Chapter 7:

Diverse lifestyle.

Love's conundrum

Salsabeel came out with signs of sadness visible on her as visible as the sun in daylight.

"Thank you, doctor, for taking care of Mukhtar... ".

"What happened?! What did the director say?! ".

Before the girl with bright eyes says something to me , a wounded human boy appears pushing Mukhtar strongly to fall to the ground:

"Get out of here, beast! There's no place for you here. ؛! ".

Mukhtar " s...sorry... ".

Salsabeel" I am sorry for what happened to you. But it is out of the hands for Mukhtar...! ".

"Is he a robot?! Is he a deaf machine that does not mean what he does..?! This wound is real because of him and it still hurts me until the moment. ".

I saw features where the underlying sadness was mixed with the breaking on Salsabeel's face and on Mokhtar too. I think Salsabil was able to respond and please this boy, but the truth broke her more than I imagined.

"Listen, little boy...! If it really hurts, I have the right treatment for you...! ".

I said it as I looked at him with evil glances and took a syringe out of my pocket.   The boy immediately trembled and ran away, with tears filling his eyes. Mukhtar burst into tears and tears and mucus were scattered everywhere. Salsabil wiped the little boy's head and carried him and promised to find a solution for the problem he was going through. I was curious and felt that this experience might benefit me in the long run, as well as to get to know my beloved more, so I decided not to retreat and be there to help her during this period.   We stood by the side of the road and a vehicle came immediately that I had ordered by my phone previously.

Salsabeel – shyly – "you did a lot today... Sorry for wasting your time and thank you for everything... including the defense of Mukhtar."

Dr. Adnan – opens the door to Salsabil -: "You're welcome, miss... I promised you and I was on my words... ".

We got on board vehicle and headed home. As usual, Salsabeel gave the location to the driver. The little one slept in her lap as she gently wiped his head and contemplated his innocent features. I wish I were in this little one's place to be in her warmth and steal a kiss from her lips... Oh my smiling dear ..! I wish you know the size of my passion, my love for you.

What a coincidence...! The house of Salsabeel and Mukhtar was close to Salvatore which is good for me.

Salsabeel" welcome to our house. Please go ahead and consider the house yours too...! ".

I entered in front of Salsabeel to lead her after I carried the tired boy in my arms. We were greeted by a number of children of different ages, and they were all hybrids, and Salsabeel was the candle that lights up the darkness, as the little ones flocked to her like a musk stick, hugging her and kissing her with pleasure, as if she were a piece of candy, and she is the blessed, giving to them a set of sandwiches from her backpack.

 Here I knew the diverse lifestyles of our and that the life I enjoy is in the eyes of these children the very luxury to be aimed for. I was interrupted by Salsabeel's hand landing on my shoulder :

"Hey doctor?! What's wrong with you...?! I called you twice with no answer ? I bet you feel tired... Please allow me to take you to a room where you rest while I prepare lunch... ".

How fast the speed of days and time... I wwa out of consciousness for a moment and then I looked at her moon-like face, okay. the charmy girl took me to a room on the ground floor with a double bed, a closet and a small screen.

Salsabeel, "Please consider yourself at home... I won't be late in preparing lunch... Until then, take a small nap. ".

Dr. Adnan "Do you mind if I help you..?! ".

Salsabeel – sarcastically – "Can someone as tired as you help seriously and he was confused about what to eat during breaks?! ".

I fold up my jacket arm's :

"You'll see what I'm capable of doing..!"

The wide-eyed woman cut the chicken at an incredible speed and then put it in a saucepan with a set of vegetables until it is cooked and politely asked my permission to bathe and change her clothes after she prepared the rice as well. At that time I prepared chicken meatballs with tomato sauce, mint oil and onion rings. Salsabeel marveled at my dish, which smelled delicious after I arraned the table for me and the kids. As for me, I was wandering in it after wearing a cherry sweater with jeans pant.

Salsabeel "Wow... You're done then?! This is good... ".

Thoriya – a young girl at seven – "I'm starving Cecil... When will the food be prepared?! ".

Salsabeel gently patted her head, "The food is ready... Come on gather around the dining table to eat politely... ".

Thoraiya " O. K ... ".

Dr. Adnan " Your home is full of positive energy... ".

" Yes... That's what makes life so much easier... Let's take the food and eat... ".

"Absolutely... ".

We sat together around the table and Salsabeel introduced me to her brothers and sisters, who varied in ages and personalities, of course. We quickly got along and I became part of their family. Everyone was happy and after the food was finished, each of them would quietly arrange their place and prepare their plates to be washed by Salsabeel in the kitchen located near the door of the house in the large hall.

