Chapter 1:

Vol 1. Chapter 1: We are Badgers!

We are Badgers!

Kangokunoryu High School! 

It's her first day and She couldnt be more excited. 

Emi Watajima held onto the strap of her backpack; staring up at the door to the gymnasium. She shifted on her feet; more and more students passing by to enter the gym. They all came in different shapes and sizes. 

From orcs to half-elfs like herself! She let a cute smile spread across her face as she followed up into the gymnasium. 

As she reached the last step; her ears managed to pick up a string of cursing behind her. She turned; holding her bag as her eyes connected with a shorter being struggling to pull an overly-filled backpack up the stairs to the gym. 

"Grr! What kind of- aaaa!" The halfling raged as he heaved the backpack onto his back. 

The bag was filled with weapons and other assortments.

"Watch it! You coulda poked someone's eye out." Hissed a taller female who stood beside him; in her hands clasped a staff. She had a smaller bag; and a belt wrapped around her waist. 

They seem to be an eccentric bunch.  Emi sweated and turned away; note to self; find friendships like that.

As she entered the gymnasium; she was immediately met with the sight of thousands of students. Her eyes widened as she observed the room; bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Oh my gosh. It's the student council." Her eyes sparkled as they connected with the pantheon of people on the stage that stood side-by-side.

"That's the student council, right?" A sort of raspy whisper brushed near her ear. 


She shrieked inwardly; her form flinching as she turned her head and looked at the culprit. 

" You scream like a girl." A blue-skinned fellow stood beside her. He was tall; and held what appeared to be a yearbook in his hands. 

Wait, like a girl?

"Is that the yearbook?" Emi questions; her eyes immediately narrowing on the book in his hands. 

"Yes. It's from last year. Would you like to see?" He lowered the book to her level. 

"Oh! I know them." She pointed out the familiar face. "That's the Student Council President Yamino-san, right?"

He nods. "Indeed. My name is Sano Hanae. My sister was a Senior when Yamino-san became Student Council President. Yamino-san was a freshman too!" 

"Oh. Watajima Emi is my name.-" Sano inhales. "- That's cool. How did she manage to become Student Council President?"

"" Sano looked at her; eyes running up and down her body before his arms wrapped around himself and he took a few paces back. He snapped his book closed. "Sorry! I gotta. G-go. " 

Emi raised her hand to stop him; but she was too late as he fled from the scene. "Is he scared of a conversation?" Emi furrowed her eyebrows.

A slight ringing noise rang out among the crowd. Emi covered her ears and immediately looked up towards the stage. 

The esteemed Student Council President Yamino stood at the top of a small elevated platform. Her hands were glowing a misty white; amplifying the sound across the gym. As soon as everyone quieted down; and she had everyone's attention; she finally spoke up.

"Good morning, everyone! Welcome to Kangokunoryu High School! I've only got a few seconds to spare before the festivities begin; so please pay attention!" She began to walk across the stage. 

What was that spell she just cast?  She must be some sort of spellcaster. Druid? Wizard?

"Kangokunoryu High School welcomes all of its new students. As we enter the dawn of the 3rd Era; we find ourselves conflicted with one question and one question only. 'How will we survive?'-" She flicked her hair. -"Let's be honest; we all know the answer."

She turned a determined fierce gaze towards the crowd in front of her. She raised a hand; showing the symbol lain on the back of her hand. 

"Ildrul." It read. 

"I rank amongst the 9th Level! As of right now; you are all Rank 1!" She growled out into the crowd. 

"Sendenti?!" The crowd growled out in uprage. 

"Come on! I'm at least on the same level as you, pretty girl!" The Halfling from earlier called out from the shoulders of the Human from earlier. 

Sendenti = Rank 1 = LVL 1

Yamino-san clenched her raised hand into a fist; the white light once again building up. The crowd fell silent. 

"Oh; like a little bit of music will stop me from complaining! I know you can hear me!" The halfling persisted.

Yamino smirked; staring into the eyes of the Halfling from the stage. 

"What? Aint got nothing to say? I want-" 

The halfling's words died at his throat as a THWACK sounded out followed by a whimper as the he fell from the shoulders of his friend. 

"I wonder where his bag went.." Emi whispered to herself.

"Aaah! Tarou! Are you okay?!" His friend freaked out; struggling to catch him. She turned and knelt at his side; lowering her hands to the wound on his forehead. 

Tarou sat up before she got close; and looked at her with stars in his eyes. He held up a thumb; trying to maintain a simplistic face. "I'm ok." 

"Now that that's taken care of.." Yamino glared out at the crowd before she inhaled. "If you want to rise in the rankings; you must display your prowess right here and now!' 

Her eyes slanted as she slammed one foot onto a nearby chair.

How did that get there?

"I want to see blood!!"

It didn't take much for everyone to start the battle royale. 

Emi tensed up and immediately tightened the straps of her backpack. She wiped her hand back through her hair; pushing back her bangs. 

"Time step." She muttered; a little wisp of white leaving her fingertips and eventually down to her feet. 

Time slowed; and as it did; her eyes caught onto the kunai that flung by her face. She gulped and immediately rushed behind a pillar. As she made it behind the pillar; time went back to normal.

"Teleport; didja?!" It's the halfling from earlier. 

Emi sneered in his direction. "Why don't you go fight Yamino-san? Why are you fighting me?"

"First off; names Nomura Tarou! Second!... You look weak." Tarou shrugged and then moved his hand down; grasping the two guns on his waist. 

Emi felt offended. "How DARE-"

"Tarou! Don't go rushing off like that." His friend sauntered up; holding her staff still. 

Seriously; where did that bag go?

"Kyoko! Bless me!" Tarou held his guns up; one of them aimed at Emi; the other pointed at the pillar. 

"Oh; Endroth. I'm not just a healer!"

Tarou paused; looking at her in confusion. "....You're not?"

"Hello? I'm still here!" Emi sweats in confusion. 

"Oh hello; I'm Kyoko!" She beamed in Emi's direction.

"Your friend is trying to kill me." Emi pointed at Tarou who was still brandishing a gun in her direction.

"Oh that's unfortunate." Kyoko touches her cheek in thought. "He's like that!" 

Emi rolled her eyes. "Look; I don't want to fight." 

Her eyes immediately locked onto a form that approached her from behind. They had appeared out of nowhere. 

She immediately slides her flute out of her sleeve and blows a cord; eyes hardened.

"Evocation: Thunderous Chord." She blew into the flute hard; a clap of thunder ringing out from it in light yellow waves in her direction. 

Kyoko squealed and raised her staff; swinging at the light. Unfortunately; it went right over her head and hit the small gnome that had jumped to hit her. 


The gnome went flying. 

Kyoko's eyes were wide. Tarou is looking between her and Emi in complete confusion like a lost puppy dog. 

"T-..truce?" Emi muttered after parting her lips from the flute; shyly glancing off to the side.

Kyoko nodded eagerly; her hair bouncing. 

Tarou smirked; and lowered his gun; walking up towards Emi. He held his hand out towards her; grinning. "Welcome to the team!" 

Emi blinked and lifted her hand to grasp his. She froze immediately as he lifted up one of his guns; firing it. The bullet whizzed past her shoulder and immediately stuck the Orc behind her in the head. 

Emi shook on spot. 

"Was that a real bullet?" She murmured; eyes shakily glancing to her side; over her shoulder.

"Nope! It was just a little rock." 

This was going to be one heck of a school year. 

Taylor Victoria
Pope Evaristus
F.C Fondness
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