Chapter 138:

Chapter 137: The Story Of Narisawa Atharu.

Project: INFERNO

(As time went by and meanwhile on the quiet Earth, Shibuto continued to take care of several injured fighters from Knitemare's attacks as he then noticed the injured Jogeta dragging himself out of the infirmary with his angelic claymore.)
"Shibuto: Jogeta! W-Where are you-"
"Jogeta: I'm going back to fight. Injured or not.. I'll be damned if I let that bastard have his way and destroy Olympus..!"
"Shibuto: But you're-"
"Jogeta: It won't work. I'll handle myself. I need you to send me down there.. Where everyone else is... I ask you this once.."
(Shibuto sighed.)
"Shibuto: Be careful okay? If you fight too far, you'll reopen your wounds."
"Jogeta: Don't worry about me kid... If I don't fight, I'll bring dishonor to the Heavenly Guardians and to God himself.."
(Shibuto nodded and placed his hand on Jogeta's back but then noticed Nightwave along with Noah and several of the Assassins Guild assassins was in bruised but good health as they wanted to fight as well.)
"Shibuto: You guys want to fight?"
"Nightwave: Its time we stopped staying on the sidelines."
"Noah: We're all good enough to fight again!"
"Shibuto: All of you, this is no ordinary threat. As we speak, all of Class X should be there battling Knitemare. If anything happens, I will be able to help from afar. Good luck everyone!"

(Shibuto shared his Cosmic Aura with everyone which synced them with his mind. In a flash, every standing fighter was teleported to Knitemare's dimension. Meanwhile, all of Class X along with Khoteku and her crew was battling the newly transformed Knitemare who seemed to handle every single attack thrown at him while countering Nathanial's feathers and light. Meanwhile, Amisate was watching them fight while the unconscious Kazuya was protected by her from Knitemare's incoming Bagai creatures. Moments later, Shibuto successfully teleported the fighters to the dimension where a war breaks out. Kazuya then began to wake up and notice himself on Amisate's lap.)

"Amisate: K-Kazuya!"
"Kazuya: Amisate..?"
"Amisate: Its okay.. We're all here now... Just keep resting.."
"Kazuya: Heheh.. Shibuto you.. ass... Thank you..."
(Kazuya chuckled and sat up but started crying while smiling which worried Amisate.)
"Mom... So I do.. have a birth mom.."
"Amisate: O-Of course you do.. Who wouldn't..? If you don't mind me asking, what is she like..?"
"Kazuya: I... I don't know.."
"Goxius: Maybe I could help. I'm familiar with your mother Kazuya, for she is... Well, I'd rather not tell you.. but let you see for yourself."
(Goxius tapped Kazuya's head with his staff as he was then placed into his Narisawa's past while being cloaked and was in a very different timeline compared to their current one.)
"Kazuya: Alright.. Lets do this."

-Narisawa's Past-

(As Kazuya walked around Narisawa's home he spawned in and noticed a long red-haired female in her room, writing in her journal as Kazuya got a closer look and was not caught at all. As Kazuya did, he noticed the name Narisawa Atharu and was shocked at this was his mother. She then got up to stretch as she sighed in exhaustion as Kazuya follows her as she leaves the room but he could not stop gazing into her pinkish eyes which he noticed his eyes was magenta.)

"Narisawa: Hm.. Now what can I cook tonight..?"

(She then pondered for a moment and gasped as out of thin air, a cookbook appeared in her hands as she then opened it and decided to hum a delicate song she used to sing all the time. Kazuya watched her cook with several ghost-like spirits obeying her commands as she smiled and watched them help. A while later, she created a full course meal of teriyaki meals along with sushi bento boxes, onigiri, udon soup and several different choices of meat, vegetables and healthy food choices.)

"He'll love this so much!"
"Kazuya: That looks so good... So my mom was a cook... She has powers, but loves to cook..?"
(The door was then opening as Narisawa's boyfriend was walking through the door and was very exhausted from fighting.)

"Narisawa: Welcome back dear!! Would you like a bath, some dinner or would you want to.. have.. me?"
"Makino Haruhiko(Top Third Ranked Hero): Aww, I appreciate that my dear! Why not all three..?"
"Narisawa: Ohh!! Stop!! I was just kidding around!!!"

