Chapter 20:

14 - Third Meeting (heartbreak: developing.)

Jasmine-scent Dreaming

Her absence was immediately apparent in my life. I ended up feeling very empty, without our conversations to color my evenings bright. It was inevitable (and understandable!) that she wouldn't send me messages during her break time, but it just made it even more obvious how we weren't close friends yet. Friends that could tell each other about private events of their life and seek advice and support… or at the least, two friends who could talk about fun things to distract from the gloom…

It was… expected that we weren't on that level of intimacy just yet. But what was I to do as I waited for her? I was worried sick!!

Even if I tried to focus on the script-making, something inside me always nagged me, prompting me to drop everything and focus on my concerned thoughts instead. I had no choice but to pay attention to those thoughts, despite them stemming from mere speculation from my side. Just what did she need this break for…? I could go insane picturing all the possibilities.

However, further thinking made way for some soothing concepts as well. For example: what if she was just the type to keep to herself when things got busy? She was a student after all, maybe she just needed some time to get those projects out of the way. Or maybe she was just a little bit sick, deeming it useless to talk about, since it'd heal up on its own with a bit of proper rest? These were entirely possible.

But then… why would she sound so different from her usual self? That's what truly ate me up inside… I just hoped she was okay. I sincerely wished I was just overreacting to all of this…

Of course, this wouldn't make for a valid excuse to ditch my own task by the time she was back to the project, so I did my best to move the story forward. So far, I had written the introduction scene (mostly about the princess' situation) and how the two had met. It was time to write about their first adventure out in the magical forest, but I realized that there were a few possible plot routes I could write about. Should the beginning be calm and leisurely? Or should they face something dangerous right away, so that they'd develop a special bond early on in the story? Because of their introverted natures, it'd be a slowburn story either way—but I couldn't exactly decide on the direction on my own… I'd need Rika-san's opinion on this.

When I was done with noting down all the possible plot routes, it was actually already a week after her last message. Wouldn't it be okay to check up on her at this point?

Unsure about it, I wrote a text message, only to hesitate on pressing the send button. In the end, I just decided to go for it. Even if not exactly 'close', we were still friends after all: I had the right to check in on my friend's condition!

Yuuma: rika-san, how are you? when you're available, i'd appreciate it if you could let me know if everything is ok!!

Yuuma: i've been kinda worried, since you didn't write anything after your last msg (sticker with a sweat bead, smiling)

At this point, I knew better than just obsessively waiting for a reply, so I went to the kitchen to prepare myself some snacks. When she was ready, she'd reply. I put my phone away for the time being.

I leisurely cut some fruits, prepared a soft cream, and put together a fruit salad. While I was at it, I decorated the top with some small chocolate chips. I suddenly remembered about a strawberry topping sauce I got a while back, so I decided to add it into the mix. Somehow, I couldn't find it right away. How was it lost in my small kitchen? I was stubborn about finding it, so even if more than fifteen minutes passed, I still didn't give up.

Turns out it was just hidden behind some other stuff deep in my cupboard. Sheesh.

After my mission of pretending I didn't care waiting for her reply concluded successfully, I immediately jumped to check my phone. Hey, I did make my fruit salad, and I was away from my phone—so it's not like I was 'obsessively waiting' as usual, yeah?!

To my surprise, she had actually replied about twenty minutes ago. Now, I felt a bit bad about making her wait for nothing, but… Oh well. It'd be a worse look to force her to a conversation right away. I got to reading her response, my snack at hand.

Rika: what did i tell you about worrying over me!!!!!

Rika: well, you're a kind guy so i guess it can't be helped.

Rika: i'm alright! the break did me good. i was even thinking about meeting up again. maybe we could discuss the new things you've written!

Rika: i mean, idk if you wrote more…?

I smiled. So she was alright after all? She didn't sound too bad either!

Yuuma: of course, i wrote more! i love our children!

I immediately regretted saying that. Our children…? Wasn't that kinda… Aaargh, I don't know! A bit flustered, I kept on typing.

Yuuma: i'd appreciate if we could have a meeting soon! i have some potential plot routes we could take, but i didn't want to decide on my own. it'd be for the best if i could have my partner in crime's opinion, no?

