Chapter 21:

Hannau Farewell

The Governor's Queen

Rosamund got some first aid. They quickly patched up his injuries, and he briefly passed out from the pain caused by the treatment.

His face had a long cut that spanned from below his right eye, across his cheek, and ended just above his lips. It distressed him deeply. Aside from being the most visible injury he currently sported, he worried what he will look like if it scarred. He also broke a finger on his left hand, which meant he won't be able to write for a while. A long while, if it doesn't heal correctly. The cut on his back wasn't dangerous, although it was painful. His right arm, however, was in a very dangerous condition. The bleeding from the deep cut caused by the hook was barely stopped before Adanita packed him up into a rowboat, along with Ekliptik and a few other people who did the rowing for them. He wondered if this arm will ever be able to hold a weapon again. Or lift anything heavier than documents.

He was cold and barely awake. His vision was blurry and unfocused, and he was dizzy from blood loss. Sitting was difficult, and there wasn't much of a place to lie down. He put his head on Adanita's shoulder, leaning on her. She wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him steady.
His shivering stopped soon, thanks to her warmth. She even took a moment to put her coat around his shoulders. He was deeply grateful for her gentle help. He felt bad for resting on her like that, but he was in quite a sorry state. For the time being, they will both have to tolerate this invasion of each other's personal space.

She didn't try to start a conversation, thankfully. He was in no shape to speak about anything, although he knew he owed her an apology.

It could wait until he heals a little, though.

He was losing his grip. He started to daydream Adanita on a ship, commanding people with her unrivaled strength and confidence... Guiding them through a storm, shouting at the people who had the gall to spirit him away, deciding on the course of actions by his side...

The last he witnessed before completely passing out was Adanita picking him up and carrying him on the docks through the crowds. If it wasn't a dream his tired mind conjured up to give him some peace, the girl whom Ekliptik set to spy on him today was among the onlookers, alive and well. Everybody gets a happy ending, or else the story isn't over yet...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He woke up in the now-familiar bed in Adanita's cabin. The rocking of the ship and shouting of the men outside told him they were on the open sea. It seemed he slept for quite a while, then, if they were already on their way to Hipparcos. Almost a full day.

To his absolute surprise, he was feeling - well, good would have been an overstatement, but certainly better than expected. The pain was muted and his mind was pretty clear. That sounded like a good first step towards a full recovery, right? Did Teodolit use those magic herbs of his, or something? A magic potion that could immediately cure all ailments didn't exist, but there certainly were things that could help a man heal. That, or he was drugged out of his mind on some painkiller, and the clarity of his mind was just another hallucination.

To test the theory, he decided to attempt to sit up. The ceiling shattered like a colorful kaleidoscope, and he fell back after only lifting his head.

Both. Definitely both. He let out quite a pathetic whine. He couldn't even lift his hands to hide his face. Of course he will return home in injuries just after he had fully recovered from the storm. The universe was a cold, dark, and an uncaring place, and he was an insignificant speck of sand; and everything was against him.

"I see you're awake," Adanita spoke. She sneaked up on him again - how was that woman so silent?! He tried to think of a clever response, but failed miserably. Seeing that she was not on deck giving orders meant the sailing was going well, at least. Was she waiting for him to wake up, or did she have better things to do?
She left for a moment and returned to the bedside with a cup of cold tea. She helped him sit up and held it for him.
He drank it after his world stopped spinning uncontrollably, and unsurprisingly, it made him feel better. Teodolit's tea, no doubt. He could feel his head clearing up. Slightly less dehydrated than what was slowly becoming his norm, he managed to speak again. "Thank you."
"It's nothing," she said.
"No, it isn't," he said. "I don't think words can describe how thankful I am."
"For the tea?" she asked with a smug smile.
For gods' sakes, he was being serious. Or at least, trying to be. "You- you came for me." She watched him in silence, holding onto the cup. He slowly leaned back, using the wall of the cabin to support him. "This is the second time you've saved my life. No, third. You - thank you." He knew she would, as it was in her nature. Save a drowning man, save a man protected by the parlay, help a man after the duel. He expected her to do it because that was what she would do in those situations. It was who she was. But it was him specifically, and for some reason he felt awkward. Was he doing enough to repay her? Was she aware of how grateful he was for the fact he was still alive? For once, he was at a loss of words. How do you express something defined by your entire being?
She was looking at him with an expression he couldn't read either. Was he just that high? He was making a fool of himself. He sighed and closed his eyes. Just for a moment...

