Chapter 80:

Chapter 79: Onara's Final Decision!

Project: INFERNO

(As a week has already went by, Onara and Shibuto was continue to ponder about an event to prove Onara's truthfulness after going through over one thousand pieces of options delivered by the angry mob after their departure.)
"Shibuto: This isn't good... Most of these things are basically impossible!"
"Onara: Its fine, whatever one is more interesting is what we go with Shibuto!"
"Shibuto: This list doesn't look that bad, there's creature slaying, winning a professional sporting event, cooking contest and-"
(He took a pause on the last option which he grabbed scissors and snipped it off the paper and threw it directly in the trash with a disgusted look on his face.)
"Onara: What was the last option on that list?"
"Shibuto: Something very suggestive that perverts wrote."
"Onara: Gross."
"Shibuto: There's got to be something..!"
(Another rock was thrown through Onara's window, the angry mob returned earlier than expected which Onara was sitting where she was, more annoyed.)
"Onara: Come on...!!!!!!!!!"
"Shibuto: Stay there, I'll try and make them leave again..!"
(Shibuto ran downstairs to the outside as Onara was sitting motionless but listened in.)
"Look everyone, I know you're looking for Onara but she's not here. She went out for a walk outside of Grayfall."
"Shibuto: NO! NO! NO! Listen to me, she promised she'd return! I swear it..!!"
(The angry mob was then more furious as they started banging and shaking the gates. Shibuto backed away as the guards of the palace rushed out to defend the gates.)
(Onara walked to the outside with irritation clouding her face as then then stomped on the last stair on the way down which created absolute silence.)

"Onara: A tournament."
(Shibuto heard her but the others was a bit confused on Onara's response.)
"I will hold a tournament to prove my innocence. Since the people does not believe me, I will fight for their trust."
"Shibuto: O-Onara.. You're gonna what..?!"
"Mobster Leader: I'M DOWN FOR IT!"
(Onara walked to the gates and focused on the mob's leader.)
"Onara: The terms shall be this..."
(She cleared her throat and gave a serious glare.)
"If the tournament concludes with me as the winner, you all must understand I was telling the truth the entire time."
"Mobster Leader: If you lose just one round in the tournament, you must vacate your THRONE AND NOT RETURN TO THE VOID REALM, EVER!"
(They both shook hands to the deals.)
"Onara: Very well. I will take care of the tournament details, arena and location. Now leave. This. Palace. AT ONCE!"
(Onara gripped the leader's hand and squeezed it tightly without hesitation which scared the others a bit and the mob backed up and left the palace's property.)
"Shibuto: Onara..?"
"Onara: I'm fine Shibuto... I still promised to train you. I'll handle the tournament details tomorrow, my disciples comes first."
"Shibuto: I understand."
"Onara: You guys can stand down now, but keep watch of the gates."
(The guards understood her order and did so. Meanwhile, Onara and Shibuto got into training, Onara was increasing Shibuto's gravity just like in Gaito's training room.)
"Onara: Not bad, you're able to withstand seven hundred times of gravity, hiding a secret from me aren't you Shibuto..?"
"Shibuto: Its not... M-Much of a secret but..! Gaito has a training room where it surpasses today's t-technology..!!!"
"Onara: Is that so? Then let me crank it up for you!"
(She then extended the gravitational pull to two thousand which Shibuto was being forced down to his knees but he continued to fight it.)

"Try to break out of it! We're not moving on until you escape the gravitational effects!"
(Shibuto was struggling to escape still but started to bend his legs straight and was beginning to break out of the gravity's force.)
"Shibuto: I'M.. G-GONNA... S-SURPASS..MY LIMITS!!!!"
(Shibuto's Cosmic Aura was shining out of his body as the Tamarei's pride was calling for him. After so, he then forced himself to his feet, straining from the effects still.)
"Onara: Wow. Just wow.. Words cannot describe how impressed I am, Shibuto."
(Onara removed him from the gravitational pull and gave him a smile. Shibuto stood there panting and sweating from struggling.)
"Tired yet?"
"Shibuto: N-No..! Lets keep going..! What's next?!"
"Onara: Hm.. Do you know how to manifest your space ability into an object?"
"Shibuto: I don't think so.."
"Onara: That's what we'll work on then. I want you to try and focus, close your eyes first."
(Shibuto closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. A black yet starry gas was forming, Onara watched but noticed what he was doing wrong.)
"Hold on! You're forcing yourself, you can't mess this up and be quick. You have to be slow, concentrated and absolutely focused on manifestation. If you mess up, you could accidentally create a collapsing star that'll eradicate the galaxy, so be careful and concentrate..."
(Shibuto heeded Onara's warning then continued to focus on the starry gas and started manifesting its body into a physical weapon. After a few moments of nonstop concentration, the weapon was finished its manifestation and was revealed to be a grimoire.)
"Shibuto: Whoa!"
"Onara: It seems we found your true weapon, a grimoire!"
"Shibuto: I'm a magic user now..?"
"Onara: Seems like so, guess you got to learn how to use it grimoires now!"
"Shibuto: But wait..! I want to learn your sword attack, how come you've been avoiding it..?"
(Onara then was silent with her head down and sighed.)

"Onara: Shibuto, I want to come clean. That attack I did to Helios wasn't any ordinary move, the sword strike you saw me use was the deadly "Boridokurakku" or known in the English language, "Voided Crack." The attack shortens one's lifespan in return for a one shot kill. Immortal or not, not one being has survived the Voided Crack sword strike."
"Shibuto: What are you saying..?"
"Onara: For every time I use that attack, it begins to gnaw away at my lifespan. I'd die sooner than later if I used it more than once."
"Shibuto: How many times did you use that attack..?"
"Onara: I only used it twice before. Once was when I've killed Vexx and the other was for Helios. The reason I cannot teach you this ability Shibuto is because, this will kill you. I hope you understand. Its not like I don't want to teach it, I just can't... You have to get stronger if you want to learn an attack like that. I personally-"
(Shibuto patted her shoulder and smiled.)
"Shibuto: I understand Onara, its okay. I'll get stronger, I don't plan to fail you!"
(Onara then smiled with a chuckle.)
"Onara: How did I get lucky with a loyal student like this brat..? Alright, I'll keep that in mind!"
"Shibuto: One thing, are you sure about having a tournament?"
"Onara: Of course I am! Its my final decision. If they do not believe me, I will fight to prove it!"
"Shibuto: I know you're gonna win obviously."
"Onara: Don't push my luck too far now, heh..."

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