Salsabeel: "Go to strudy your lessons, kids ... In the evening you will have a group session with dessert as a rest."

I asked Salsabeel to wash the dishes, but she politely refused and asked me to go to rest... I preferred to stay with her, and a young man at Maya's age came with multicolored hair:

"Let me help you today... I'm free and insist on it... ".

Salsabeel " you became a reliable boy... how mature is that ! ".

The young man's face reddened, but he glimpsed sadness on Salsabeel's face:

"What is wrong with you ?! Why are you sad...?! Is it about Thoraiya?! Or is ithat Mukhtar....?! ".

"Yes. This is his last warning at school. If he can't do it, he will be dismissed...! ".

The one with colored hair is agitated:

"I told you to let me do it myself... I will discipline him and make him follow the rules against his will. ".

Salsabil replied angrily:

"He's a little boy, Hamas...! You can't beat him or abuse him like that... ".

Hamas was in shock by her statement and showed signs of pity despite his resentment.

Salsabeel" I'm sorry, Hamas. If it was my way, it wouldn't be otherwise... ".

The colored hair boy left quickly, his veins beating strongly. I was saddened by this sad scene. The wide-eyed woman bowed her head as she held a plate and the plate quickly fell out of it and broke into small pieces. I hurried back to my beloved to collect the parts, but she preceded me and cut her fingers with glass.

"Ouch...! Oh my god ! ".

Dr. Adnan – taking a handkerchief out of his pocket – "Allow me to check the wound so that there is no pieces of glass in it... ".

She handed me her hand and there were small sharp piece embedded in her index finger. I gently pulled out the shrapnel and asked her to press with the tissue until I brought a bandage and sanitizer from the aid kit box in the kitchen cabinet.

Salsabeel "I don't need all this. There's something bigger that concerns me... ".

Dr. Adnan "Some of the attention doesn't hurt... ".

I sterilized the wound and dressed it. I saw Lamia's lips smiling at me with a wondrous relief that snatched my heart. The clock appeared on the robotics screen indicating five in the evening.Lamia'switg Salsabeel in the lower lounge drinking tea together on crimson chairs.

Dr. Adnan "I understand that the child Mukhtar has a problem at school."

Salsabeel "Yes... ".

"What's his problem?!"

Salsabeel lowered her head:

"He's bullied like any hybrid kid but his problem is... ".

I completed the phrase following my intuition:

"He can't control his ability... ".

"You are familiar with the problems of our community... ".

"It's part of my interests... – Take a bite of biscuits – I have always loved dealing with hybrids, they are kind-hearted and merciful, but they are strong in adversity... ".

"That's reassuring... Tell me about you... I didn't even know your name even though you were wearing an identification card at the hospital... ".

"My name is Adnan... I'd rather you call me Adnan, okay?! My father is the famous bounty hunter Riadh and I am his only son. ".

The graceful young woman rose up:

"Are you the doctor Adnan known as the miracle doctor?! I can't believe it. – Bow – It is an honor to meet you and I apologize for my inappropriate behavior and dereliction in your hospitality. ".

"No... In fact, you have done more than you should and I am very grateful to you. Now, can you introduce me to you more?! I'm interested. "

The young woman's face was red like rubies and she landed in her seat shying :

"A.. anything you want to know about me?!"

"I want to know about you and your brothers and sisters... ".

She told me about their suffering as they were born in a period of oppression and suppression of hybrids. They were more than 30 children under the age of five or less hiding in a small house in a remote uninhabited area of the city, and she and three people worked so hard in any noble industry as they had to earn money to feed the little ones... Their lives were literally an unbearable hell, and what made matters worse was that there was a human being who had revealed their truth after seven years of repression at the height of the revolution, and he had killed those who objected to his opinion, and Salsabeel chose the lives of the young, so she submitted to the order of this evil man called Ashraf, who locked them in cages and decided to sell them after he poisoning them to earn more money. Salsabeel and the little ones were freed with Sarah's help after she prepared almost overwhelming evidence to arrest Ashraf for his inhuman crimes, and this period was their first time to see the light and life like others. I felt very moved by their story and understood her various sacrifices for them. We parted to perform the Maghrib prayer. After the prayer, some visitors who were greeted by the children with happiness and hospitality came to us.

She is the heavenly haired savior Sarah and her sister Maya accompanied by a baby hybrid rabbit on Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah – sarcastically – "So you're hanging out here, doctor! "

Dr. Adnan "You can't describe me like that, Sarah... ".

Maya " there's no room for error. You fell in love with Salsabeel, is that right?! I can tell it from your eyes...! ".

My face blushed and I ran towards the back garden to breathe some air.
