Chapter 2:

New friends, commitment !

Love's conundrum

I was promoted after national service to be assistant chief internist at the largest hospital in the city of Solorettia. I've been heard by a lot of citizens and scientists... Thanks to the researchs papers I wrote in the service year. I'm walking down the hallway of the hospital, and I'm glad I got there. I forgot to tell you about my little buddy who's about to be one month old today. Can you see it?Of course not. This is a written novel hahaha. here, It's a small, softball-sized robot called Robot 1... Although it's very small, I've been able to program it to do a variety of functions, like real-time 3D rays, generating electromagnetic waves to generate heat as a kind of energy and certainly to help me in my work as a doctor and a surgeon. At noon at my rest time:

Robot 1 "You should reduce your bacon intake and replace it with beans...!"

"If you had tried the taste of meat from the chef's hand, you would have withdraw your statement immediately...!"

I said it as I chewed a morsel of bacon sandwich with mustard and some lettuce.

"Are you sure you can harmonize your research with working for Mariscalo?"

I went to a small tap and washed my palm with water:

"I think so. My research on elixir is still in the beginning... I have to gather more information.... Do you think I should rely on Maya?! ".

"You know...?! Your heart beats so hard when Maya sings in remembrance... Your pulse always increases and your mood improves... Are you sick or something like that...?! ".

I lowered my head as I looked from the sixth floor at those below us, including those who enjoy health and well-being, and some who lost it and are fighting to regain it.

"Honestly... I don't know – I grabs the left side of my shirt – maybe I'm sick.... But who is the doctor who will cure me of what I complain about..?! ".

Before the robot came up with its idea, the phone shook digressively. I read the screen and it was the same girl I was thinking of.

"Hi Maya... How are you?! ".

"Hello, doctor... I'm fine, thank you... What about you??! ".

"I've just been talking about you in the company of a robot."

"I hope it's a good biography."

"Absolutely... I hope you likewise carry good news for me...?! ".

I was telling myself that she might be infected and needed me to treat her. I had been their family's doctor for a long time and I expected her to limp in blood. I don't wish her bad, but Maya's tasks are of a high standard and very difficult for a young woman like her.

"Are you free?! I have something I would like to talk about..! "

"Honestly, I'm now starting my second shift... Can I meet you in the evening when you are free ?! ".

There was a little silence and I felt sad because I might have broken her heart. The young woman replied in a cheerful tone:

"Okay. Up to you... I'm waiting for your call in the evening...! ".

Maya hung up. I felt happy and decided with the robot to take her to dinner together in a restaurant full of aqua life and stunning views.

"You look happy, glasses?! Is this the effect of a meat sandwich?! ".

I turned to the author of the phrase, a man in his thirties with a beard and brown hair, as he tied his arms and looked at me with pleasure. I rubbed my curly hair as I looked at it:

"Ah... I think so... ".

"I doubt it... You can't hide your feelings, young doctor..! " .

He said it as he shook his index finger and walked towards me. This feisty hybrid doctor is called Masoud and he is one of my biggest supporters since I came to this hospital. He's a senior psychiatrist and he's pinned high hopes on me and even calls me a miracle because I've never failed any surgery whatever it was on a human or a hybrid.

"Listen. You have become famous in electronic newspapers, newspapers as well as television channels... Many girls care about you, especially those you had treated ... Haven't you thought about marriage yet...?! ".

My face reddened and I grabbed Dr. Masood by the arm and took him into my office after the eyes of the people on the floor looked at me. No wonder, Dr. Masoud likes to speak in a high tone, especially on topics like this... What an embarrassment...!.

"How many times have I told you, doctor, not to open this topic to patients and staff...!"

Masoud scratched his cheek:

"Why not...?!   It will be the journey of a lifetime and your partner in life...! ".

" Didn't you tell him about Maya..?! ".

My nerves exploded in anger and I carried this armored ball and threw it into the wall...! What is this, robot?! I would like to throw you in a wildlife reserve, you rude monsters..! . The robot was resistant to high pressure and collision so it bounced back at me in a counterattack and hit my head. I fell to the ground unconscious.

I woke up to a confused picture and severe pain almost blowing up my head. As the vision became clearer, I realized that I was in one of the hospital beds and many doctors, including Dr. Massoud, looked towards me with pity, and my vigilance was the refuge for their hearts to calm down. The robot was also present and I could see expressions of sadness on its small digital screen. There was someone else here to check on me... It's the mariscalo itself...!.

Dr. Masoud "Thank God ... You got a slight bruise on your head. Don't worry about your schedule of operations. The manager has decided to cancel the non-urgent operations."

