Chapter 6:

Chapter 06 Lumi's Ultimate Move

Bound by Fate: The Elf's Embrace

As I was about to speak another word, my belly emitted an embarrassingly loud growl, demanding to be fed. Lumi, in surprise, brought her hands to her mouth in an adorable manner, her cheeks flushing with a rosy tint. Flustered, she said, "Wa wa wa, Kazuki! I completely forgot! After waking up from your injury, you must be hungry."

Lumi paused for a moment, her expression filled with a sudden realization. After a few seconds of processing, she burst out, "Aaaaa! I can't believe I forgot to thank you for saving my life! Thank you so much for shielding me with your body and stopping that bad person who was after me."

I downplayed my actions and replied with a reassuring smile, "Oh, don't worry about it, Lumi. Anyone in my position would have done the same for such a lovely girl like you. Besides, I heard you saved my life with that red potion. Thank you."

Lumi's face flushed with embarrassment, and she shyly covered her face with her hands, her eyes peeking through the gaps between her fingers.

 In a flustered tone, she stammered, "Awa wa wa! Let's forget about the red potion for now and off we go to the kitchen! We'll fix something for you to eat, Kazuki."

 With an infectious energy, she leaped off her chair and began pulling me out of her lab towards the kitchen area.

I couldn't help but be swept up in her enthusiasm, my heart warming at her adorable gestures. As we made our way to the kitchen, we heard a boisterous laugh coming from behind us, echoing through the corridor. Lumi suddenly stopped in place and said, "Ghe! I know that laugh all too well. It's Laughing Larry, Kazuki." 

I asked Lumi, "Is there a problem? The way you acting I assume you are not too fond of him. Is he bothering you?"

Lumi stood shyly, she is back to her passive state, she clung to my side gripping my hand, and she said in a low, weak voice, "N-no, Larry is a good man. I-It's just that he is very boisterous. His manners are similar to Olivia's, I just can't handle clingy people like that."

I turned around and took a better look at the man, right away one striking feature that caught my eye was the cool scar that stretched across his face, serving as proof of the battles he has faced throughout his adventurous life. 

His haircut reflected his effortless coolness, with a style that was both modern and slightly rebellious. His hair, once vibrant and full of color, now bore hints of gray, a reminder of the years that have passed. His fashion sense was on point, from tailored jackets to well-fitted pants. It was clear that Laughing Larry knew how to make a statement with his wardrobe choice. With an air of confidence and swagger, he carried himself toward us.

 Larry, without even approaching us, raised his hand, waving enthusiastically while shouting, "Hello there, little Lumi!" His voice echoed throughout the hall, rubbing Lumi's nerves. 

She swiftly turned to face him, her voice cracking and trembling with a mix of defiance and insecurity, yet she sounded cute as she yelled, "D-don't call me little! I-I'm a grown woman! Baka!"

Unfazed by Lumi's response, Larry approached us with an infectious laugh, his eyes gleaming with joy. "Hahahah! Indeed you are, my lady. My deepest apologies for the slip-up. But jokes aside, I'm truly relieved to see that you're alright. I heard about the accident. Good old Larry here thought about coming to give you a big ol' hug, but it seems you already have someone by your side." 

His gaze shifted towards me, and he extended his hand for a handshake. "Hello there, young man. My name is Rob Willson, but everyone calls me Larry. Back in the day, my adventurer's name was Laughing Larry, so you can call me either."

I shook his hand, feeling warmth and sincerity in his gesture. "Nice to meet you, Larry. My name is Kazuki, Kazuki Silvercrest, but just Kazuki is fine. I am Lumi's friend," I replied casually with a smile.

"Well now, Kazuki! I'll feel much better knowing that little Lumi is in good hands. But I must bid you farewell, as some important matters need my attention. Have a wonderful day Lumi. Kazuki, please take care of little Lumi for me. Now, excuse me." With a gentle bow, Larry excused himself and departed.

Lumi, clearly irritated and blushing with anger, clenched her dress tightly, her tiny fists trembling with frustration. She began stomping the ground in an adorable display, wanting to release her pent-up emotions. "Stupid Larry! Stupid Larry! Always making fun of my height! I'm not little! I'm not little! It's not my fault for being born in a world of giants! All of you are just too tall! Ukyaaa!"

Seeing her frustration, I crouched down, bringing myself to her eye level, and looked into her expressive eyes. Placing my hands gently on her shoulders, I spoke softly, "Lumi, you are perfect just the way you are. To me, It matters not whether you are towering over the world or standing at its eye level. Your petite stature is not a flaw, but rather a charming aspect of who you are." 

She calmed down and with shifted gaze to the side shyly said, "Y-you really think so?"

"Of course I do and from what I observed, it didn't seem like Larry was intentionally trying to offend you. In fact, it seemed like he cares for you a lot." I said with a caring tone.

"Yes, I know. But it is just annoying when everyone acts around me as if I'm some small child. Even at the age of 2, I had already delved into the depths of mana manipulation and mastered the intricate art of magic rune sequence coding. And that's not even scratching the surface of my expertise in crystal functions and redesign. In fact, I took it upon myself to redesign and enhance Luminecia's monster warding crystal, collaborating closely with none other than the ruler herself. Although Helen, being the cheerful individual she is, never treated me with kid gloves. She saw my capabilities and intelligence, she didn't look at me as I was just some child." 

