Chapter 119:

Chapter 118: Lotus's Final Stand...!

Project: INFERNO

(As Lotus was hopping from mountain to mountain to get Amber Hunt and the unconscious Kazuya out of harm's way, he'd rest on a nearby rocky mountain which he was then bleeding as for the first time ever, Lotus realized he was in trouble.)
"Lotus(Thinking): No backup... No way to contact anyone else... I cannot back down from a fight... I still have much to teach to the young ones..."
"???: Its perfectly clear that you do not have any chance of winning. Especially against the six of us, Lotus Kenhiro. Its infinitely clear that you are the strongest human on Earth with a massive bounty on your head."
"Lotus(Aloud): Just who the hell are you..?"
"???: It should be obvious..."
(As they walked out the building debris, it was six of the same one individual.)
"All: We're Knitemare clones."
(Lotus was in his stance as Amber Hunt generated a rapid-fire SMG gun which she began firing element-disabling bullets at the Knitemare clones which they all spread out as Amber then hopped from tree to tree and jumped in midair a the SMG then shifted into a rocket launcher which was homing in on all Knitemare clones.)

"Amber: Choke on this, dipshits! Infinite Ammo!"
(The rocket launcher was then multiplied by six and launched a rocket at every last Knitemare clone which landed direct hits but was unaffected by the attack.)
"Knitemare Clones: It appears you do not know your place, Amber Hunt."
"Amber Hunt: You're one to talk, considering how you assaulted my master!"
"Knitemare Clones: The death of Lotus is imminent. If you begin to get in our way, we will not hesitate to kill you too."
"Amber Hunt: Tch, like I'm backing down..!"
"Lotus: Amber... I will handle this..."
(As Lotus kept his fighting stance in place, Amber noticed as she was worried a bit.)
"Amber: You can't fight alone..! Its five on one!"
"Lotus: I fought the entire Ten Tyrants and survived without a scratch... If I die against these clones... I will accept my fate."
(Amber was backing away quickly but then ran off quickly to the city to get backup for Lotus.)

"Knitemare Clones: It appears your disciple has run off."
(As Lotus looked at the smoke in the skies, he was pissed at the fact all of his disciple inside the was killed in the crossfire with the Knitemare clones.)
"Lotus: You have the gall to intrude my dojo, kill my disciples and destroy the peaceful abode of these majestic mountains..? I cannot let this slide..."
"Knitemare Clones: If you wish to make your final day being alive more fair for you. I will provide you with a one on one battle."
(The six clones then shifted themselves into one Knitemare clone but with an unimaginable source of power brewing from inside the clone.)
"Lotus: Fist Of Gojai..."
(Lotus prepared his Gojai stance as he was then set to battle the clone.)
"Knitemare Clone: Let us begin with our final battle."

(The Knitemare clone then blindsided Lotus with an attack even Lotus wasn't able to see but he then felt the damage which forced Lotus to cough out spit but fall on his knees then took a kick to the front of his face by the Knitemare clone. Lotus then flipped out of harms way and began battling the clone without losing his composure. Debris began to explode from all around the mountain's forest as the fight was beginning to sound the warning alarms in the city but no one in the Elemental High Commission was around as the same for any fighters who represents Hakodate was around.)

"P.A System: WARNING! A powerful threat has appeared in the vicinity of the east mountains! Threat level: Omni! Repeat: Omni! The assassin, Lotus Kenhiro is assessing the situation!"
(Civilians then heard the alarm and the threat level as they all panicked in the streets for no fighters was around and the city was in pure chaos. Meanwhile, Amber heard the announcement too and was shocked.)

(As Amber quickly rushed to find any powerful fighter around, Lotus was was beginning to lose more ground as he was being beaten maliciously by the Knitemare clone even with fifty percent of his physical power. After Lotus was then kicked with full force, he then crashed into a rock which exploded a massive pile of Lotus's blood splattered on the face of the rock as he then collapsed to the ground, bleeding out with broken bones from Knitemare's attacks.)

"Knitemare Clone: Even with half of your full physical power, you still cannot defeat me? It appears your time has truly ended, Lotus Kenhiro. May your final seconds of life be added with a thank you for the inspiring fights throughout the infinite timelines I've killed you in."
(Lotus's hand then started twitching as then forced himself back on his feet, despite his entire right side of his face being cut open and his broken bones from his torso to his thigh bones.)
"I see... You don't intend to give up do you? What exactly pushes you to avoid your death?"
"Lotus: ...The.. pride... of an assassin... When an assassin.. is up against an enemy too strong, he fights to the end... Surrender.. is never an option..."
(Lotus then hacked out blood as he remained on his feet still, the Knitemare clone was still very surprised at Lotus's resiliency.)
"I don't give a damn... If I die of old age... I don't care if I die.. giving it my all... An assassin won't go down.. UNTIL HE'S GIVEN IT ALL HE'S GOT UNTIL THE DEED IS DONE...!"
(Lotus's kimono was completely ripped apart by pure force of Lotus's body showing its buffed state then was engulfing with red aura which intrigued the clone on the new level of power.)

"Knitemare Clone: So, you've reached Ember Mist... It appears that Tatsuhiro has taught you his tricks. But in any case, this could still be worth my while. You know Lotus, considering your weakened state is now in full effect, it actually appears that you'll soon be "kicking the bucket" within a few moments from now. So lets make this fun!"

(The Knitemare clone then charged at Lotus as Lotus's eyes was showing pure red with the Ember Mist at an unknown stage but landed a very destructive blow on the clone and began striking the Knitemare clone at one hundred percent of pure physical power combined with Ember Mist. The clone was then beginning to be wrong about his calculation with Lotus's devastating power then suffered a powerful axe kick which Lotus successfully dismembered the clone's arms without fail and form himself in the position of a raven.)

(As Lotus was just one inch away from hitting the clone with the brutal attack, the Knitemare clone then regenerated his arms as they was never dismembered. Lotus's wounds began opening as blood began oozing out of his ears, eyes, nose and his mouth as he was motionless.)
"Knitemare Clone: Your time... Is finished. Thank you for this final fight, Kenhiro."

(The clone then plucked Lotus's head as he fell over to the ground and was lying dead in his own pool of blood which was continuing to flow. The clone then separated back to six different clones and vanished out of the dimension, Amber then returned moments later with Chimon as she then realized Lotus was lying on the ground deceased.)

"Amber: MASTER LOTUS!!!"
"Chimon: KENHIRO!"
(Kazuya then was awakening as he saw a very anxious Amber trying to save Lotus which scared him as he quickly got up and was speechless on the amount of damage Lotus took.)
"Kazuya: LOTUS!!!!!"
"Amber: COME ON..! COME ON..!! PLEASE, LOTUS... LOTUS!!!!"
(As Amber hands was then covered with blood and she began breaking down with tears, Kazuya's eyes began flowing with tears as he then was heartbroken at the saddened fact that Lotus Kenhiro has died. His hand was tightened as he yelled into the skies.)
"Kazuya: MASTER LOTUSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!"

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