Chapter 112:

Chapter 111: Kazuya's Date?!

Project: INFERNO

(More time has passed as students was returning to their own Earth which was created in another dimension by Tatsuhiro during his King Of Gods reign. Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami then regrouped with each other and started talking to each other again but Kazuya then noticed Amisate waiting at the gates as other students was leaving Shinsei Academy for the day.)

"Kazuya: Is that..?"
"Shibuto: Is something wrong Kazuya?"
"Kazuya: Uh.. No. I thought I saw someone.."
"Hinami: Oh right! Did you guys see the new girl, Tomize Amisate?"
"Shibuto: Her as the top disciple to Raijin of all gods? Who knew she had the guts?!"
"Kazuya: Is Raijin that strong..?"
(They paused walking and turned to look at Kazuya.)
"Hinami: Raijin is the reigning Japanese Lightning God... Kazuya, he's been around for eons. Even when the Ten Dragons was formed. Raijin however is the one god on the list to not piss off, alongside Gai- Tatsuhiro... and a few other gods with them."
"Kazuya: He's that powerful?!"
"Shibuto: He's powerful but not at the level to our father or one hundred percent Sawano. Those two are behemoths in power. Raijin however in the Divinity Realm is globally ranked as the fifth strongest god."
"Kazuya: Divinity Realm?"
"Hinami: ...Kazuya, do you study?"
"Kazuya: Sometimes...?"
(Both Hinami and Shibuto stood there with blank stares. Kazuya was then being flooded with complaints on why he does not study until Kazuya then noticed Sugizora passing by them without giving a care as he tried to reach his hand for her but brought it back. Hinami and Shibuto noticed and stopped.)
"Hinami: You actually like Sugizora huh..?"
"Kazuya: Yeah.. But I know she doesn't wish to speak with me. She said it herself."
"Amisate: Atharu?"
(The three of them then noticed Amisate walk towards them and she stopped, several students noticed and stopped walking to watch and Sugizora was one of the bystanders and stopped walking to notice it too.)

"Kazuya: Hey Amisate..!"
"Amisate: Miss Magazaki and Mister Magachi, I am terribly sorry to interrupt your conversating."
"Hinami: No! Not at all, Tomize!"
"Amisate: Kazuya, I've wanted to ask you something."
"Kazuya: What's that?"
"Amisate: Would you mind going out on a date with me tomorrow?"
(After seconds of silence, the entire courtyard full of standby students was in absolute shock and clamored with conversations as Kazuya, Hinami and Shibuto was the most shocked.)
"Shibuto: Kazuya..! Are you sure about this-"
"Kazuya: Sure. I don't see a reason why, we are friends right?"
(Amisate chuckled with a smile for the first time since arriving at the academy. Sugizora then had enough of watching and walked off without any muscle to turn back around.)
"Amisate: Then why don't we meet in Hakodate by the Sawano Magachi and Gaito Tamarei statues in the center park at three?"
"Kazuya: Sounds great!"
(She then smiled greatly as Kazuya blushed.)
"Amisate: I'll see you then!"

(Amisate then walked off as Shibuto slapped his hand across Kazuya's back and gave him a noogie on his head as a congratulations as Hinami was hugging Kazuya out of happiness. As Hinami teleported herself to Hell to go home, Kazuya and Shibuto returned to Earth and returned to Tatsuhiro's mansion. Kazuya was then carried away by a fast blur of speed and as a tornado formed in the room, Kazuya's hair was already fixed, looking cleaner and slicker than before. Tatsuhiro appeared sizing Kazuya.)

"Tatsuhiro: You think I didn't hear about Amisate asking you out?! I'm your father!"
"Tatsuhiro: Don't care! Time to get you looking... DRIPPY!"
"Kazuya: D-DRIPPY?!"
(Shibuto then walked off to his room.)

"Shibuto: Sorry Kazuya, I need to study."
(As Kazuya's eyes was then pleading with mercy, Tatsuhiro gave a confident look on his face.)
"Kazuya: Please have mercy..!"
"Tatsuhiro: No chance!"
(Tatsuhiro rushed him and Kazuya out of the mansion and into town to go buy clothing for tomorrow. Tatsuhiro was then slowly becoming pissed about a recent memory he picked up during his confrontation with Chronos.)