I playfully teased, "Well, despite your impressive accomplishments, I'm not gonna lie, you do have some childish charm."

Lumi's face flushed with irritation, and she furiously tapped at me, landing adorably playful hits. "Ukeee! Not you too! Don't call me childish! I am not a little kid!"

Sensing her genuine frustration, I quickly sought to soothe her. "Okay, okay, my apologies for teasing you. I didn't mean to offend. How old are you, by the way?"

Lumi's shyness returned as she averted her gaze to the side and softly replied, "I-I'm 24 years old."

"Oh! You're older than me then. I'm 18," I said, a hint of surprise in my voice.

"Told you I am not a child," a playful twinkle sparkled in her eyes as she lightly taunted me.

I couldn't help but ask, my curiosity piqued, "By the way, when you mentioned 'monster', what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Oh, right! I forgot to tell you. Luminecia is a unique town in this world, where all races, including monsters, live in harmony. Ah, yes, the old man Larry, he is one of the ten council members representing the human race and its affairs."

"What? You should have told me he was such an important figure. I was so casual with him. I hope I didn't unintentionally offend him by not addressing him properly."

"Don't worry, Kazuki. None of the ten council members come from pure noble upbringings, except for my mother. My father, Helen, and Larry were all adventurers, so they don't care much for politeness or formalities."

"What about the rest of the council members? Can you tell me about them? I'm curious to know."

"Well, you've already met my mother, who represents the affairs of the elves. Then there's my father, who represents the dwarves. And of course, Larry, who stands for humans. Oh, and there's also this small old goblin, even smaller than me, who always walks with a cane that's taller than him. His whole body is covered in scars, showing the hardships he's endured, I've never seen a goblin as old as him. His name is Hermit, and he represents the goblin race and their affairs."

"A goblin? You mean those small green creatures with long pointy ears and noses?" I asked, my excitement evident as I recalled the fantastical beings from the manga I loved.

"Yes, although his once-bright green color has faded to a dark gray-green over the years. But yes, Goblins are exactly as you described," Lumi confirmed.

"This is absolutely fascinating! What about the other council members?" I couldn't contain my enthusiasm.

"Next, we have a Lizardman named Zalthar. He always gives me a fright whenever I see him. The way he looks at me, it's as if I were some kind of snack or something."

I nodded in agreement, understanding Zalthar. "I can see why."

Suddenly, a gentle embrace wrapped around Lumi from behind. I hadn't even noticed its presence approaching. A tender and loving voice whispered, "Ara ara, I was just thinking about having a little snack, and this adorable cutie will do just fine, hm hm."

Turning my head, I saw Alitia, holding Lumi as if she were a plush toy in her arms. The sight was incredibly adorable, with Lumi's petite figure dangling down, resembling a cute little cat in Alitia's embrace.

Rabi-kun, Lumi's cute pet, hopped onto Alitia's head and nestled in her silky hair, while Alitia tenderly embraced Lumi. With a smile conveying annoyance, Lumi spoke up, her voice filled with affectionate protest, "Big sister Alitia, please stop. Not in front of Kazuki. You're embarrassing me with all this cuddling."

I observed the playful jesting between the two loving sisters, my heart swelled with a sense of warmth and wholesomeness. I said with a gentle smile, "Please, continue. Don't mind me. Who am I to interrupt the bonding time between two siblings? Pretend I'm not even here."

As my remark slipped past my lips, it come as a shock to Lumi. Her response was immediate, her mouth opening wide with a startled gasp. "Ghaa!," she yelled, her voice filled with both surprise and a touch of panic. "Don't encourage her! Alitia gets carried away very easily, she's just like Olivia. Please, Kazuki, help me out here!"

Caught up in the adorable scene unfolding before me, I couldn't help but playfully decline Lumi's cry for help. With a mock apologetic tone, I replied, "My apologies, my lady. But I cannot interfere with such a divine act. I'm afraid the gods might smite me down."

Alitia leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing against Lumi's ear as she whispered mischievously, "Ara ara, looks like Kazuki doesn't mind. Well then, shall we continue? Let's enjoy some sisterly bonding time, hmm?"

As Lumi found herself enveloped in Alitia's embrace, she refused to succumb to her games. Her spirit drove Lumi to wriggle and twist, managing to turn herself around, face to face with Alitia. With a mischievous smirk, Lumi playfully slapped Alitia's breasts, displaying a triumphant expression.

"Heh! Take that, and this, and a little bit of that! Big sister! Hehe!" she declared, reveling in her small victory.

Alitia released her grip on Lumi and took a step back, emitting a playful and cute sound, "Kya!" With a hurt tone, she said, "Quit that, Lumi. Don't be so mean to your big sister. Humpf."

With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, Lumi shyly averted her gaze, her cheeks turning a gentle shade of pink. "S-Sorry, big sister Alitia. I-I couldn't help myself. You forced me to use my ultimate move. It was your own fault for subjecting me to your cuddling."

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