Chapter 1:

Planet Thanatos

Planet Thanatos

In a universe that seems to be conspiring against him, the cold and empty abyss of space is the only companion he can rely on.

After surviving a near-fatal collision, my focus was solely on repairing my cherished spaceship. My hands moved effortlessly over the equipment, making familiar motions that brought me comfort like a long-lost love. The process was soothing, almost like it was helping me recover from the traumatic experience. After working for a while, I took a moment to look into the night sky. The stars were like a group of silent watchers that offered comfort and companionship as I worked in solitude.

This time, however, I knew I wasn't alone. My attention was drawn to her, the woman in the astronaut suit that was standing not far from me. Even in the dim light, her beauty was undeniable, and there was a sense of peace and tranquility that seemed to radiate from her. The butterflies in my stomach were all I felt as I continued repairing my spaceship. Her silent approach had a serene and soothing air to it, almost as if she was trying to console me.

She was hesitant at first, not wanting to bother me, but she would keep me company and study my every action, keen to understand more about me. Her graceful, fluttering motions and exquisite beauty were like a constellation of butterflies drifting over and around me. Her soft touch felt light as a cloud, yet as mysterious as the vast space itself. But there was something else there, a sort of dark beauty, a sadness and melancholy so sweet that I felt my heart ache. Maybe it was the way she spoke to me, like I had known her my entire life but had forgotten. Perhaps we had met previously but had been separated by time and space.

Like two planets in a forbidden orbit, their misery was drawn together as if by a cosmic force.

We spent many nights like these. My heart was as empty as the void of space, yet my passion for her still burned as brightly as a supernova. With each turn of the wrench, hope was installed as memories of brighter days came to me. But eventually I found my imagination wandering back to her. She understood me in ways I could never begin to understand myself. She was like the star that guided my way out of this suffocating darkness.

"Have you heard about the recent discovery of a planet named Thanatos?" I asked her with excitement in my voice.

"Yes, I have..." Her response was unexpectedly bitter and cold, her words were filled with a subtle anger I didn't entirely understand.

"Someday I want to go there and see it for myself!" I said, my eyes beaming as I gazed into the sky.

Though she tried to hide the bitterness in her heart, it was apparent that her companion's joy had affected her greatly. Perhaps the planet, or more specifically, the name was not to her liking, though the reasons were unknown to the man.

As time passed by, she became less talkative and her stare was vacant and unfeeling, as if she was staring at a stranger rather than an old friend. Her presence alone was enough to make even the boldest man shiver in fear, as she walked with a slow and silent grace towards my now fixed spaceship.

"I want to go to Thanatos!" Her words like a reaper's scythe were cutting through my heart.

"Why?" I questioned her. Her gaze pierced me like a meteor, leaving behind a crater filled with fear and hopelessness.

"You've always wanted to go on this journey. Let us both fly to Thanatos and uncover its secrets together!" Her voice was filled with a haunting beauty and sorrow.

"I don't know. I was excited at first, but I've heard so many terrible stories about that planet, it's forbidden and everyone says it's cursed. And once you arrive there, you won't be able to come back. In fact, no one has ever returned from Thanatos." My voice trembled as I spoke, my feelings of fear and uncertainty were evident in my tone.

"The other astronauts fear what they do not understand, but we can overcome any obstacle together! Besides, death is nothing to fear, you will go there one day, whether you like it or not." Although her last statement sent shivers down my spine, I found hope and comfort in her kind tone.

"The notion of fear is an illusion. Let me show you the reality that awaits us beyond the stars! Take my hand, and let us fly to Thanatos!"

I immediately nodded like I was in a hypnotic state, and my attention was focused on her words like I was under a spell. As the cold grip of the unknown drew me closer, I held her hand. She smiled yet again. It was as though she reverted to the kind, gentle woman she was the first night we met.

The spaceship erupted into a thunderous roar as the two astronauts being their journey. The stars and planets were left far behind them as they ascended into the abyss. The journey seemed to last an eternity, but finally, with a gentle touch from her, butterflies began to flap around them, filling the air with bright splashes of color as if the whole world had come alive.

As we landed on planet Thanatos, we were greeted by more glowing butterflies fluttering back and forth in all directions, as if they had been waiting for our arrival. Somehow I knew they were not only distant entities of radiant light, they were life and purpose, and they had a place for me and for her. As we stepped out, hand in hand, I felt a sense of belonging to a planet I'd never visited before. I eventually knew we were both destined to meet, and her mission was to guide me to my actual home, the planet Thanatos.

The woman's heart was full of pain and regret as she thought of the astronaut's legacy, a memory that had been lost in the world of the living. He then slowly moved towards her embrace as glowing butterflies flew around their heads in a gentle dance. Her smile soon appeared when she realized that in the infinite realm of space, they will always be together like two wings of one butterfly.

Jon Spencer
Nika Zimt

Planet Thanatos

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