What the heck, why was I writing so many embarrassing things today?! She'd totally think I'm weird—

Rika: awww, i miss our kids too. actually during class i found myself doodling marilyn, lol. i can't wait to properly bring the story alive!

Rika: and sure, let's meet up. i am very curious what my partner in crime has cooked up in my absence, heh.

Rika: plus, i am sure it'd do me good to see you again ✩


She… didn't mind my phrases which implied closeness as a duo? My heart started to beat like crazy. During her absence, it seems I had lowkey forgotten about how passionate she was about this project as well. As for being close, I wasn't sure how she saw me, but her last sentence echoed in my mind right until the date of our meeting arrived. She told me that it'd do her good to see me again. What did this mean? Did she enjoy my company? Did I help her? I cheered her up?!

…wait, did this mean she was still facing a tough time?

Well, I at least got my answer to that last question in our meeting, in a very unexpected and shocking way.

Once we sat down at our usual place (and made our orders without forgetting this time!), we got to discussing our story. I took quick glances at her to see if she had any signs of fatigue on her face—and sure she did. It was like… her usual strong aura had taken a hit. However, to an outsider she probably looked as fine as ever. It was me with the author's habit to catch every single detail and difference in people. My heart felt bitter seeing her like this. I wanted to reach out my hand and hold hers, saying that I'm here for her, but… She was doing her best to look fine, it'd be uncalled for if I probed without consent.

Which is why I gathered the focus point of our conversation around our story. Since this was a shoujo manga, we decided that a more peaceful beginning plot route would be better. They'd slowly get used to each other's presence first, and then we'd include an action scene of a mysterious magical creature attacking them in order to establish a deeper connection and need to protect. She said that she was very excited to try drawing this adventure though a magic forest, and I could see that she was being genuine. It was almost as if all her burdens were being lifted up from her shoulders with each passing moment. Right when I thought I could let out a deep breath of relief, her phone rang.

"Oops, sorry, let me see who it is—" And just like that, in a split moment's time, her liveliness got sucked out of her eyes. A few seconds later, my eyes joined in with that look, with her announcing that the call was from her boyfriend.

She had a boyfriend.

She had a boyfriend?!

She stood up hastily from her seat.

"I'll just go take this call, things have been kinda rocky for us, so… Don't want you to listen to that, haha…" Then she answered the call and left my side. And all I could do was to sit and look in front of me with my neck lowered down.

She already had a boyfriend. She was already with someone.

…of course she was! How could I even think that such a person wouldn't be taken already?!

It seems that I was still a Worldwide Fools' Championship finalist. Seriously, what was I thinking? …and why the hell was I tearing up? In public, nonetheless? I wasn't one to cry, what was this now?! I had to pull myself together, right away. I couldn't let her see me like this. She wouldn't know about my feelings, there's no way she'd know. More importantly, this was NOT her fault. It was mine. It was mine for catching feelings.

I am very foolish. I always was, I always would be.

I quickly took out a tissue and dabbed my eyes. I had forgotten how bitter tears could feel… I tried to finish my clean up of tears quickly, but she was already back. "Yuuma-kun? You okay there?" Rika-san, that should be my question for you—she sounded so upset!

I made up an excuse immediately.

"Yeah, yeah! Something suddenly got in my eye, and before I could manage to take it out, tears started falling down, haha…" She sat down and smiled bitterly. "Haha… Maybe I could use some tissues, too." I immediately checked her eyes to see if there was any reddening, signaling the rainfall of tears—but there were no visible signs.

Ah. She was most likely crying inside, then.

What was wrong between her and the boyfriend? What kind of problems could even occur if she was so mature and laidback…?

"Um… Rika-san, are you okay?" She laughed. It echoed so painfully in my ears. "Heh, I guess… not… really. Things haven't been good lately, and my boyfriend is just adding troubles to my daily life…" With a deep sigh, she continued, "Well, it's okay. Sometimes he's very explosive. It'll be okay, though" After this, she clapped her hands, as if to dissipate the heavy atmosphere.

"Well, well, let's continue. Shall we~?"

And so we did; we did our best to continue. But it was so obvious that our minds were at completely different places…

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