Chapter 7:

Fallen Day

One Step To Hell [Short]

It wasn't long before we reached Grimgar. The Captain said that the best thing to do was to split up into groups and help the knights we found.

“Nobu, you and Minori go together. Kin and Yumi, you're coming with me.”

The groups were decided, now all that remained was to get to Grimgar and help our companions.

When we could already see the city gates, we could also see fire coming from there. The situation looked critical. We continued to run, but running in the opposite direction came a woman who appeared to be looking very distressed. We stopped and asked the woman if she was okay and what was the situation in the city.

“They... they're destroying everything...” said the distressed woman.

“Do you know their motive? And how many are there?” asked Kin.

“Some villagers asked them why they were doing this, but they just continued to destroy everything around them. And it's just two people who are causing all this destruction.”

“How?” asked the Captain intrigued.

“The Knights of Redon are having a hard time dealing with them. A knight asked me to try to run away and look for other knights to help them in battle.”

“Very well, go to safety, we are Knights of Redon. Let's join the battle right now.” said the Captain.

“Seriously? Thank you. Please help them. They are giving it their all.”

“Be rested.”

We continued to run towards Grimgar. Nobu said the Captain's name and the Captain just replied “yes”. Both me, Kin and Yumi weren't quite understanding what they were both thinking, but it wouldn't be a good thing. As soon as we entered the gates, all you could see was pure destruction. Everything was in rubble or on fire.

“Let's do everything as planned.” said the Captain.

“Okay.” said Nobu.

We took different paths. I asked Nobu why he called for the Captain just now and the Captain just replied “yes”.

“Minori, remember when we talked about being able to protect yourself on your own?”

I replied “yes”.

“So I think this will already be the case.”

I asked him why he said that.

“If it's just two people who are causing all this destruction and who are giving our companions so much trouble it can only mean one thing, they are Special Class.”

I was surprised to hear that. I asked him if he and the Captain weren't meant to be the only Special Class, not counting the mystery man I'd encountered.

“We are the only known Special Class, however, there may be other people in this rank that we do not know. In addition, each Special Class has its “power” level. Michio, for example, is stronger than me, that is, even if our enemies are Special Class, they can be inferior or superior to us. There is also a small chance that one of them is the man who attacked you.”

I thanked Nobu for the explanation and became more focused to help with whatever was needed.

We had already walked around the city for a while, but there was no sign of any battle, just completely destroyed buildings, cars and tents. All that technological development carried out in the city had been completely destroyed for no apparent reason. Something strange was the fact that we will not have found anyone until that moment.

We heard someone in the background...

“You're not going to get away with this, damn you.” said a male voice.

“I will ask one more time. Where is Minori Mizuno?” said another male voice.

“I don't know who he is, and even if I did I wouldn't say.”

“Minori, let's go!!!” said Nobu.

We started running towards the voices.

“Holy Scythe!” said Nobu.

Nobu attacked with a huge and shiny scythe the man who was holding the person by the neck who appeared to be a Knight of Redon. The man managed to dodge before being hit.

“You're fine?” asked Nobu.

“Nobu? Be careful, he is a Special Class like you.” said the knight.

“I expected that...” said Nobu.

When I started to take a good look around me, I was in shock. Everywhere were the bodies of what appeared to be knights, but also citizens. They were all scattered around the rubble of buildings that had fallen to the ground. They were... they were all dead. I didn't know how to react to that, I just stood there doing nothing.

“Hmmm... So you're the Nobu, aren't you?" asked the man with a tone of enjoyment.

“Looks like you know me, you did your homework.” said Nobu.


“I can see you have a sense of humour.” said the man without stopping laughing.

The man began removing white bands from his arms.

“My name is Tadashi, Tadashi Furuya. Remember this name before you die, Nobu Itoh!”

“What are your goals? Why do you want to know where Minori is?”

“My goal is just one, complete the Fallen Day goal, and for that we need Minori Mizuno.”

“Looks like I'm going to have to finish you off as soon as possible.” said Nobu with a very serious and at the same time furious tone.

Tadashi just took off the white bands, he had some marks covering his arms.

“Come on! Nobu!”

Quickly Tadashi got close to Nobu, Nobu attacked with his scythe, but he managed to dodge and hit Nobu in the belly with his fist. Nobu immediately dropped his scythe and dropped to his knees on the ground.

“And you call yourself Special Class, pathetic!” said Tadashi.

Nobu spat blood onto the floor and started laughing.

“Let's see who's pathetic.” said Nobu.


“Plan 1: Garden of Death!!!”

Nobu and Tadashi were in a place that looked more like a very dark swamp than a garden.

“Now, I'm going to show you that nobody plays with me.” said Nobu.

Tadashi looked a little scared and surprised.

“Hello, Nobu Itoh...” said a female voice behind Nobu.

Nobu looked back quickly, but the woman was already right behind him. The woman touched Nobu's back with the palm of her hand and said an enchantment.

“Inert Explosion.”

The three returned to the place where that battle had started. Nobu got back on his feet, but immediately fell down.

“Tadashi, bring Minori Mizuno.” said the woman.

“Glad you arrived, I think I was going to have some problems with Nobu.” said Tadashi while laughing.

I was even more nervous than I already was. Nobu... Nobu had been defeated by those two people. What could I do? Tadashi was approaching me. I decided to use “Fierce Tornado”, even though it was still incomplete, but Tadashi undid it so easily.

“Come on, Minori, don't resist. This is your destiny.”

I was so panicked that I felt like I was going to lose consciousness.


I heard a voice calling for me.


I asked the voice what it wanted.

“Minori... you have... you have to help me.”

I asked who was talking.

“It's me, the...”

I started to hear another voice and the voice that asked me for help I stopped hearing. The second voice was familiar to me.

“It seems to me that you need my help.”

I told to the voice that I didn't want her help, as the last time things hadn't gone well.

When I noticed, someone was putting their arms around my neck. I looked back to see who it was. She was a very pretty girl with long, wavy blonde hair. She was wearing a long, wavy dress that was a little sheer.

“Don't you really need my help?” asked the girl.

The voice that was familiar to me was the same as that girl's. Anyway, I didn't know who she was. I told her I didn't intend to go back to the state I had been in the last time, to which she whispered in my ear.

“But don't you want to save your friends and the innocent people of that city?” asked the girl.

I was a little thoughtful. However, if I went back to that state things could get worse, not better. I told her I didn't need her help.

“I promise it won't be like last time.” said the girl.

I ignored what she was saying and asked who she was.

“There you're being boring. Everything in its time. Now, don't you really want power to help those in need?”

I told her again that I wasn't interested.

“Well... I'll have to do things another way...” said the girl with a more serious tone.

Suddenly, several shadows began to emerge from the floor of that space. They began to take on human form and they all said to me: “It's your fault that I died.”

More and more shadows appeared and always told me the same thing. I started to go crazy. The girl was far from me. She had a sly smile on her face, as if she was enjoying my suffering. After all, who would she be and why would she be doing this to me? I could no longer hold me up with the pressure I was feeling. I knelt on the floor and grabbed my head. I couldn't take it anymore. I ended up screaming in desperation, and...

“Hmmm... Interesting!” said Tadashi.

“It looks like it's happening as the “Leader” said.” said the woman.

I was no longer myself and this time I wasn't even aware of what I was doing like last time.

Minori was emanating a dark and sinister aura, like the first time he lost control of himself, but this time his appearance changed a bit too. He had a black mark on his face and one of his hands seemed to be no longer human, but demonic. The only ones standing there were himself, Tadashi and the woman who accompanied Tadashi. What end would this battle have? 
