Chapter 0:

Where It All Began

Legacy of Resilia; Book 1: The Arrival

‘Hey Micheal, can you help me with moving our new stock to the shelves?’

I could hear my dad ask me from across the room. I’m currently helping my father stock the shelves of his antique shop.

‘Sure, I can help!’

As I was making my way over to him, I once again stared at the vast array of old items on display. I know it’s not something that a ton of people my age will find interest in. Maybe it’s my dad’s shop or his interest that rubbed off on me, but I personally really like them. It makes me imagine the time of when those items were used and the people who might have used them.

‘Thanks for always helping out Micheal! By the way, once you’ve finished stocking the shelves, can you do something for me?’
‘I don’t know, can I?’ I said kinda jokingly.
‘yeah, I’m pretty sure you can!’
‘Then, what is it?’

Usually, these errands of his can mean one of two things. Either he asks me to look after his shop for a while, or to buy groceries. But since we already bought groceries yesterday, it’s most likely the former.

‘Can you go to this address for me? Someone called me today about wanting to sell an old mirror to me!’

It turned out to be neither. That’s strange, whenever he buys something from someone else, he usually goes himself. That’s when he’d ask me to look over the shop.

‘Why, don’t you usually go yourself?’
‘Yeah that’s true, but my back is acting up again! And besides, it’s close enough that you can get there in about 10 minutes with your bike!’

While I had a feeling that it wasn’t exactly the right thing to say, I still couldn’t help myself from saying this a little sarcastically:

‘You know that Mom and I told you it’s better to bend through your knees, not through your back right?’
‘Yes, I remember thank you, but old habits don’t exactly go away easily!’

There is a slight annoyance in my dad’s voice, but I could tell that he knew why I said it. It was only a couple months ago that his back started hurting. It’s probably since he mostly runs this antique shop on his own. I’ve helped him out before, but now I’ve been helping him out everytime I’m finished with school for the day.

‘I guess I’ll go then!’
‘Thank you!’

My dad handed me the address. I quickly recognized it, since an old friend of mine used to live near that neighborhood. He also handed me $40. Probably the amount he bought that mirror for.

‘Alright, then I’ll be going in just a sec!’ I said to him.
‘Thanks a lot Micheal!’ Shortly after saying this, he started to ruffle my hair.

‘Daaad, stop it you’re embarassing me!’
‘How can I embarass you, when there is no one else here right now?!’ He said while letting out a chuckle.

I don’t dislike it when he does it, but it’s a little too childish to do it to your teenage son if you ask me.

‘Oh okay then!’ My father said while lowering his arm. ‘Before you go, I do want to ask: have you already given some thought about what you want to become later?’
‘I- I haven’t given it a lot of thought!’
‘Yeah, I could’ve figured! But still, at least think about it a little! You’re still young and still have more than enough time! Just know that whatever you end up choosing, you won’t be forever stuck with-!‘
‘-The direction you end up choosing! I know! I know!’ I finished his sentence midway.

‘Well, I’ll be going then! See you soon!’
‘Yeah, see you soon.’

I unlocked my bike which stood in front of the store. My bike has a crate in front, which is going to make it easier to take that mirror with me.

I started the trip to the address and as I was making my way over there, I started to think about all the new anime that were currently airing and which ones to watch next.


‘This is the place!’ I thought to myself.

I arrived at the address. I got off my bike and rang the doorbell. It took about 30 seconds until the door was opened by an elderly lady.

‘Hello young man, can I help you with anything?’
‘Uhm, yes, hello! I come from “Reid’s Antiques” and you called about wanting to sell your mirror to us’.
‘Ahh, yes that’s right! Come on in! The mirror is still hanging on the wall in the living room however, so can you help me take it off first?’
‘Of course!’

I made my way to the living room and came face-to-face with the mirror. It had a golden colour, with a big sun on top of it. The sun had three holes in it, making it look like it had a face of some kind. Sadly, the mirror was hanging a little too highly for me.

‘Excuse me?’ I asked the lady. ‘I can’t quite reach it! Do you mind if I stand on one of your chairs, so I can more easily take it off the wall?’

The lady smiled softly at me and said:

‘If you take your shoes off before standing on the chair, then I don’t mind!’

I quietly nodded and obliged with what she asked of me. I took my shoes off and stood on the chair. I reached out to the mirror, but as I was about to reach for it, I started to feel lightheaded. I quickly caught myself on the backrest.

‘Are you alright young man?’ She said to me worriedly.
‘Yeah, I guess I just stood up too quickly! Don’t worry about it!’

I quickly regained my composure and I once again reached for the mirror. I took the mirror off the wall and stepped off the chair. With the mirror now under my arm, I reached out in my pocket, where I put the $40 and handed it to the elderly lady. At first she looked surprised, but then she smiled again and told me:

‘Thank you young man, but I’m pretty sure I sold it to you for $20, not $40!’
‘Huh, but I’m pretty sure my father gave me $40 for the mirror!’
‘I think he wanted you to keep the rest!’ She said to me. ‘I think he just wanted to give something nice to his son!’

That does sound like something my father would do. Ever since I started to help him out more, he has been “discreetly” thanking me in this manner. Although I keep telling him that he really doesn’t need to do so, since I always feel awkward with accepting it.

‘Well then ma’am, I think that about covers it! Thank you very much! We’ll take very good care of your mirror!’
‘That’s alright and take care with going back home okay!’
‘I will, thank you!’

I thanked and greeted the elderly lady, carefully put the mirror in the crate of my bike and started making my way back home.

A couple minutes after I started to make my way back home, I was once again starting to feel lightheaded. I stepped off my bike at the side of the road to regain my composure again.
‘What is going on?’ I thought to myself. ‘This normally doesn’t happen to me!’

As I regained my composure, the reflection of the light in the mirror caught my eye. As if drawn to it, I lifted the mirror up a little bit to get a better look at it.

‘Sure is an interesting looking mirror!’ I thought to myself.

When looking in the mirror, I noticed something. Were those trees? And is that a waterfall? Am I hallucinating or something? It looks like the reflection of the light is only getting stronger. It felt like I was getting lightheaded again, but I wasn’t able to properly catch myself this time. The last I saw was a white light fully engulfing me, before falling to the ground and fainting.
