Chapter 143:

Chapter 142: One Hundred Percent Unleashed!

Project: INFERNO

(As everyone then made it to the surface of Earth, everything was all quiet until Khoteku and her crew along with the Ten Tyrants, The Hydras and the two Divine Gods, Ziohr and Avius stood victorious against Knitemare's puppets.)
"Khoteku: All clear!"
"Goxius: Its a blessing to see you all are okay."
"Shibuto: Goxius, Khoteku, did you guys see Tatsuhiro?"
"Khoteku: Yes. After taking one look at him, brother has turned."
"Hinami: T-Turned..?"
"Chimon: What do you mean by that?"
"Goxius: She means Tatsuhiro is about to give unleash everything against Knitemare without a second thought. In short.."
"Freedom Knight: Tatsuhiro's going to blow everything straight to hell."
"Khoteku: ...We need to get off this planet fast."
(Earth began trembling from rapid and terrifying earthquakes which began destroying more of the surface all over the planet as Goxius quickly placed everyone nearby inside his protective sphere including Khoteku and her crew as they all watched Earth tremble. Goxius then transports everyone to the untouched Time Realm.)
"Goxius: We're all going to have to remain here until the battle truly ends."
(Everyone noticed Kazuya was missing as Goxius frantically searched for his energy but it was nowhere to be sensed.)
"Goxius: I can't sense him!"
"Shibuto: Neither can I! Where could he be?!"

(Meanwhile, Tatsuhiro and Knitemare began fighting at approximate speeds which triggered highly powerful and sensitive shockwaves throughout the planet and forced Earth to begin cracking around the entire surface. As Knitemare began to charge a large-scaled attack, Kazuya rapidly fired bolts of concentrated lightning towards Knitemare and forced him back which Tatsuhiro saw Kazuya in his Demi-God transformation at one hundred percent power.)

"Kazuya: I'm staying."
"Tatsuhiro: YOU ARE NOT! BEAT IT!"
(Tatsuhiro was silent at his words and laughed with a confident smile.)
"Tatsuhiro: Since you're here, I forbid you from leaving! Do that and I'll kill you myself!"
"Kazuya: Pfft, yeah right!"
(Knitemare then rose in midair and charged then fires another powerful valley of elemental attacks which both Kazuya and Tatsuhiro dodged and worked together to fight Knitemare. Kazuya on the other hand, shot more concentrated lightning bolts at Knitemare who kept his focus on Tatsuhiro only.)
"Knitemare(Thinking): If I take my eyes off Tatsuhiro for a single second, he'll strike past Repel. Such amazing power in my GRASP!"

(Knitemare then explodes a combustible amount of energy as he then sent all six of his clones after Kazuya who fought them alone as Knitemare gave his absolute focus to Tatsuhiro as they both then fought sword to sword but Tatsuhiro did not lose his grip with his newly made katana. Kazuya then yells out of the corner and one by one struck down every clone attacking him as his Demi-God form began circuiting more lightning as usual. Tatsuhiro then dodged a sword slash then forcefully windmill kicks Knitemare right in his head which drills his face into the ground, creating a big crater from the amount of force added.)

"Tatsuhiro: Aww, what's the matter? Your "Final Form" isn't as powerful as I took it for!"
"Knitemare: Repent OF YOUR SUPERIORS!!"
(Knitemare's entire body inflated then releases a massive explosion of wind which created another tremoring shake across Earth as Tatsuhiro was already in the air then swiftly dodges a fast moving beam of Divine Light and notices Knitemare in front of him and takes a direct punch to the gut but had zero effect on his body.)
"Tatsuhiro: ...?"
(Knitemare then smirked and traps Tatsuhiro inside a cocoon-like domain as beams of elemental attacks was shooting everywhere then explodes the domain from the inside as Knitemare then awaited Tatsuhiro to retaliate as he remained in the debris of smoke and fog.)
"Knitemare: You've just met one of my domains, do you not understand the true taste of my power yet, Tatsuhiro? It is quite clear that your power is nonetheless significant to one of the eight domains I-"
"Tatsuhiro: You love running your goddamn mouth, do you..?"
(Knitemare was then stunned with surprise at Tatsuhiro's resistance as the smoke cleared up and shows his entire muscled, no body fat torso as his eyes was then glowing red.)
"Knitemare... Never in my life.. have I ever.. wanted to beat the shit out of someone so badly.. But... after all of the shit you did..? I want to kill you over a hundred times..."
"Knitemare: Killing me? Not an easy task as said before, now to make you understand my power, one way or another!"

