Chapter 44:

The Otaku For The Last Time

Love, Manga & Blackmail: A Secret Otaku's Countdown To Romance!

𓆩♡𓆪 An hour after Ichika and Haruhi disappeared 𓆩♡𓆪


A tall, lean middle aged man cut through the sand and made his way towards everyone with brisk steps. He was donning a raincoat, and clasped a backpack in his hands. He addressed me with a concerned scowl.

“Yuuto-san…” I nodded, as the rest of the group gathered round.

After Sumi briefed us in on what happened, our group began a small search party for the two missing, quarreling love birds. When rain began to fall though, I took it upon myself to call for reinforcements, even if it would spell trouble for them further down the line.

“You said… Ichika got lost?” He voiced, still trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, long story short, she and Haruhi are somewhere around... there." I pointed towards the thick foliage surrounding us

We stood at the edge of the forest, not venturing too far in to avoid getting lost. Having Yuuto-san with us would help make the search more efficient, and having an adult present wasn't a bad idea either. Even if he was just a middle-aged salesman.

That's exactly what we did. Ichika's father suggested that half of us take shelter back at the hotel while the rest of us searched for our two missing friends. Not surprisingly, Kota, Sumi, Chihiro, and I remained, along with Yuuto-san. The others were persuaded to head back and await news of Ichika and Haruhi's whereabouts. The walk back was a simple straight line, and the forest out back was nothing compared to the hurdle in front of us.

I wasn't sure why Chihiro and Sumi had volunteered, perhaps the latter felt guilty, but that stuck-up rich boy's motives were anyone's guess.

"You better find them..." Mari patted me on the back as she walked past, clutching a sobbing Chiaki and a dejected Riku. "And you better not take too long!"

I mustered a grin in her direction. "Sure thing, just keep the food warm and the kids fed..."

"Hmph!" She snorted at me and turned away, clearly trying to appear tougher than she let on. Maybe she was even... worried. For all of us.

As we navigated through the forest, our raincoats on and a few flashlights guiding us, Yuuto-san began to mutter to himself.

“I can’t believe this… He was supposed to protect her, not put her in danger…”

Chihiro perked up at those words.

“You mean… Haruhi, sir?”

“Yes. Yes… I mean my daughter’s boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” Sumi mused, her eyes narrowed in puzzlement.

Uh-oh… this wasn’t looking good.

"You must be mistaken. Haruhi isn't Ichika's boyfriend."

Before I could say anything, Chihiro dropped the bomb on Ichika’s father.

Yuuto-san froze for a moment, his foot digging into the wet path.

"They only just met a few days ago," Chihiro added, prompting Yuuto-san to shoot me and Kota a bewildered look.

The cat was out of the bag.

“I see... And you’re Haruhi’s friend I assume?” He voiced, tone cold.

“Eh, yeah. Very close friend.”

“Hah…” Yuuto-san shook his head, and walked ahead. “I see… I see…”

Soon the rain stopped, and traversing the trees became easier.

It wasn’t long, until we heard Yuuto-san’s voice. He had found them.

But somehow, I didn’t find it in me to celebrate as I would have otherwise.


“Yuuto-san?” I uttered, caught off guard.

I hadn’t even realized when the rain had let off, and when the night had gotten thicker. Not even when a few flashing lights approached.

They had found us.

“Father, you’re here.” Ichika gave a small smile, the likes of which Yuuto-san seem to ignore.

“Glad you’re safe, we’ll talk back at the beach. Follow us.”

At his prompt. We got back and followed closely behind him. There was Sumi, Chihiro, as well as Kota and Kirara. Were they all searching for us in the rain?

While I did feel grateful to have been blessed with friends such as these, the inexplicable weight of the atmosphere clung to my heart, and made me sluggish. Anxious. Everyone seemed to be thinking, fighting something of their own.

“What a grand entrance…” Chihiro scoffed, and patted me on the back.

“Yeah, thanks man.” I shook my head, and tried to smile.

Sumi didn’t meet my gaze as I passed, instead her head was hung low. She seemed relieved, and also… ashamed.

Kota and Kirara talked to Ichika up ahead, as I joined.

“Haruhi, glad you’re okay.” Kota smiled with honesty, while Kirara did so in apology.

“Ah, apologies in advance…”

"Apologies for what?" Ichika echoed my thoughts as we entered a clearing on the beach. It seemed we weren't far from the place after all.

While I could comment on how stupid that must have looked for us, Yuuto-san turned on his heel, and tossed his raincoat aside.

“I hate to do this Ichika…”

He sighed, exasperated.

“But this farce needs to end.” His voice was almost tinged with sadness and pain as he addressed her.

“I just learned that you and Haruhi are not really together… according to his friends.”

This again? My throat tightened. Had he spoken with Chihiro and Sumi? Were we done for?

“Is this true? Have you been deceiving me?”

Was it true? A legitimate question. We could claim we'd been keeping it a secret, that our friends weren't aware. But admitting that to Ichika's father while Chihiro and Sumi stood there felt like constructing another layer of falsehood. Another veil of deceit. But if it was to protect Ichika, then...


Before I could muster the courage, Ichika beat me to it.

Stepping forward, she cleared her throat. “I was lying to you, all this time. Haruhi was never my boyfriend…” With her head cast low, unable to meet her father’s gaze, and with trembling and clenched hands she spoke.


I wanted to take her hand. Hold it tight.

The hand of the girl that was protecting me.

With a bittersweet smile in my direction, she continued.

“I was... blackmailing him into pretending to be my boyfriend. But now, the act is over." She nodded resolutely, taking shaky steps towards her father.

“Blackmailing?” Sumi titled her head in confusion.

Chihiro on the other hand looked too stunned to speak.

“Ichika…” Kirara voiced, wincing at the climax of it all.

"Do you understand what this entails, Ichika?" Despite his disappointment, Yuuto-san's voice remained steady. With a final nod, Ichika followed her father's lead. After a brief farewell, the two of them departed. Alone.

Ichika glanced back at me as if it were the last time. With a pained smile, she sought out my gaze.

The girl that had blackmailed me for her whims. The girl that couldn’t face her father.

The girl that had apologized time and again.

That very same girl had fashioned wings of wax, about to face the unforgiving sun with everything she had. Even if it meant her own downfall.

The same girl that protected me and my reputation. That very same.

Goodbye, Haruhi.

With a smile, she walked away, leaving me staring into space, struggling to comprehend that the curtains had fallen abruptly on an unfinished, yet long, act.

Mario Nakano 64