Chapter 2:

Chapter 02 Finally Awake

Bound by Fate: The Elf's Embrace

Gradually, I pried open my eyes, the veil of darkness lifting to reveal my surroundings. I found myself in a cozy bed, gazing up at the intricately decorated ceiling above.

As my senses returned, Alitia's melodic voice reached my ears, infused with a delightful blend of amusement and concern. "Ara ara, look who's finally awake. How are you feeling?"

"Not so great, but considering being stabbed, it's a miracle I'm still talking," I responded.

Alitia slowly raised from the chair she was sitting in and said, "Well, we did our best to save our princess's savior. You will have a magnificent scar to prove your heroic act. I mean you're a man, and a scar like that is an honor for men, isn't that right?"

Feeling weak and disoriented, I responded in a hushed tone, "I would prefer to have no scars. I quite like my skin as it is, thank you very much. Judging by the fact that I'm still alive, I assume Lumi is safe. But still, what was that all about?"

Alitia slowly approached my bed, gracefully sitting on its edge, with one leg positioned halfway onto the bed, accidentally revealing more of her captivating skin as her dress raised slightly. My cheeks flushed, and I averted my gaze, but her gentle and soft fingers caught my chin, turning my head to face her. 

She leaned in close, her voice taking on a flirtatious tone as she spoke, "Let's get this straight. I know you're not from this world. I extracted every bit of information from Lumi. But you have nothing to fear from me. I mean, you willingly shielded her with your own body, without a second thought, considering you had only just met her. That tells me you have good intentions, and for that, you have earned my gratitude and a small measure of trust. However, all of that could mean nothing if Lumi's parents discover your... well, how shall I put it... unconventional background. They may deem it necessary to eliminate you, despite everything."

Her words hung in the air, laden with a sense of caution. The gravity of the situation began to sink in, as the realization of the potential consequences of my presence in this world became all too clear.

 Before I could gather my thoughts to respond, Alitia leaned in even closer, her voice flowing with a mesmerizing quality. "But don't be disheartened. Lumi developed quite a fondness for you after your spectacular display of saving her life. I liked how you handled the situation back there, in fact, quite skillfully. Also, your story and introduction were good except for the slip-up with the Van Blous family name. Just so you know, Isaac Van Blous is well-known, and he only has a daughter, not a son. However, you had me convinced until then. To no one's surprise, It's not the first time Lumi has brought a random person into the palace, so I assumed maybe you were one of her classmates," she sighed, shaking her head. "For such a bright mind, that girl never seems to learn, even after facing the consequences each time."

Curiosity getting the better of me, I asked, "So, I assume I am expected to put on a convincing act as a close friend of Lumi to avoid trouble?"

Alitia's melodic voice filled the air once more, a hint of amusement present. "Ara ara, you're not only handsome but sharp as well. You catch on quickly. I have a prepared story for you. Oh, almost forgot, Lumi's parents will be arriving soon to express their gratitude, so you'd better remember everything I'm about to tell you, unless, of course, you don't value your life." 

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before resuming her speech. "However, there is another option, should you choose to consider it. You could depart at this very moment, still nursing your wounds, empty of any coin or knowledge about this world or how to navigate its delicacies. Perhaps you would scrape by, barely surviving in some desolate alleyway for a few fleeting days." Her tone shifted, commanding yet retaining its charm, she pressed her delicate finger against my wound as she continued, "Or you could play along like a good boy you are." Her voice regained its playful lilt as she added, "But do remember, the choice is entirely yours. I won't force you into anything."

Summoning what strength I had left, I mustered a weak laugh, contradicting her previous assumption. "Heh, Alitia, you seem to be mistaken about one thing."

Her curiosity piqued, she inquired, "And what might that be?"

"I don't want to simply pretend to be Lumi's friend," I declared earnestly. "I genuinely desire to be her friend. I won't engage in actions that may hurt her feelings down the line if she discovers your request for me to put on an act merely to save myself. I'd rather lay the truth bare right here, right now. As for the consequences, I'll leave it in the hands of fate." My expression turned serious as I spoke these words.

Alitia seemed surprised, her voice expressing wonder as she exclaimed, "Well, I can't believe you managed to say all of that with such a straight face." She playfully teased me, a hint of admiration coloring her tone. However, her expression turned serious as she continued, "I know you are brave, I saw it but consider this, what happens to Lumi if you decide to reveal the truth? The idea of summoning people from different worlds is unheard of in Luminecia, in this world. Clearly, she would face severe punishment simply because you chose to be honest. If evil forces get a wif of it they would seek to exploit such a power, just think what would happen to Lumi. You look like a smart guy, I think you can see the picture."