"I must apologize-"

Both spoke at the same time. He opened his eyes to see her somewhat surprised.

"Would you apologize if I had lost?" he asked her.
"No... well, I suppose it would depend. If you had put up a fight like that and lost nonetheless - yes, maybe. If you had challenged Jason completely hopeless, I would've killed you before she got the chance."
Aha. That was unmistakably not a joke. "Right."
"I underestimated you, your skills, and your determination. I doubted you. I apologize for that, nothing else. You did something incredibly idiotic. You got injured, and you almost ruined the whole bloody point of this."
"I know. I apologize. I won't do it twice, especially not without discussing it with you previously," he promised. He was aware his tolerance to risk was incredibly high. He was like that his entire life. It didn't mean he would blindly charge into a dangerous situation, but when it was time to take a high risk for a chance of high rewards... He wouldn't hesitate. He'd always stack his odds as much as he could, of course. Much like Cinda, actually. Which reminded him...

"What happened to Captain Lotus and Cinda?" he asked.
"Ah, I thought you might want to decide on what to do with them yourself. I dragged them along, their punishment is up to you."
"I'd like to keep them. I like them."
"What, again?"
"Every human holds infinite potential that must not be wasted. People are a limited resource..." he mumbled. "Cinda is very resourceful and clever. Jason is frankly terrifying." Jason was a weak witch with barely any magic to speak of. But considering how creatively she applied it and adapted herself for pure combat, he started to realize the sheer threat someone as powerful as Teodolit could pose. If he didn't yet think of using his magic the same way as Jason, Rosamund was there to ensure he learns from her. As for Cinda, he truly hoped he broke at least one of her teeth with that uppercut. Snake in the grass. Or the sea. "Demote them, as you said, but keep them around. I will be sure to find something to do for them in Hipparcos."
He was quite surprised how easily she agreed. Perhaps she didn't want to argue with him, considering his state. Or maybe she was learning something new. Who knows.

"Now, regarding Teo," she started. "I will decide on his punishment without your input."
"Pardon?" What happened? What did he do?
"Hah. You really are out of it," she said. "He knew previously that Jason was looking for you, and he promised her men that he'll distract your guard, so that they can nab you. Sure, he didn't expect you to visit him, but that sneaky little twat used the chance he had."
Alright, first of all, he was insulted by the fact she called that little girl his 'guard', but that wasn't as important as the rest. "Why would he do that?"
"I'll give you both the benefit of assuming it's for the same reason why you accepted that duel."


Fair enough.

"In either case, thanks to his interference, you were nabbed. He also could have considerably sped up my search if he came to me with information. That part angers me the most, I could've found you much earlier if it wasn't just Ekliptik and I looking for you."
So, he was the reason why Rosamund was locked up in that - no. He took a deep breath. "I believe I cannot be impartial, too. Do with him as you like." Without him, none of this would've happened. No, wait. Without him, it may have happened anyway, but that little girl would have been in danger, too. And not to mention that without her as a witness, Adanita would certainly not have been able to find him.


Once again he could reason himself in circles. He will leave it to Adanita. "Just don't kill him." Did she kill him already?
"I wasn't going to," she snarled, clearly aware of his train of thought. "He's scrubbing the deck as we speak. I'll put him on every cleaning duty I can think of for the next ten years, or however long it takes me to not want to beat him up every time I see him."
Fair enough.

With the conversation over, at least for now, Adanita went to fetch him something to eat, as well as more tea.

He fell asleep again soon after eating, and only woke up later in the afternoon. Adanita sent someone to help him get dressed while she was waiting out on the deck. He joined her with the help of the pirate.

Nearly two weeks of his absence exhausted him like a journey across the ocean, but now, at last, the white city of Hipparcos was shimmering in the sun before them.

Per Astra