Chapter 62:

Chapter 61: Past Gaito VS. Future Gaito!

Project: INFERNO

(Goxius and Tayna stood back as they both witnessed both Gaito's in a fast yet dangerous one on one fight. For every hit they land echoed throughout the destroyed wasteland in Olympus but did not care as Past Gaito was suddenly becoming faster than future him and started striking faster with his cutlass.)
"Future Gaito: As usual, I don't intend to fail myself!"
"Past Gaito: Yet it seems future me's gotten cocky!"
"Future Gaito: I know every last prediction you'd do!"
(As said Future Gaito then correctly predicted every attack and counter Past Gaito performs and does the same which the both does not land a hit on one another yet.)
"Goxius: Damn it.. Now I can't see a thing.."
"Tayna: They're moving too fast!"
(As Past Gaito nearly grazed Future Gaito's cheek, he backed away and summoned two elements on each of his arms.)
"Future Gaito: Lightning on my right, thunder on my left! Lets kick it up a notch..."
"Past Gaito: Tch, bring it."

(Future Gaito then bursts himself toward Past Gaito at ear-bursting speed but he then avoided every last attack Future Gaito throws at him. After Past Gaito lands a strong kick to Future Gaito's left arm, he countered it with a powerful shockwave which created strong winds with a rumbling boom. Past Gaito landed on his feet as he skid across the field and looked at the bruise given to his leg but felt its numbness which had a smirk on Future Gaito.)

"Future Gaito: It seems that must've stung..! When a sound-like element impacts with the body, it creates Shock Absorption which recoils the attack thrown from the offending user back at them. Temporarily making that limb paralyzed depending on the force!"
"Past Gaito: So you've managed to numb my left leg just by rattling it with thunder? Neat little trick... but I got more tricks than the future holds."
(Past Gaito then reached into his pelt and pulled out four swords at the same time which surprised Future Gaito and landed a sneaky elbow strike to his face as Past Gaito then caught two swords in his mouth but held two at the same time using both hands.)

"Future Gaito(Pained): That was a dirty TRICK..!"
"Past Gaito(Mouthful): Dirty trick my ass! Quit whining and draw a sword!"

(Future Gaito then smirked as he drew the newly customized Hellblazer and they both engaged in fast-paced sword combat. Past Gaito was striking swiftly and forcefully with four swords from his arsenal and started landing cuts across Future Gaito's body which Future Gaito then returned in sync with his swords although he's using one. Tayna and Goxius could once again see them fighting but at fast speeds which starting creating small gusts of wind which becomes stronger for every clash of their swords connected.)

"Future Gaito(Thinking): As usual, I don't fail myself in sword combat!"
"Past Gaito: Quit getting distracted!"
(Future Gaito then yawned as he continued fighting with one sword but they both then separated as Past Gaito then delivered a big slash on Future Gaito's gi which had him worry a bit about what just happened.)
"Future Gaito(Thinking): Bastard's increasing his speed which is making it harder for me to predict his next moves. If that's how he wants to play it, I'll just kick things to the next level with this next element combination..."
"Past Gaito: If you're planning to stop me with some elemental combination, you better hope its a good one. Otherwise, I'm jamming this sword through your neck and I'll just kill you."
"Future Gaito(Aloud): You plan to do what?! HA! Do you understand what you're saying kid? I'm the future you, I know exactly what you'd plan to do. As for my element combination, allow me to show you the ones I shall finish you with!"
(Future Gaito's aura then glowed a bright chrome color as he introduced element by element and circuited across his body which Tayna and Goxius did not expect at all and surprised them both from the amount of elements called out.)

"Hellfire. Thunder. Lightning. Explosion. Darkness. Plasma. Ice. This combination of elements is how I've taken down Sawano in one blow. The same fate shall go to you since you're closer to that excuse of a "hero" or a "fighter" and that is a brutal shame too-"
(Without hesitation and at warping speeds, Past Gaito's Zanbato was rammed through Future Gaito's neck which he did not predict in time as he then started to choke on his own blood.)
"Past Gaito: I. Wasn't. Joking."

(Future Gaito then stumbled backwards as he then fired the massive elemental wave which was charged at Past Gaito but he avoided it in time but ended up having his face scarred from a chunk of ice cutting the right side of his face straight to his forehead. Future Gaito then fell over as he looked up into the skies of Olympus and Past Gaito stood over him and pulled Zanbato out his neck and aimed it for his heart.)

"Last words?"
(He could not speak as his vocal cords was cut as well but smiled as he did not try to speak. Past Gaito then kept Zanbato aimed at his heart as he looked at Goxius.)
"Goxius. Fix his vocal cords."
(He nodded and reversed the damaged on his vocal cords which Future Gaito could now speak again and he looked at Past Gaito.)
"Future Gaito: You... managed to... g-get me... Heh... I may as well.. tell you one last thing... The multiverse v-villain I mentioned...? He has a name... Knitemare..."
"Past Gaito: Knitemare?"
"Future Gaito: Dimension by dimension... he's been hunting and hunting.. fighting and challenging the best of the best fighters.. He has... over one hundred... elements, he's immune to any... and all elemental attacks.. He's immortal too... I've checked all timelines, he'll appear in yours in the next three.. y-years.. remember that..."
"Past Gaito: Thanks. Anything else?"

