Chapter 124:

Chapter 124 Whisper in the Ear

Content of the Magic Box

Larry's voice was low and ominous as he addressed the group. "I have news," he began, not bothering to sugarcoat the truth. "It's not good news. In fact, it's really bad news."

The group held their breath, sensing the foreboding atmosphere that had descended upon them. 

"The bad news is this: I came across a pile of dead bandits' bodies in one of the rooms. I suspect the current monsters had massacred them without mercy," Larry revealed, his eyes narrowed.

"But that's not even the worst of it," he continued, his voice growing even more menacing. "The castle is teeming with monsters, creatures of the darkest kind that will stop at nothing to hunt us down and kill us."

The group exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of their situation. But then Larry's tone shifted, as he revealed a glimmer of hope.

"However," he added, "I did manage to find a sturdy room where we can spend the night. It's our only chance to survive, but we need to reach it before the monsters find us."

Larry's words hung in the air like a dark cloud, and the group knew that they were facing an unimaginable challenge.

"We should not have come here," David whimpered. "They will pick us out one by one. These are not some small fry monsters like goblins, these are the predators of the forest. And we are in their nest like a meal on the plate served straight onto the beast's table."

Suzuka leaned close to David and started to whisper in his ear. "Oh, they'll pick us out one by one, alright," her teasing voice was quiet and cold. "But not before they toy with us a bit. They love playing with their prey before they feast on it. And we are trapped here, in their nest, with no way out. It's like we've willingly walked into their den, offering ourselves up for their entertainment."

A twig snapped in the distance, causing David to jump. "They're coming," he stuttered, fear dripping from his voice.

 "You hear that?" Suzuka teasingly whispered. "That's the sound of death creeping closer, ready to claim its next victims. And there's nothing we can do about it now."

The group could hear the monsters close in, their claws and teeth screeching in the darkness. "Get it together David," Larry said with a raised tone, "Don't show them weakness, they are cowards and will not attack if you show them that you are not scared and ready to fight back."

Drogath placed a hand on Larry's shoulder and said, "You need to give that boy a minute to calm down. He just had a close encounter with a monster. Even veteran adventurers would freak out in a situation like that." 

Suzuka's voice dripped with concern and an underlying sense of danger as she barked orders at her companions, her eyes darting around, noticing signs of movement in the shadows.

"Listen up, David," she growled, her tone low and menacing. "Get your shit together. We need to move. Now."

Her words hung heavy in the air, and the weight of her warning settled in their stomachs like lead. They knew what she was talking about - the beast. Cunning, quick, and deadly creatures lurking in the shadows, waiting for their next unsuspecting victim.

"But you need to be careful," she continued, her voice dropping to a whisper. "These creatures are known for their speed. They can take you down in a split second if you're not on your guard. I faced them in the past, I know what they are capable of."

"If we stay close and in one solid group, we will be fine," Suzuka finished, her voice firm and unwavering. "But we need to move. Now."

Her words hung in the air like a warning, a promise of the danger to come. They knew that if they didn't heed her warning, they would be easy prey for the stalkers, and they would not survive the night.

Drogath leaned closer and asked, "Really? You fought these creatures and came out on top? If that is true then I suggest we follow your lead on this one. I and Arin have no experience with these monsters. This is the first time we run into them." 

Arin chimed in on their conversation. "Personally I haven't stumbled up such a grotesque monster myself, only heard the stories. And the people who talked about it have lost their minds from fear. They never set foot in the forest again and quit being adventurers. But with our team, I believe we can survive this, and I agree that we should start moving."

David, clearly frightened, pressed himself against the wall in the corner of the room. "It's easy for you all to talk," he replied with a tremble in his voice, "I'm not as strong or smart as you guys. I'll be the first one they go after."

Larry tried to lift David's spirits, "Come on, David. Don't be so hard on yourself. We need to focus on getting out of here alive. This place isn't safe, and we need to move fast. Let's head down to the basement. Earlier, I noticed some sturdy-looking doors with a lock. We can use that room to shelter ourselves for a moment and devise a plan."

