Chapter 153:

Haramura Meets Lotus Kenhiro!

Project: INFERNO

(Just then, Haramura was once again training as she accepted Tatsuhiro's apology on how he acted towards her. Isabel was evaluating her combat stances, attacks, magic casting and elemental use while Tatsuhiro was occupied with a different task.)
"Isabel: She's doing well, it seems she's more offensive with magic than elements.."

(Haramura notices the remaining computer generated opponents as she then casts an incantation and throws it in the air, vanishing from sight for a temporary use for sneak attacks. As one of the three A.I enemies was suddenly slashed by an arm blade, the incantation vanished which revealed Haramura's left arm shapeshifted into her very own blade. Haramura suddenly then acts fast and slashes the remaining enemies until stopped by a boss A.I but as she fights, Haramura strategizes in her head a battle plan to take the boss down.)

"Haramura (Thinking): Lets see... About six meters wide, ten feet tall... Swings a battle axe and has a huge skull on its chest so its immune to anything poison related... I got it!"
(As Haramura dodges an axe swing, she begins casting incantations below her as platforms to run in the air. Haramura then skids to a stop as she's in the perfect position.)
"(Aloud): After watching the tournament, taking those tests and reading every last battle in history, I hope this attack works.."
(As the boss then roars and releases a poisonous gas, Haramura clasped her hands together and forms her row of incantations which was humming a dangerous amount of kinetic energy with the incantation circles glowing gold but was increasing in size.)
"Here we go! Purgatory Valley!"
(An entire meteor shoots out of the incantation, engulfed with flames but cracks then explodes into medium sized meteors, falling on the A.I boss which then vanishes as the training was concluded. Haramura sat on one of the cooled down meteors with a smile of satisfaction as Isabel came down to give her the evaluation scores.)

"Isabel: Haramura! Are you okay?"
"Haramura: I'm okay for now.. I may not like fighting but I didn't know I could do magic..."
"Isabel: You have your father to thank. He may say very hurtful stuff but we really cares about you. There might come a day where you meet a boy you'd like and if he hurt your feelings or do something worse to you, Tatsuhiro would come to save you. He only wants you to learn how to fight for the sake of protecting your own family and yourself."
"Haramura: ...I know... Its just, I don't want to hold anyone back. I hated fighting because I would feel like I didn't understand anything. I'm trying to be a scholar, not a fighter... But what use is there arguing against the strongest being in existence...?"
"Isabel: Now, I think you have some talking to do with your father. But before that, you've been graded a solid S throughout your training, you pass dear!"
"Haramura: Thanks mom, a lot."
(As the training room was then cleared of the mess, Haramura then ventures out into Hakodate as heroes was was patrolling corner after corner as she then noticed her school having an autograph signing event, regarding the planetary contenders for the upcoming tournament.)

"Now what's all this about..?"
(As Haramura went to the event, she looks around and sees different types of fighters from different planets with their fans as Earth's representee , Lotus Kenhiro was signing autographs for a flocking crowd of fans.)
"Okawa Chifumi (President of The Lotus Kenhiro Fanclub): MR. KENHIRO..! IT.. IT'S SUCH AN HONOR TO MEET YOU IN PERSON!"
"Lotus: I'm pleased you've been patient enough to meet me and the honor is mines to see such loyalty, whom may I make this out to?"
"Lotus: I have a fan club? Well, this is new... Maybe I'll check the fan club out someday."
(As Lotus signed his official poster of his two hundred win with zero losses, Okawa squealed in excitement as Lotus also left an official seal of his signature.)
"Stay in school and keep it cool, Miss Chifumi."
(After one wink from Lotus, she broke down in happiness as she left quickly with the signed poster. As Lotus continued to sign autographs, Haramura was the final person in line which gave Lotus a smile of surprise.)
"Ah! You must be Haramura, can I help with anything?"
"Haramura: Well, I just wanted to come and see what was going on. Apparently, its an autograph signing before the Planetary Tournament?"
"Lotus: Actually, the tournament has been postponed for half a month. So the Elemental Federal Branch decided to hold an autograph signing for all the competing fighters in this tournament. Which reminds me, is anyone of Senvoinerth going to fight?"
(Haramura kept silent for a few seconds as she did not have an answer yet.)

"Haramura: I.... I do not know, Mr. Kenhiro."
"Lotus: I see. Either way, do not let it bother you."
"Haramura: In fact.. Mr. Kenhiro, can I ask you a question?"
"Lotus: Ask away."
"Haramura: What's the true reason of fighting? Why does it even exist?"
(Lotus pondered to Haramura's question and thought very carefully.)