(He shook his head saying no and kept the smile on his face. Past Gaito then nodded and thrusts Zanbato through his heart which Future Gaito then closed his own eyes as he died from his own hands. Past Gaito then stood up as he carried the blood-drenched Zanbato.)
"Hey. Goxius."
"Goxius: Yes Gaito?"
"Gaito: Restart this entire dimension and change the timeline, I can't stand the quietness."
"Goxius: Are you sure Gaito..? That'll take a lot of my magic ability to pull off.."
"Gaito: I'm serious. Use Dimensional Reset and change the timeline, fix everything!"
"Goxius: I understand. I'll need a few seconds in order to pull it off but for now, you both remain in the time capsule."
(Tayna and Gaito walked into Goxius's capsule as he then teleported himself to the center of Japan which was very quiet. Goxius then sat there and meditated which a massive magic circle was appearing beneath him then in the sky, descending to the ground was a massive clock which was beginning to descend to touch the ground.)

"Tayna: What is that..?!"
"Gaito: Its a giant ass clock. What else?"
(The clock was then inches from the ground as Goxius kept his concentration locked and uninterrupted. The clock then lands on the ground which creates a very audible gong which was heard across the whole planet. Tayna covered her ears in pain as Gaito stood there watching.)

"Tayna: My Ears!!!! How are you not affected?!"
"Gaito: I dealt with much worse sounds like so."

(After the fifth gong, a shockwave is created which expands across all of Earth until it reaches the end of the dimension. Goxius then gripped his grimoire and raised one finger which the circle began to grow which then imploded, everything in the entire timeline was beginning to erase from existence as Goxius quickly returned to the time capsule and teleported the three of them away before they was erased too.)

"Goxius: That was close.."
"Gaito: Lucky you made it back."
(After departure, the entire dimension exploded into nothingness but particles and bits of the entire dimension was being put back together at a fast pace. Meanwhile, Goxius returned Gaito and Tayna to their timelines exactly, Gaito then reopened the doors to his mansion and lays down on his couch and sighed.)
"Tayna: So.. Three years. Three years is how long until this "Knitemare" appears?"
"Gaito: Yup! He sounds like a powerful badass of course. According to what future me said, he's immune to all elemental attacks, he's immortal and has over one hundred elements within him. Either its just me or I'm just already excited to meet this guy..? In fact, I may as well let Choryrth know just for the time being."
(In the Void Realm, Onara was sitting on her throne as she was examining her javelin and thought about what Sawano said.)
"Onara: Either he didn't know or he did, I still find it unreasonable."
(One of Onara's servants entered the throne room and bowed before her.)
"Servant: Lady Shiori, you have a visitor."
"Onara: At this time? Send the person in."
(As the person was invited in, Onara looked at the flames and realized Sawano came into the Void Realm to talk to Onara.)

"Sawano? Why are you here?"
"Sawano: Onara, I need to talk to you about something."
"Onara: Huh?"
(After explaining what's going on with Sawano's family issues, Onara started thinking.)
"Hmm.. Now that you've given me a clearer understanding, sorry for being mad at you. But, considering you and Gaito as cousins, there is the possibility of him actually having the Anti-God blood within him. Which actually reminds me speaking of cousins, what happened to Kazuya?"
"Sawano: I was too late. He's... considered brain dead after three months..."
(She facepalmed herself and sighed.)
"Onara: Sawano. No one was at fault except Kazuya. If you want my honest opinion, charging at an enemy without a plan is not just a death wish... It's idiotic."
"Sawano: I see. Also, one more thing. I've spoken with Baisho, he's alright for now but he allowed me to form a team to fight against the Tyrants-"

"Onara: Not interested. Sawano, I appreciate fighting alongside you as a friend but anything that involves Earth is not my business. I only participated the first time was to see how strong they are. Judging on what I've seen, I'd rather just watch and I'll predict what happens next. Besides, I may be half human, but the Void Realm is where my responsibilities lie."

"Sawano: You're joking right?"
"Onara: Do I look like a clown? No. My answer still remains, Sawano. If I do happen to show up, I'm only watching so I can make the right predictions."
"Sawano: I understand. But if you change your mind, at least contact me."
"Onara: I'll keep that in mind."
(Sawano then left the Void Realm and went around Japan, asking to recruit fighters to fight against the Tyrants but he returned to Saikan Academy later on and had his head down on his desk in the High Commission's office.)
"Oshikida: What's wrong Sawano?"
"Sawano: No one wants to help out with the Tyrants and I can hardly find anyone who just fought them. This is going to be difficult."
"???: Excuse me, are you Sawano Magachi?"
(He looked up at an individual who was carrying a gun on one side of his waist and a sword on the other but then noticed the American flag on his shirt's center.)

"Sawano: You're from the United States right...?"
"Braylon: Yes I am. Please, forgive me for barging in but allow me to introduce myself. My name is Braylon Reynolds. I am Freedom Knight's father."
(Sawano then perked right up as the others overheard at his introduction.)
(The girls then fawned over him as most fainted in her presence.)
"Sawano: Um.. What is your reason for coming here..?"

"Braylon: I overheard the news of my son's death. I should be angry at Gaito for the one responsible for murdering Nathanial... but what Gaito done was reasonable. Once his uniform was ever ripped, he would have to be killed or knocked unconscious. I do not blame him for murdering my son, I blame those despicable tyrants! They've brainwashed my son into joining a corrupted government... I will have every last tyrant locked away for the rest of their pathetic lives! Sawano Magachi, I beg of you..."

(He got down on his knees and begged in front of him which Sawano felt uncomfortable then.)
"Let me join as a legal commandment against the tyrants. I will make them pay for corrupting my son..! I will provide as much aid needed!"
"Sawano: Alright! Alright... No more begging please.. I hate that."
(He stood up as Sawano sat back down and sighed.)
"Although, this could give us an advantage. I accept your offer, we need nine more."
"Braylon: Lucky for me, I'm familiar with a scientist here in Japan. If we can convince him to fight on our side, he could lend us technical support against them."
"Sawano: Sounds like a plan to me."
(They both then shook hands in agreement as they both walked out the office to find the scientist in Japan.)

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