Chapter 142:

Wildland Expedition


There wasn’t a quick way the sisters knew of to get to Kidneyland’s greenest zone. Next to the Frontier were two areas they had little intention of visiting- (until she could come back later, in Katie’s case) that being a very large water park, Middle Coast, that rivaled President Washington’s very own Makoasis, and an expensive gated community inside the park they wouldn’t even be allowed into featuring nice homes and quieter rides, called Walter’s Way. No, their destination was on the east side of the park, far from any of these.

Forced to return to the Universe Theater, both sisters were relieved not to run into any Kidney obsessives this time around- well, not the aggressive kind, at least.

To the right of the theater this time, they found their path. Another long tunnel, stretching onward in the dark as they walked it with many other guests- just as they grew bored, their eyes spotting the verdant shamrock glimmering up ahead.

The transport tube ended with the abrupt visual explosion of a half-natural beauty they’d never gotten the privilege of seeing before. The green lushness above them, below them, all around them- stepping into this commercial jungle left them in a humbled state, despite its artificiality.

“Hey, Katie… this is like… really cool, right?”

And the second they breathed in, this feeling was increased tenfold, wafting in the scent of the forest. The whole of the park was pleasant to the nose, but each world had its own flavor- wet and mossy, the refreshing taste clung to them like a friend, joined by the orchestra of rustling leaves and wild animals in the distance.

“Always nice to see you enjoying yourself. But come on… do you still hate parks? Even with… places like this?” She teased.

Frankie had to think about it as they walked the wife open paths through the maze of trees, spotting the first of the animals- free range moths and butterflies, joined by other small critters in the trees.

“I… yeah, I still hate ‘em.”

“Whaaat? Can you really say you hate this one, though?”

Frankie took a look at where they were headed, and all the other people going that same way.

“I… can still hate it just fine. Cause… as much as I’m loving it, Katie- you know that this place only exists here because it can’t naturally. Not anymore.”

“And just what would you know about the past?” Her sibling laughed. “Enjoy things for what they are, Frankie.”

“Okay.” The traveler murmured, admiring the sun peeking out through the emerald trees that shaded their route. “Guess I’ll give it a shot.”

Katie smiled, and her sister did too, until their eyes found their way to the inexplicable sight just ahead.

A large private game booth- the setup and procurement of which surely must’ve taken an hour or more- run solely by, and seemingly successively by, judging on the number of customers in line- Denny Adams, the same member of Bozo’s marketing team they saw quite awhile ago back in the Eagle Frontier- who, by all physical means, should’ve arrived here at the same time or far later than they did.

“What in hell?”

Steward McOy
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