(Kazuya then noticed her boyfriend as he was still thought as he was not in the house. As time went by, Kazuya still examined his mother as she was a happy person who loved to cook and joke around with her boyfriend. He then smiled as he was happy for her but suddenly heard Makino's alarm going off which triggered him to run to the door as Narisawa caught up to him.)

"Makino: Something urgent came up, I'm needed at an all hero meeting."
"Narisawa: Take care, my sweet!"
(They both kissed for a moment before Makino charged a disc into his mechanic arm which teleported him directly to the meeting which had Kazuya worried. As time passed, Narisawa then started to get a little worried as warning sirens went off that had both her and Kazuya shook and listened closely.)

"P.A System: WARNING! An unknown humanoid has stormed down Earth, Threat Level, Omni! All Civilians are to evacuate to the nearest portal center...-"
(As Narisawa listened to the announcement, the door was shut open as Makino whom was painfully injured and quickly rushed to Narisawa.)
"Makino: Narisawa..! Listen to me carefully, I don't know how to explain this but we need to get out of here now..!!"
"Narisawa: What's going on?!"
"Makino: I can't explain it now, we need to go!"
(Makino then jolted out of pure fear as a powerful presence was right in front of the house. Kazuya noticed it too and was shocked.)
"???: Detonate."
"Makino: GET DOWN!!!!!"

(Makiko covered Narisawa for protection as Kazuya did the same thing. In a split second, the entire area was detonated into embers, ashes and smithereens as nothing remained. Kazuya then noticed he was not hurt by the wreckage at all but noticed he was completely immune to any physical pain from the past. He then saw a very damaged Makino being gripped at the neck by Knitemare in his prime which then scared him entirely at his power level and presence.)

"Knitemare: Oh come now.. You're suppose to be the number three hero. Don't tell me this is how you've managed to become one of the big three today... Just by using cheap machinery for your body? Don't you know how to fight without using these useless heaps of junk?"
"Makino: D...D-DAMN YOU... KNITEMARE..!"
"Knitemare: Aww. Still got some spunk in you to fight, is that right?"
"Knitemare: Kind of doesn't make sense there for I have already won. This world, is now mines.. You and your ridiculous set of heroes couldn't land a single DENT on me!"
(Out of the blue, appeared Narisawa warping her hands to Knitemare which painfully recoiled after the collision and forced her to back away.)
"Narisawa: LET HIM GO..!!!"
"Knitemare: Ah, so this is your lover? You used a good amount of bait to catch the right fish for the rest of your life huh?"
"Makino: D-Don't.. TALK TO HER..!"

(Knitemare then froze Makino in mid-air as Knitemare was walking towards her as she continued trying to attack with every possible weapon she could think of in her hand but was recoiled. Knitemare then backed Narisawa into a destroyed wall where Knitemare used several string to turn Narisawa's head to look at him.)

"Knitemare: You do have the looks.. Definitely the looks, I can now see why you was interested in this choice Makino!"
"Narisawa: G-GET AWAY FROM ME!"
(Knitemare then noticed her stomach which Kazuya realized as well, Narisawa was pregnant with Kazuya which scared Makino.)
(Makino effortlessly tried to force himself out of the mid-air ice as Narisawa was scared but did not have the strength to move anymore due to a curse placed by Knitemare.)
"Narisawa: WHAT DID YOU DO..?!"
(Knitemare then rests his hand on Narisawa's stomach which Kazuya was too terrified on what would happen next.)

"Knitemare: Relax. This is a simple curse which forbids your movement. Now... It appears your child is a very powerful one. I shall take him as my own child!"

(Makino then screamed bloodcurdlingly saying "no" as Knitemare blasted his hand through Narisawa's body which caused her to drop her arms motionlessly as she was killed with one hit. Knitemare then unfroze the broken Makino as he lied their crying and screaming in pure agony while Kazuya was terrified with tears as he witnessed Knitemare pulling him out of her deceased mother's womb. Knitemare then rejuvenated baby Kazuya as he was breathing but was sleeping. Makino then looked up with absolute despair in his eyes.)

