
(She'd tell her everything.)

"I see.. Meet me at our favorite place in a few minutes. I'll be there."
(They both hung up and met at the cafe where they both sat down.)
"Angel: Sierra, can you help me?"
"Sierra: I can but it won't be an easy task for me, I might be a twelve star.. But I'm on the retirement path after eighteen years."
"Angel: Well can you at least call the retirement off for a bit..? We want to hunt down Okisaki Magachi and bring her in."
"Sierra: Okisaki Magachi, Sawano's own sister?! She's the one who hospitalized him?! Why didn't you say so sooner, I'd be more than delighted to kick her ass."
"Angel: Oh.. thank you very much Sierra, words cannot comprehend how much I appreciate it."
(They shook hands and both accepted their deal. The next day, the nine stars and above fighters was gathered into the headmaster's office.)
"Electro-Deuce: What's the call for Chimon?"
"Chimon: Things are beginning to turn worse."
"Konnor: What do you mean?"
(Chimon drops a black sphere on the table which cracks open and plays an automated message then Okisaki appears.)

"Okisaki: Headmaster of Saikan Academy, you've seem to have captured my executives but there's a lot more where they have came from. In the meantime, I thought I should tell you a tiny secret. Coming soon will be a non-stop swarm of monsters invading the city within five hours time. And when I return to that school, I'm taking your heads.. Cya soon!"

(The message would stop and the ball would disappear.)
"Ash: This is bad.. VERY bad.."
"Konnor: The hell are we going to do..?!"
"Nuclear: We don't have enough numbers on our side to take down Okisaki!"
"Electro-Deuce: PLUS, She's the reason Sawano's hospitalized!"
"Chimon: I'm aware.. That's why I have no choice but to release the academy's secret weapons."
"Angel: Secret weapons?"
"Edea: What do you mean?"
(Chimon puts out a candle with his fingers as he was then serious.)

"Chimon: My strongest of the strong, there are four elite fighters that swore to protect this academy from any threat. Unfortunately, I had to call them when we deal with a negative twelve star situation and now the time is right."
"Akira: What are we supposed to do till then?"
"Chimon: In five hours, monsters are going to storm from every angle of Hakodate. This could go down as a massive bloodbath in Hakodate history, you all are to be prepared for battle and risk everything you got. EVERYTHING!"
"Angel: I'll alert the Commission to place an emergency evacuation quickly! Konnor, Ash lets go!"
"Nuclear: Me and Electro-Deuce can recruit more fighters but we'll find those with compatible combat skills."
"Chimon: Good luck everyone, I'm counting on you all.. Protect this academy with all your life."(As everyone separated, Chimon picked up the phone and started calling the elites. The phone would then be answered.)

"???: Chimon."
"Chimon: Jakuru, its time."
"Jakuru: Say no more, me and the boys are on the way. Who we dealing with this time?"
"Chimon: Okisaki Magachi."
"Jakuru: The big fish, we're on it."
(He'd hang up and grabbed his rod.)
"Boys, time to go. Boss man's ready for us and we're going after Okisaki Magachi."
(They'd be excited and grab their weapons as they headed toward the academy.)
"Chimon: Without Sawano, this battle will be tough. But we can win this, we just have to put everything we got into taking that bastard down."
(As the hours passed, all the fighters nine stars and above began preparing for their battles.)
"Akari(Thinking): Sawano. Even if you're a monster, even if you're the son of Kirby Magachi. If you was here right now.. I'd wanted to tell you how sorry I am for pushing you away from us..."
(Multiple top ranked fighters appeared at the academy with the other fighters and Chimon.)
"Vanguard Wind: So, Okisaki Magachi's forcing her way into the city?"
"Chimon: Yes and I see you brought some of the top tens across the twelve star rankings."
"Vanguard Wind: Indeed I have."
(A fighter in her green tribe's robe walks up.)

"Ethereal: Its nice to meet you all! My name's Ethereal."
(Another fighter with a golden katana stepped up.)
"Nightwave: I'm Nightwave."
(Three more fighters stepped up, introducing themselves.)
"Shadowstar: Shadowstar, at your service everyone!"
"Aceman: Aceman, a pleasure to work alongside you guys!"

"Vanguard Wind: These are five here are the top ten of the twelve star ranks. Ethereal has the ability to teleport in or out of this dimension at will and also is very skilled with portals which makes her rank six. Nightwave was abandoned in an old village that died months ago but grew himself up into becoming a stealthy master of both sword combat and ninjutsu which makes him rank four. Shadowstar is known for living across the galaxy and being given the nickname: The Guardian In The Stars, he also can manipulate a star at will and make it into a weapon so his lucky talents places him on rank five. Aceman is the master of illusion arts, his abilities are far outstanding for both offense and defense which places him at rank two."

"Chimon: So you've managed to get rank two, if rank one was able to show we'd have the advantage."
(The clock would begin ticking down to the final seconds as The High Commission made it back in time.)
"Crystalline: All civilians has been evacuated and the city's empty and quiet."

"Chimon: Everyone, listen closely. This is a battle that will most likely lead to a war in the future. We've captured three of six primary targets. When that clock hits noon, hell is going to break loose so I want you all to fight like your life depends on it! She said she had more than those executives, I will be leaving the one stars and above to them as for the nine stars focus on destroying every monster you see and defend this academy by any means necessary!"

"Everyone: RIGHT!"
(They all waited in positions as the clock was striking down its final ten seconds.)
"Tsuka(Thinking): This is for you Sawano.. I swear to come back to you with a smile and say we did it."
(The clock would toll loudly across the city then Chimon tightened his grip on his staff and monsters began swarming every part of the city.)
"Chimon: Everyone.. WE NOW FIGHT! Report all of your current situations throughout the communication buds!"
"Everyone: RIGHT!!"

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