I grabbed my head where the bandage was:

"Oh my God...! This wasn't supposed to happen... ".

Robot 1 "It's my fault... A... I am that... I'm sorry, doctor... I didn't really mean to do this... ".

The robot's tone was tender and tearful, and it seemed as if its screen was full of drawn crystals – if I couldn't imagine or lost my sight – I felt a mixture of pity and sadness as it was, so I straightened my palm and the robot landed:

"Don't say that, little brat... I'm fine."

Robot 1 -sadly-" That's not what my sensors tell me... You have excessive sympathomimetic activity. ".

Dr. Massoud "He just needs some rest... – He talks to two doctors with him – Let's go, Fahmy and Ghassan... ".

The two knocked on their approval and wished me full recovery and well-being and left quietly. Dr. Masoud told me that the director of the hospital had given me a week vacation to check the seriousness of the strike and to rest in it. I felt a little sad that the smile of the patients after their recovery is a mascot that breathes my life into it. But I'm glad I'll be full-time to serve the Mariscalo.

Mariscalo "I really worried about you... I wish you a speedy recovery... You can rest these days in your home. ".

"Don't say this Mariscalo... I am fine, thank God, and my injury is not a serious thing until I step down from my job...! ".

"Since I'm reassuring you, I'm going back to the bounty hunter's guild – rubbing his thick hair – you know, Nutario can't do all the tasks on his own even with that ability."

I got out of bed and headed towards the Mariscalo:

"Can I go to Salvatore?! I will be in my own room attached to the treatment room if someone needs my help... ".

Mariscalo rubbed his beard after his features became exclamation and surprise and a hint of pity and fear for me, especially since I was the talk of the injured ... I never wanted anything more than to go to Salvatore now... I don't know what's wrong but I'm thinking of surprising Maya... It really got out of hand... When I think of this young woman, my smile becomes a habit and my life is more joyful and happier.

"Isn't that really okay...?! I think it's better to take a break in your own home... ".

"Note that I will not find someone in Salvatore at this time – it is three o'clock in the evening – or do you not consider Salvatore my second home?! "

"Okay, then. Never mind.. I'll get you a vehicle. Accompany me..! ".

Hurray..! Convincing Mariscalo was easier than I thought, although I remember the serious side of it and I hope I don't meet him one day. I sat in the waiting room. It's only been four minutes and Mariscalo is walking towards me to ask me to go back after paying the owner of the jet that looks more like a spacecraft than your wild imagination can imagine. The luxurious Mariscalo was generous and gave me a bag containing several pre-made sandwiches and a range of natural juices. He said goodbye with a warm smile as he prayed for my safety. Oh my.! . He is a really good man and loves the good of all.

I arrived at Salvatore with the robot. I smiled amazed as my mind weaved and weaved a number of situations between me and Maya where I would be the hero and help her with something. I pushed the door to fade my hopes before labor.

The chestnut head was sitting in his father's office located in a large hall opposite the entrance.

Talal "Hello... I came early today. What happened to your forehead?"

"It's an accident. I took time off from working in the hospital so I wanted to come and check on you both. ".

"Don't worry about us... You should rest, comrade. ".

Talal is once again immersed in paperwork. I did not like this silence, so I broke it with one question:

" Talal. You know when Maya will be back here? ".

Talal couldn't believe it until he looked at me reading my shy facial expressions.

"Maya?! – Smiling – He has revealed you..! Don't worry, she'll be back tonight at seven o'clock after she limps to the syndicate with my father. ".

"I ask your permission... I feel tired and I'll go rest... ".

"Absolutely... ".

I went to my room, changed my clothes, lay the bed and fell asleep on the memory of the beloved Maya. The hours alternated and evening came, I woke up and prepared to meet Maya at seven, as Talal said... I will not forgive him if he is a liar. The automatic door opened and we were surprised by Mariscalo alone.

Talal "Where is Maya?! ".

Mariscalo "You mentioned that she has an important issue and she will be back. Didn't you eat your lunch ?! ".

Mariscalo said it as he removed his leather coat and looked tired.  Usually, Maya prepares food and cools it in the refrigerator, and who return early heat the food... Maya is trained by Chef Clark, one of the city's most famous chefs, and she prepares different types of food, from appetizers to dessert and dishes in between. I felt uncomfortable not because of her absence, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. I hope my suspicion is not right.  Talal and I ate but missed Maya who loved to chat with both of us during the meal. Half an hour passed, and the door pushed too hard and Mariscalo stand surprised from his office after being overwhelmed with task's analysis.

"Aa... Doc..Doctor...! ".

I came out of the room quickly hoping my ears had let me down... No way... This can't be Maya..!
