Chapter 82:

45.ii A Diamond Body

The Rising Sun Saga

~ Bodhi ~

He has it. He has it. There’s no other way. That staff hit him like a bullet and knocked him clean off his feet. Since he’s still breathing, then there’s no other explanation for it.

Bodhi’s mind was going a mile a minute wondering and wondering if their suspicions all this time were true.

The monk didn’t even seem concerned as Sun Tie Quan roared at the judges about how this whole thing was unfair.

“The impact from my staff should have killed that lemon lime idiot! How the hell is he allowed to go forward when he didn’t do anything the whole damn time he was up here?”

“Little harsh, dontcha think?” Seven grumbled, crossing his arms.

“He’s right though,” Bodhi put it bluntly. “Sun Tie Quan’s staff is powerful enough to one shot you if you’re not careful.”

Seven huffed, “Not that. He’s up there insulting my brand. Kind of mean.”

Down by the judges table, Laozhi stood up to address Sun Tie Quan. He took a deep, laborious breath before speaking.

“The rules were to stay on the platform. Sun Ritsu, however ungraceful he went about it, did not fall off of the platform. Now I suggest that you take your place back among your contenders, Sun Tie Quan. Because your failure to follow up on your own attack does nothing to show off what strength you have. Rather, it betrays your own arrogance.”

Sun Tie Quan’s gaze momentarily trembled in boiling anger, but the intensity suddenly fizzled out as he humbled himself and bowed his head. Head still bowed, he stepped backwards among the other winners.

“Ohhhh so does this mean Sun Ritsu’s method of survival counts?”

“It counts, Dan.”

“Good because things were getting a little heated down there, Chow. I don’t do well with confrontation, you know.”

“The moment has passed and we can move on to the rest of the games. Someone should wake up Sun Ritsu and let him know that he won the round. And quickly before the judges announce the details of the next trial.”

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