Chapter 1:

The First Day

Writing is Therapy: The Tale of Two University Students Who Found Love and Understanding Through the Power of Pen and Paper in a World Not Their Own

The shrill sound of the alarm pierced the tranquility of the early morning. With a loud, disgruntled groan, Nathan slapped his phone, silencing the intrusive noise that had dared to disrupt his precious sleep. The room was filled with the scent of old books and a hint of lavender from the air freshener. It was considered a luxury if he managed to squeeze in four hours of sleep. Another groan escaped him as he practically rolled out of bed, his limbs heavy with exhaustion. His heart was already racing, anxiety creeping in with the dawn.

Yawning loudly, he shuffled to the bathroom, the cold tiles shivering through his body. He splashed water on his face and body to wake himself up. The smell of minty toothpaste wafted through the air as he glanced at his reflection, his messy brown hair sticking out in all directions. Would today be the day he finally managed to tame it? He laughed loudly at the thought as if he had the time or energy for that.

He glanced at the clock, noting that he still had an hour to prepare for classes. He had regular classes about safety in the classroom and designing math classes for the children, but after those, he had the extra class he had signed up for creative writing. Nathan had a deep love for writing, his mind constantly buzzing with new plot ideas and character developments, devouring light novels like a man starved. The university often offered these classes, but he had always been too nervous to enroll. What if he didn't mesh well with the others? What if they disliked his stories? The anxiety was overwhelming, but he had finally taken the plunge. He had finally put his name on the list.

A soft smile graced his lips as he packed his bag, carefully placing his notebook filled with scribbles and notes inside. The notebook was not filled with class notes but was a treasure trove of his stories. The pages smelled like ink and worn paper, a scent that was comforting to Nathan. Until now, he had written countless chapters for various stories, dabbling in genres like romance, mystery, and even some attempts at high fantasy. However, Nathan had yet to finish a single novel. After writing three or so chapters, he would stop, doubt would creep in, and the story would end up in a dark, forgotten corner of his MacBook. But not this time, not for this class.

For this class, they would write a novella, a complete story from start to finish. The assignment was different. Sometimes they would write solo or in pairs, and the genres often changed. Not knowing what kind of world Nathan would need to create was a thrill. As long as he could write solo, everything would be fine.

Taking a deep breath, Nathan looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was a complete mess, his favorite hoodie looked oversized on his slender frame, showing signs of wear and tear, and his big blue eyes peered through his black-rimmed glasses at the freckles dotting his nose. He was the embodiment of chaos, a picture-perfect representation of his inner world. His heart fluttered with anticipation and anxiety, a cacophony of emotions that was all too familiar.

The relentless ticking of the clock seemed to mock Nathan as time slipped through his fingers. He had scarfed down a simple breakfast of toast and coffee, and his belongings were hastily shoved into his bag. It was a familiar dance - waking up early with the best intentions, only to be waylaid by distractions and find himself teetering on the edge of delinquency. Why did this always happen to him?


The exclamation burst from Nathan's lips as he realized the time. His heart raced as he hastily slipped on his shoes, his fingers fumbling with the laces. He grabbed his things and bolted to his car, the cool morning air whipping past him, carrying the scent of dew and freshly cut grass. With a swift motion, he threw his bag into the backseat, started the car, and was about to peel out of the driveway when a nagging thought tugged at his mind. Did he lock the front door?

With a loud sigh that carried the weight of his frustration, Nathan turned off the engine and trudged back to the house. His shoulders sagged as he checked the door, finding it securely locked. He couldn't recall locking it, but his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and it was hard to keep track.

As he headed back to the car, he couldn't help but feel the pressure of the ticking clock bearing down on him. He restarted the engine, this time with a sense of urgency, and navigated the familiar roads toward the university. His fingers drummed on the steering wheel, his foot a little heavier on the gas pedal than usual. Even now, making it to class on time would be a photo finish.

With a series of minor setbacks on the road, including traffic jams and road repairs that seemed to spring up out of nowhere, Nathan finally made it to the university. However, his tardiness meant he missed his first lecture of the day. It was shaping up to be one of those days. While attending the courses wasn't mandatory, they made the assignments and presentations significantly easier.

Heaving a sigh, Nathan set his bag on a table in the hallway, resigning himself to spend the next half hour there. The logical choice would have been to work on his assignments due in a few weeks, but he needed a mental escape. The writing was his sanctuary, and he decided to indulge in it. His mind began to wander through the endless possibilities. A story about a vampire? A vampire who believed he was deeply in love, only to discover that he was obsessed and identified as aromantic and asexual? Or a story about the red thread of fate that binds people together? What if the protagonist is tied to someone, but it turns out to be an unhealthy relationship? And what if, after a heart-wrenching breakup, the antagonist finds solace and love in someone else's arms? A woman, or maybe a man?

Nathan's fingers danced across the keyboard of his MacBook, the plot ideas and characters flooding his mind in bursts of inspiration. The keys clattering was like music to his ears, each stroke painting a world of possibilities. For the first time that day, a genuine smile began to form on his lips. His eyes sparkled behind his glasses as he lost himself in the worlds he created. Even if he never wrote a bestseller, he made a silent vow to himself – he would finish a book someday! And maybe, just maybe, he would learn not to be so critical of his writing.

Minutes flew by as he wrote drafts for his different plots and characters, making a few notes to add to the other hundred or so he had made at some point in his life. At least he had his brain fired up, he was awake, and he was ready to go to the following classes. Today he did not care about the lectures and the workshops; he only wanted to attend the writing class. Assignments were next week's Nathan's problems.

As he finally closed his MacBook and packed it away, he felt a sense of accomplishment and adrenaline. His heart was lighter, and his thoughts were more focused. The scent of coffee wafted through the hallway as other students passed by with their morning brews. The buzz of conversation and the rustling of pages filled the air.

Nathan stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scents of the university – a mix of old books, coffee, and the subtle hint of cologne and perfume from passing students. This was his sanctuary, where he could be himself and create worlds and characters that danced in his imagination.

As he made his way to his next class, he couldn't help but feel excitement for the creative writing class later in the day. His mind was already racing with ideas, and he couldn't wait to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard.

His heart was pounding, not from anxiety this time, but from anticipation. Today, Nathan was not just a student; he was a writer, a creator of worlds, and a weaver of stories. And nothing, not even his chaotic morning, could take that away from him.

As he entered the classroom, he sat near the back. His blue eyes scanned the room, taking in the familiar faces. His fingers tapped against his notebook, a rhythm only he could hear. His thoughts were a whirlwind, but for once, it was a whirlwind he welcomed.

Today, Nathan was ready to embrace and turn the chaos into something beautiful. Through his writing, he would find therapy, solace, and maybe even a piece of himself that he didn't know was missing.

And as the lecturer began to speak, Nathan's mind was already in another world where anything was possible and where he was the master of his destiny.