"As I've stated before. I. Have won."
(As Makino tried to land an attack, he then collapsed as his entire heart stopped just from coming near Knitemare and landed into Knitemare's open right hand.)
"Knitemare: Hakai."
(After his soul was targeted, Makino was then disintegrated from existence as baby Kazuya heard the noise and began to cry loudly as Knitemare looked at him.)
"Don't worry.... I will turn you into my protégé... The next me!"
(As Knitemare then vanished, Kazuya then started to lose his vision as he was then brought back to reality right now and Amisate and Goxius noticed endless tears falling through his eyes.)


"Amisate: What happened?!"
(Kazuya was hyperventilating while crying which meant his anger was beginning to feed into his Unholy Inferno rage.)
"Goxius: After experiencing the past like that, its safe to say Kazuya won't be the same..."
"Amisate: What the hell happened to him?!"
(As everyone continued fighting Knitemare currently, Sawano paused after sensing a major power level increase.)
"Sawano(Thinking): Hold on..! Where the hell is that tremendous source of power even coming from...?!"
(All of Class X sensed the power level, along with Khoteku, everyone else and Knitemare. Goxius and Amisate stood back as Kazuya's anger was so irate, Ember Mist was recharged instantly and caused his aura to reach a certain level of heat. He then stood up to his feet as everyone then noticed Kazuya's massive power change.)
"Kazuya(Demonic Voice:) KNITEMAREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"

(Along with Ember Mist, lightning and Unholy Inferno combined, Kazuya's markings of his Demi-God power was now active for he is currently at one hundred percent pf his power. Red and blue lightning began surging and circuiting with Kazuya's aura which the entire ground began to crack and rumble as everyone stood back quickly as Kazuya was now uncontrollable.)

"Khoteku: What's going on with him?!"
"Goxius: Kazuya saw what happened to his mother in the past which triggered him severely!"
(Kazuya's roaring began to get louder as he then forced himself into the full extent of his power out of absolute rage. Debris then built as the already-destroyed rubble was then obliterated by his heat which managed to reach deadlier heights just as Sawano's. He slowly walked towards the fully powered second formed Knitemare as he was impressed at Kazuya's boost in power.)
"Knitemare: It appears you've gained an astounding rise in power, Kazuya! It seems all my training was worth it after all! You're finally worthy of fighting me after all these years!"
(He then paused right where he was as he then stared down Knitemare with his hands clenched in pure anger.)
"Kazuya(Demonic Voice): First.. You took Master Lotus from us... Then.. you kidnap me a baby... and you killed my mother.. AND MY FATHER...! You. F**ked up... you REALLY F**KED UP THIS TIME KNITEMARE...! Because I'm pissed... and now... YOU'RE GONNA PAYYYY!!!!!"
(As Kazuya's roar became powerful, the whole dimension began to shake then dashed right towards Knitemare and delivered a punch SO powerful, Knitemare's entire skull shattered on pure impact and was rocketed right out of the timeline which everyone started to noticed Knitemare's crumbling dimension as Amisate was worried for Kazuya.)
"Goxius(Telepathy): Shibuto! I need assistance! Can you hear me?"
(Back on Earth, Shibuto stopped meditating and heard Goxius's anxious tone in his voice.)
"Shibuto(Telepathy): Say no more!"
(Shibuto caught a lock on everyone in Knitemare's dimension and wrapped them in Cosmic Aura as Goxius delivered a hand.)
"Both(Telepathy): Dimensional Warp, Quick Eject!"
(At light speeds before the dimension collapsed and exploded, everyone was sent back to Aimiya's infirmary in time before anything bad happened as Shibuto was then happy to see everyone. Amisate quickly went to Shibuto and grabbed him by his shoulders.)
"Amisate: Shibuto..! Kazuya is still out there! You need to send me to help him!!"
"Goxius: I'm afraid its no use... Going back there is a suicide mission. Kazuya's out of control, the only way he can be stopped is if Nathanial remains in the dimension to handle it himself."
"Ares: Wait, he's actually... Not here..."
"Goxius: Always a step ahead of me."
(As Nathanial followed the out-of-control and enraged Kazuya, he then noticed Knitemare continuing to fight back but was the most taking several amounts of damage.)
"Nathanial: This is not good.. That Kazuya kid is exerting too much power!"
(He then catches up to the two timeline by timeline as they both go deeper and deeper into the sea of open timelines. Meanwhile in an unknown realm, Tatsuhiro was found napping without a care in the world on what's going on outside and was eating a half eaten hoagie while sleep.)

Christopher Graves
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