Chapter 126:

Chapter 125: The Ten Tyrants Returns!

Project: INFERNO

(As the Ten Tyrants prepared to fight, sixth, seventh and eighth Knitemare clones with barely a big increase of their full power began replicating themselves which added up to ten clones.)
"Knitemare Clones: Ten on ten, an even number of the odds."
"Knitemare Clone 10#: If you wish to do so, prove you can defeat us to advance to the next hill of the game!"
(Cerrzar quickly rushed towards one of the clones and began fighting it maliciously as the rest of the tyrants charged in to battle.)
"Sybille: Come out and play girls!"

(A swarm of bats escaped Sybille's jewel which then transformed into vampires with immunity to the sun and started attacking three of the ten clones while the remaining five battled the tyrants as Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami was taken away by Amisate thanks to her rapid teleportation. Kazuya and her hugged out of joy to see each other.)

"Kazuya: Amisate..!!
"Amisate: Kazuya..! What's happening..?!"
"Kazuya: Its Knitemare, he's finally here and is ready to fight... But he killed every last god in the God Realm. We're screwed..."
"Amisate: I don't think so. Me and Raijin are part of the survivors, there are a few lucky ones resting on Earth right now but in a secluded location."
"Shibuto: Was it Aimiya's doing..?"
"Hinami: Either way, we need to get to them and help as much as we can! The Ten Tyrants can handle the Knitemare clones."

"Amisate: Alright, hold on to me!"
(The three of them placed their hands on her shoulder and was rapidly teleported out of Japan and to Aimiya's underwater infirmary. Meanwhile, the Ten Tyrants was battling the ten powerful Knitemare clones which Cerrzar and Dizgoth combined their attacks and created a massive explosion to two of the duplicated clones. Freeze then generated below zero ice which he then controlled his beast's power and used it with his ice to create a massive wall of icy spikes.)

"Freeze: I heard the rumors about Knitemare being particularly strong, but this is pretty much beating the rumors even if they are clones!"
"Sybille: We have to defeat them in order to move on!"
(Augan shifted several parts of his body into massive sizes against a Knitemare clone as Scarlett and Akari battled together. The ninth Knitemare clone was then beginning to crack as none of its attacks phased Hayazawa and its entire body began weakening with seeable bruises from her.)
"Hayazawa: I gotta say.. If these clones are actually how the real Knitemare is, I don't get how he's this powerful yet so fragile."
"Knitemare Clone 9#: Hayazawa of the Ten Tyrants.. Your strength is what somehow made you survive against Tatsuhiro Magachi. Explain yourself to how you survived..!"
"Hayazawa: Hey. I enjoy fighting but I don't explain my ways of fighting. However... here's a few tricks I picked up when I was behind bars!"

(Hayazawa began kicking the air with high speeds which the Knitemare clone noticed she was generated orbs of energy just from releasing powerful yet fast kicks into the air. Hayazawa then kicked one of the energy orbs with her right leg which fired at the clone at rapid speeds until the Knitemare clone then realized the orb of energy in Hayazawa's hand closing in on him. A massive explosion of energy collided with the Knitemare clone which revealed the clone's body become partly eradicated and surprised everyone else.)

"Freedom Knight: Good job Hayazawa!"
"Dizgoth: Excellent!"
"Hayazawa: You're still alive huh?"
(The ninth Knitemare clone was speechless as it began glowing and dissolved after taking an insane amount of damage.)
(The Knitemare clones regrouped as the Tyrants then understood what to do.)
"Freedom Knight: Is that so..? All we have to do is use energy based attacking instead of elemental? Seems fine by me...!"
(The tyrants continued their fight against the remaining Knitemare clones. Meanwhile in Aimiya infirmary, Aimiya began teleporting any found and injured gods as he flashed in and out of the room. Amisate, Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami then noticed Raijin speaking with an injured god.)
"Amisate: Raijin!"
(He turned around and saw Amisate with the three.)

"Raijin: Amisate, Kazuya, Shibuto and Lady Hinami.. Thank the heavens you four are okay.."
"Kazuya: How many gods are there..?!"
"Raijin: The attack from Knitemare was very devastating. All medical personnel and those with blessed healing are doing anything they can to help."
"???: So we pitched in a hand too!"
(Hinami noticed the voice and was surprised to see Cassiel and Amesso accompanying her.)
"Hinami: Cassiel!?!?"
"Cassiel: Hinami!!!"
(They both hugged out of joy as Amesso introduced herself.)
"Amesso: I am Amesso. Its a pleasure to meet you in person Kazuya and Shibuto."
"Shibuto: Amesso.. Your name.. is familiar."
"Kazuya: W-Well uh.. Thank you, ma'am..! Is there any knowable gods that made it out..?"
"Amesso: ....A few gods that survived the attacks was Ares, Caerus, Janus and several more. However..."
"Shibuto: However what..?"
"Amesso: We can't reach The Dragon King, Choryrth. Odds are he's either fighting still or he could be in trouble and he's trying to get back."
"Shibuto: I could try to get a track on him-"
"Raijin: Its no use."
(They all looked at Raijin.)

"When Knitemare destroyed the connections to the God Realm, he activated a barrier that disables any and all teleportation to the destroyed realms. The only ones accessible is the Void Realm, Time Realm and Earth. Everyone else in the destroyed regions are doomed if they can't find their way out."
"Kazuya: You're kidding me..?"
"Hinami: How are they gonna get back...?!"
"Amesso: We don't know. Even if we could get them back, the only people we can rely on to transcend past Knitemare's barrier is Tatsuhiro, Sawano and Goxius. But neither Goxius or Tatsuhiro can be reached and Sawano doesn't have any powers. Without either of them, we're in a pretty tight spot for the defense here."
(Meanwhile across from Japan's land, a small aircraft landed as a female was standing on the top of it, wearing a bear pelt, holding a black winged polearm with a scar across her cheek down to the neck and wearing a jacket with the sleeves flowing with the wind, along with her hair.)
"Pilot: Captain! We've detected a massive source of power four hundred yards from here!"
"???: Good. How long has it been.... Tatsuhiro?"

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