(Knitemare then rockets a powerful punch towards Tatsuhiro which landed a direct hit and blasts a massive hole through the entire Earth and rockets throughout the cosmos as Kazuya was distracted by the massive attack as Knitemare's clones then pins Kazuya down into the ground as he watched Tatsuhiro suffer several attacks from Knitemare. Tatsuhiro's aura began to vanish as if it was never there and gripped Knitemare's hand out of the blue.)

"You still plan to fight despite the fact you've given up?"
"Tatsuhiro: Give up..?"
(Tatsuhiro began to chuckle which turned into a laugh but gave Knitemare a serious glare.)
"You should've given up."
(Time suddenly was stopped as Tatsuhiro then yanked off Knitemare's whole arm with just sheer force then punched Knitemare with his own fist in his face as time was then resumed and Knitemare was rocketed right out of Earth's orbit as Tatsuhiro's aura suddenly turned gold with a mix of red, white and black and in a mere instant Knitemare's clones was evaporated from the immense presence of Tatsuhiro.)
"Kazuya. Get to Goxius and the others, whatever you do. Don't. Turn. Back."

(Kazuya then was given a transporter to Goxius's location as Tatsuhiro then slowly floated in midair of Earth and Kazuya quickly uses the teleporter then leaves Earth in a hurry. Tatsuhiro then inhaled once and lets out a thunderous roar of fury and rage which then began destroying Earth's surface violently with thundering lightning, more earthquakes and triggered tsunamis across the planet. As Knitemare looked ahead and noticed the presence becoming even more deadlier, Tatsuhiro's power began to climb to such heights, the entire abyss of space began cracking along with the explosion of the entire solar system and any other nearby planet which revealed that no more games was being played, Tatsuhiro finally reveals himself at one hundred percent of his truly hidden power which gave Knitemare a severe chill up his spine.)

"Knitemare(Thinking): There it is... One hundred percent of Tatsuhiro's absolute power!"
(Tatsuhiro then stares down Knitemare entirely and by one stomp on nothing but space, reality instantly shattered by a powerful shockwave. In an instant, Knitemare was punched ferociously out of orbit and launched back into the rift of timelines but was then beaten fiercely throughout several different timelines from every attack Tatsuhiro could use in his arsenal. Knitemare and Tatsuhiro continues to fight endlessly. Knitemare then crashlands into an abandoned timeline but landed in a jungle oasis with animals flying and running away quickly. Tatsuhiro then lands with in the forest then roars loudly as the one armed and brutally injured Knitemare noticed.)
"Knitemare(Pained): That.. r-roar... It-.."
(The stomping was becoming even louder as a massive row of trees was being tackled down and Knitemare was then too injured to move and was then impaled by a massive spear in which Tatsuhiro then jumped into the air and dropkicks Knitemare directly on his neck which not only tackled the tree but digs a massive path across the entire tropical horizon. Tatsuhiro then relentlessly punches and stomps Knitemare's face into the ground as he's impaled into the tree.)
"(Thinking): What.. the hell.?! Tatsuhiro's power.. its far... dangerous than I calculated...! Shit... My core.. w-won't.. survive for much longer... I need.. to escape..!"