Suzuka's impatience was palpable, and as soon as David nodded his agreement, she barked out the formation. With an authoritative tone, she assigned the roles, "Larry, you lead the way, Drogath take the front with Larry. David, you're nothing but a coward and useless, so you'll be in the middle. Arin, you go behind David and as for me, I'll cover the back, those monsters like to sneak up from behind."

Larry didn't even flinch at her words. He nodded in agreement and took his place at the front, ready to lead the way. On the other hand, David looked hurt and embarrassed by Suzuka's words. Clearly, he didn't want to be seen as a coward, but he also didn't want to be the one leading the charge.

As for Suzuka, she took her place at the back, her eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of movement. She knew that she could handle monsters that come at them from behind but memories from the past encounter with these monsters still lingered strong. 

Larry led his team with determination to the safe room, knowing that the beasts were lurking, hidden in the shadows. The menacing corridor seemed even more ominous than before, with every creak and scrape raising their anxiety to new heights. The team could feel the beasts' eyes on them, watching their every move, waiting to strike at any moment.

Suzuka was the only one who remained calm and focused, ready to react at a moment's notice if a sudden attack occurred. As they walked through the corridor, the only source of light came from the moon, shining a dim glow on their path. But even in the dim light, Larry spotted movement in the window ahead.

Drogath, unaware of the danger, stepped past the window and a massive grotesque head burst through, the massive jaws clamped down on Drogath's shoulder, crunching bone and tearing flesh as blood splattered in all directions. Drogath's screams echoed through the room, a testament to the sheer terror and agony he was experiencing.

Larry turned around his sword at the ready, to face the incoming threat. Another beast swung its claw through the window, but Larry was quick to block it with his sword. As he fought, Arin rushed in, but he was too slow. Suzuka, with her lightning speed, had already swung down her sword onto the beast's neck with a fierce strike. Her red eyes left a red light trail behind her as she moved, striking the monster down.

The savage creature crashed to the ground outside the window, its severed head still fiercely latched onto Drogath's trembling shoulder. Suzuka acted swiftly, plunging her sword between the monster's jaws and wrenching them apart with a spine-chilling force. The beast's lifeless head dropped to the ground with a sickening thud, its bloodied fangs still exposed in a final, vicious snarl.

As Drogath groaned in agony, his companions rushed to his side, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. The fiendish attack had been brutal, leaving Drogath writhing in pain and struggling for breath. Suzuka's sword had saved him from a grisly fate, but the damage had already been done.

Larry and Arin tended to Drogath's wounds, their hands shaking with anger. David, still on the ground, could only watch in horror as the scene unfolded before him. He knew that his friends were in danger and that he had to do something to help them. But he also knew that he was powerless.

Suzuka stood to guard with an unwavering gaze while Larry and Arin helped Drogath to stand up and walk. As David finally came to his senses and struggled to stand, his feet broke through the rotten wood floor, leaving him trapped and vulnerable. 

 It was then that he felt a familiar, malevolent presence looming behind him. Fear shot through his veins, paralyzing him in terror. The ominous shadow fell upon him, casting a dark, menacing aura over his entire being.

David's breath caught in his throat as he gazed at his companions for help, they all were facing forward and didn't see him in trouble except Suzuka with nothing but empty faces staring at him.

Instead of rushing to his aid, she regarded him with a cold, emotionless stare. It was a look that spoke volumes about her true feelings towards him - disgust, disdain, and a sense of superiority.

David felt a shiver run down his spine as Suzuka turned her back on him and walked away. It was a gesture that said it all - he was on his own, and he would have to face the monster alone. With a trembling hand, he reached for the weapon at his side, praying it would be enough to fend off the beast.

David's eyes narrowed as he watched Suzuka walk away, her fist tightly clenched with dark, flame-like energy emanating from within. To his surprise, the monster seemed to be taking its sweet time, not attacking. David saw it struggling to stand, the floors beneath it creaking and splintering under its immense weight.

He spun his head to face Suzuka, his heart racing as he watched her raise her hand. With a snap of her fingers, the monster let out a final whimper before disintegrating into a pile of gore and bloody flesh, its lifeless form splayed out before him. David's surprise quickly turned into fear as he realized the true extent of Suzuka's might.