A realization dawned upon me that I was not alone in this troublesome situation. Understanding the weight of her words, I agreed to her terms, stating, "Alright, I will do as you say, tell me the story. I'll play along."

Alitia's mischievous smile adorned her face, her eyes glimmering with satisfaction as she responded, "Good boy. I knew I could rely on you." She crossed her legs, inadvertently revealing a fleeting glimpse of her panties, though she seemed unaware of the tantalizing display.

"Now, let's go over the plan," Alitia began, her voice tantalizing. "Your name is Kazuki," she pondered, pausing for a moment. "A rather unique name to hear in Luminecia, but we can work with it. You shall be known as Kazuki Silvercrest, the sole heir of your family."

Her tone shifted to one tinged with sadness as she continued, "Unfortunately, life dealt you a tragic hand, and you lost your parents at a young age. A solo survivor, a victim of an unfortunate fire. Due to your lineage not being widely recognized, your name doesn't carry significant weight. Ah! Yes, If anyone asks how you met Lumi, simply say It was during the entrance examination for Magic Box University. You crossed paths with her during the class."

Leaning in closer, Alitia's hands lightly squeezed her cleavage, exposing more of her enticing skin as her voice grew more intense. "Both of you had dreams of delving into the realms of magic, honing your skills. Lumi extended an invitation for you to bear witness to her magical experiment, an opportunity that unfortunately resulted in an unexpected disaster. The intricate rune sequence malfunctioned, leading to a disastrous explosion."

Her flirtatious demeanor returned as she concluded, "And as for the rest, well, you have already experienced it firsthand. You courageously shielded your friend, enduring injuries in the process, and now find yourself awake, recovering in this bed."

Surprised by the simplicity of the story, I couldn't help but express my doubts, saying, "That's it? It seems like a rather basic tale. Do you think they will actually believe it?"

Alitia, unfazed by my skepticism, dismissed my concerns with a mellow wave of her hand. "Let's not complicate matters unnecessarily. Sometimes a simple tale is the most convincing," she replied, her voice filled with a sense of practicality as she rose to her feet, preparing to leave.

However, before she go, my curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist asking, "But why would someone want to harm Lumi? She appears to be such a kind and innocent girl."

Alitia turned to face me, a mischievous smile dancing across her lips, her laughter filling the air. "A girl? Oh, my dear, she is far more than that. First of all, Lumi is a woman, older than you, in fact. The delicacy of her petite features is a testament to our elven and dwarven heritage. You see, our races age at a different pace than humans do," she explained, her words unveiling a fascinating aspect of Lumi's nature, shattering my preconceptions and leaving me even more intrigued by the complexities of this world.

Alitia paused, her graceful movements freezing as she turned her head to face me directly. Her voice carried a mixture of worry as she continued, her words laced with emotion. "And the reason someone wants to harm Lumi is simple: she possesses a rare brilliance in magic and rune art. She's a prodigy, a genius. I suspect that someone within the MIS wasn't too pleased to have such a formidable competitor emerge." 

I asked, "MIS? And who they are?"

Alitia stopped for a second then continued, "Oh! Wait, forgive me, you're not familiar with our world. Let me explain in short terms, the MIS is the governing body overseeing all magic-related matters also known as the Magic Investigation Society. They hold significant influence and power in all the nine towns across this world."

A fleeting moment of silence hung in the air before Alitia's voice resumed, her tone urging caution. "In light of this situation, I would strongly recommend disclosing your origins and the fact that you come from another world to anyone, especially the MIS. It may be in your best interest. Who knows what could happen if they were to discover your secret? The MIS has changed for the better in the past years, it's not the same as it used to be but there are still those who seek evil deeds thirsty for control and power."

Exhausted and feeling light-headed, I mustered the last of my strength to address Alitia. "I understand the seriousness of the situation, but perhaps we could postpone the meeting for another day or two. To be honest, I'm not feeling my best. After all, I was impaled by a massive knife, so I would greatly appreciate it if I could have a few days to rest."

She came back to my side, a smile gracing her lips. "Oh, silly me. I completely forgot. We couldn't fully heal you because you had lost consciousness," she admitted. 

With a swift motion, she retrieved a small, bright green crystal from her belt and extended it toward me, her voice warm and cheerful. "Here. This is a healing crystal, our primary and most reliable healing artifact. However, you need to infuse it with mana to activate its powers. Unfortunately, due to your unconscious state, some 'other' actions were taken to save your life."

Taylor J
Mario Nakano 64