-Hours ago-

(Chronos was terrified as he worked faster and Tatsuhiro continued to watch. Suddenly, Tatsuhiro picked up a faint sense of a familiar memory on the currently timeline.)
"Chronos, go back to our timeline."
(He then did so and Tatsuhiro noticed that the memory was him and a native tribe.)
"Tatsuhiro: .... What. Is. This...?"

(Chronos was then absolutely scared that he realized that was his true memory. Tatsuhiro then used his own time magic to force the memory to play in his head, tears was then streaking down his face as he recollected every last second of the memory. Chronos quickly tried to escape but in an instant, Chronos's own oxygen was cut and he collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe. He then took one glance at Tatsuhiro and sees his eyes with bloodlust through his glasses. Tatsuhiro's stomps was shaking Chronos's realm as his oxygen was returned to him.)

"You changed the timeline. Heh... You changed... the timeline...!"
"Chronos: I... I CAN.. I CAN FIX IT..!"
"Tatsuhiro: Fix it? Why fix something that's already impossible to fix? So... As for your punishment for illegally changing a timeline without consulting the King Of Gods..."
(Tatsuhiro aimed his hand at Chronos and with just slight movement, Chronos began to choke on a glowing orb that he then spat out and was looking at his own ability of death.)

"Chronos: W-WHAT DID YOU DO...?!"
"Tatsuhiro: This? This orb is your death. You see. As long as I have this, you're impossible to kill... But you can still feel pain. This will be YOUR COMMANDMENT, CHRONOS..! ENDLESS SUFFERING BY MY OWN DAMN HANDS!"

(Tatsuhiro's glasses began engulfing with flames as he took them off and revealed his bloodshot purple and black eyes. Chronos began running until Tatsuhiro fired several rounds of Unholy String at Chronos and impaled his body and he was then lifted into midair as more string unraveled from Tatsuhiro and began whipping across Chronos which was splattering and scattering blood everywhere. Chronos's agonizing screams was giving Tatsuhiro a devilish smirk as he watched Chronos suffer without his ability to die. Chronos was the dropped by the strings.)

"This commandment, your punishment is nowhere close to done. You're going to endure endless suffering.. and by the way..? Thanks for the Time Domain, I'll take very good care."
(Chronos's bloody face was still paralyzed with fear.)
"Chronos(Pained): N-NO... D-DON'T.. D-DO IT...!"
"Tatsuhiro: I have a much better place for you. Cast Domain...."
(Tatsuhiro's hands was then prepared to lock to its signal to release the domain.)
"String Dimension."
(In an instant, Tatsuhiro's entire body exploded with over infinite counts of Unholy String and started locking themselves inside another entire dimension, inside a domain. Chronos could not move for he was not able to hear anything but see everything from nature to the cosmos.)
"Chronos(Thinking): I... can't hear... But I can... see..! I give up.. N-No more....."
"Tatsuhiro(Echoing Voice): Unfortunately, that's not how things work in my jurisdiction."
(Several pieces of string then formed themselves together to create Tatsuhiro as Chronos was frozen in midair.)

"You see. I punish my enemies into submission. I make them break, mentally, physically and emotionally with the most cruelest ways of punishment possible. I've broken you successfully Chronos.. Do you now understand why you can never EVER be a match against me or any god in any pathetic ass world? I am a Senvoinian gifted power FAR beyond divinity! Heed my successful feats until your death, Father Time.. I've dethroned Zeus, defeated Ares, I have almost every goddess from Heaven to the Realm Of Light drooling over me, killed two Divine Gods and... I've even killed Lucifer without any SWEAT...! Now do you understand..?"

(As Tatsuhiro then touched his forehead with one finger and marked the symbol of death on Chronos's head. He turned around with his eyes closed and finished the job.)
"Dispel and deplete, be erased with repeat!"
(As time resumed inside the dimension, Chronos's soul then exploded three times in a temporary time loop along with every part of Chronos's body. and Chronos was then unconscious with absolute pain. Tatsuhiro then transferred Chronos's availability to die back at him as Chronos was alone on the ground, covered in bruises, blood wounds and his bones barely showing out of his horribly beaten body.)
"What a shame... I believed we could cooperate better, sleep well... Chronos."

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