"Lotus: Upon my perspective, fighting has a lot of reasons. Some can be for fun, some can be for relief and sometimes, people may fight out of jealousy, anger or many other reasons. The reason we fight there, then and now is because its embedded to the human DNA. Fighting is a very common thing that most individuals do not like. We're in a new era with heroes and not once there hasn't been a single fighter who quits in the middle of battle. They fight because they're willing to put their lives on the line to protect the nearby civilians, no matter who or where they are. Like Tatsuhiro said, we must put on the cape of justice and call ourselves heroes in this era. However, there are times when a fight is very necessary. Take my life for an example, I'm the former number one assassin of Japan. Assassination orders are an absolute before anything else. When the job is accepted, you must complete it without fail to maintain your loyalty to not just your own word, you must prove your loyalty to everyone else that assassination to you is a serious task and not just an hobby. Do you understand why I tell you this, Haramura?"

(Haramura then understood every word Lotus has said and smiled.)
"Haramura: I understand now Lotus, thank you very much for your wise words."
"Lotus: My pleasure."
(As Haramura now understood the meaning of fighting, Lotus stopped her for a moment before Haramura would leave and go home.)
"Also, do tell Tatsuhiro I hope to see him at the tournament about half a month from now!"
"Haramura: I will!"

(As they both smiled, Haramura walked home from her school and was finally pumped to learn how to fight more. Meanwhile back on Senvoinerth, Sawano was currently wandering around the new Senvoinerth which the rest of the Senvoinians was pleased with the new technology inspired by Earth.)

"Senvoinian #1: Lord Sawano! A good evening to you!"
"Sawano: Thank you, thank you! Good evening to you too!"
(As Sawano greeted everyone along the way he was then returning to the Senvoinian Palace but suddenly notices six individuals standing before him. As Sawano took one glance, he notices Khoteku Magachi which would mean the other five Dimensional Warlords are with her which gives him a bit of anxiety.)
"Explain your business here! Khoteku, you as well..!"
"Khoteku: Sawano Magachi, King-In-Training of Senvoinerth... On behalf of the Dimensional Warlords, we request an audience with you."
"Sawano: You have my attention but my advisors are occupied right now, state your business."
"Khoteku: Sawano... As family, this is nothing personal... But by timeline law, we have a warrant to collect your bounty. Forgive me, nephew.."
(The five remaining warlords then revealed themselves except one whom was wearing a brown colored cloak and was radiating high amounts of negative elemental power along with negative kinetic energy. Sawano quickly engulfed himself in flames to prepare to fight.)
"???: Try all you want. Your weakened state won't be enough to stop me."
(Sawano notices the cloaked warlord as he continued to speak.)
"???: Your flames may be noticeable still, along with your heat... But even your flames cannot put out my sand, the sand the crushes the ego of any fighter."
(As Sawano quickly pulled out his seal, Khoteku closes her eyes for one moment and Sawano's entire arm is gone which surprised him.)

"Sawano (Thinking): SHIT..! I forgot.. Khoteku's ability...!"
"Kebi: Running and attacking is useless."
(Sawano's flames suddenly died out instantly as Kebi activated his Nullification Barrier. As Sawano quickly ran towards the edge of the barrier, Khoteku warps past speed and time with a massive claymore, ready to slash Sawano in half which once again caught him off guard. In the distance, a shining star appeared which was a familiar Senvoinian stomping down on the claymore, shattering it into bits and startling the other warlords. As the dust clears, it then reveals Kenta Magachi protecting Sawano which gives Khoteku a serious gasp.)
"Kenta: Been a while, huh little sis?"
"Khoteku: KENTA..!"
"Kenta: NOW!"
(As the word now was said, two large void-colored bombs was dropped down on the five warlords which then created a massive explosion along with debris. Appearing from above is the Anti-God Prince, Ankoku along with the Anti-God King, Fuchibuto.)
"Kenta: I noticed the presence radiating from two of the warlords.. So I managed to call in some backup to make things even for us."
"Ankoku: Sorry to inform you but this area is off limits to any intruders."
(The four then notices a huge wall of sand protecting the warlords as none was scathed by the attacks from Ankoku and Fuchibuto.)
"Fuchibuto: Well well, this is going to be fun.."
"Sawano: I can't let this planet have another tragedy! CAST DOMAIN!"
(Sawano quickly thinks and traps the warlords along with himself, Kenta, Fuchibuto and Ankoku in one of his unfinished domains which gives them the advantage.)
"Ankoku: Lets get this over with, you dimensional scumbags are going to regret messing with the Magachi's on their home planet!"
"???: ....Kill if necessary. But keep Sawano alive."
(The warlords understood the command as the cloaked warlord meditated with a barrier surrounding him as the remaining five went into battle.)

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