(Knitemare then explodes an explosive amount of elemental energy to escape but Tatsuhiro then grabs Knitemare's ankle and slams him across the ground in to several other trees and stone around them. Tatsuhiro then punched Knitemare directly into the skies as he then creates a major hole into the clouds but Tatsuhiro then appears right in front of Knitemare and lands another thundering kick directly to his stomach which then creates a ghastly explosion of combusted energy around the planet and Knitemare's entire skeleton was kicked out of his skin along with his organs which forces Tatsuhiro to reverse time and kick Knitemare again but forced his skeleton to indent his back along with blood spewing out of his mouth. Tatsuhiro then delivers a powerful axe handle to Knitemare's spine which snapped clean in half and drills him through the planet, causing it to explode and Tatsuhiro continues to follow him. During so, everyone from Earth and all other realms was inside Goxius's Time Realm, watching the fight.)

"Raijin: Holy.. SHIT."
"Helios: Anyone else getting chills just from watching..?"
(A lot of fighters agreed as the Magachi's along with Tayna watched Tatsuhiro's endless assault.)
"Tayna: ... I'm so glad I'm not an enemy... However.. I wouldn't mind Tatsuhiro doing such DEVIOUS beatings like that to me! Ohhh god YES, Tatsuhirooo!!!"
"Everyone: Classic Tayna."
(Shibuto suddenly twitched as he began sweating as he watched the fight.)
"Shibuto: This.. is so unexpected... I'm even more scared of Tatsuhiro than I was back then.."
"Fuchibuto: Its true... His power was enough to eradicate all of reality..!"
(Back at the fight, Tatsuhiro then salvages Knitemare's body as he's still alive and rips out Sawano's core right out of his organs which several of his bones flung out from the force of him yanking it out. Sawano's core suddenly bursts into flames as Knitemare's body was too injured to regenerate or for him to attack back.)

"Tatsuhiro(Altered Voice): Tch.. Your time is over. Some "Elemental Lord" you are, "Shitmare."
(The core suddenly shot up and explodes a massive amount of inferno which then shows a humanoid form with horns and a tail which then began to move and in a flash the inferno vanished as Tatsuhiro backed away which Knitemare was then a target for the incoming flying inferno wave which strikes a direct hit and walking down on the pads of fire was a fully revived Sawano with his Senvoinian Form in full effect and his life force back at one hundred percent and surprised everyone at Sawano's resurrection with a cheer.)

"The hell are you doing alive.."
"Sawano(Zugarian): The one you wish to speak to is not here. But he leaves a message... "Fight now, talk later. I asked God for a favor and this was it."
(Thanks to the distraction, Knitemare's eyes snapped open as everything around Sawano and Tatsuhiro was exploding at Knitemare's power, stamina, resiliency and all element and energy mana was restored at one hundred percent and Tatsuhiro and Sawano slowly turned to see Knitemare use a portion of Unholy Inferno in which he managed to control and with that entered a copied version of Tatsuhiro's Demi-God form.)
"Knitemare: How VERY entertaining..! It appears I've finally gotten the use of this power! I no longer have a need for your core, Sawano!"
"Sawano(Zugarian): Sawano. Is not here. I'm fighting in his place.)
(As Zugarian has reawakened once again, his beast mark then reappeared on Sawano's body which means the absolute boost in power as Tatsuhiro noticed then nodded as they both focused on battling the replenished Knitemare.)
"Knitemare: Now, let us see how this next combination shall do!"
(Knitemare's entire presence began to change as it became even deadlier to the surrounding living beings such as birds, animals, insects and many more started dying due to the pressuring presence of the three titans of pure power. Knitemare's entire body then started shining a silvery color which Tatsuhiro and Sawano did not flinch yet noticed a major change to Knitemare for he's now strong enough to withstand several attacks from Tatsuhiro even at one hundred percent. Zugarian then starts generating enough Unholy Inferno to match Knitemare's level as Tatsuhiro did nothing but stared down Knitemare as the final battle was about to start.)

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