Chapter 9:

Pit Stop

Hellmurder Girls

The road trip had been short but eventful. The holes in the back of the car kept the girls cold as night fell and they parked in the first gas station in Georgia.

“Can… can you drive tomorrow?” Macy quivered, her hoarse voice spiking higher than usual as she anxiously watched out the side windows. Nobody paid their vehicle much mind, but the way she saw it, everyone here from the staff to the drunkard throwing up on the other side of the street were all watching them.

“Tomorrow? We just stopped for gas. We’re driving until we get to Georgia.” Charlotte slammed the door and began to dig in her jean pockets for a wallet she didn’t have.

“This is Georgia… I saw the sign.”

“Well we’re driving until we get further in to Georgia. Do you have cash?”


“Shit.” The long-haired teenager let her forehead fall into her unwashed hand, but only for a second. She didn’t have any weakness left to show after her accomplishments today.

“We can leave the car… go somewhere else.” Macy offered, her words only shaped out of fear.

“We need the car.” Charlotte furrowed her brow. This wasn’t good. Macy was pushing her limits. She needed motivation.

“I’m gonna go in.” She looked at the gas station convenience store. “You want anything?”

“W-We don’t have money…” The blonde sat in her sorrows, already knowing what Charlotte was thinking, feeling the itch of the regret that still didn’t even seem real.

“Don’t need it.” Charlotte predictably yanked the door back open and picked up the long black implement from beneath her seat.

“P-Please don’t. Not again. Not any more. Charlotte-“

Charlotte suddenly looked down at her own crotch, her partner failing to notice the horrible acting.

“Oh, fuck. Uh… hey, I’m gonna go get pads. You need some?”

Macy tilted her head, completely thrown off from the AR in her only friend’s hands.

“Why would I…”

“Oh! Sorry.” She faked a laugh, already seeing the faint smile appear on her partner’s face. “I forgot. Hey, I’ll get us some new clothes while I’m in there, okay? Don’t wanna spend any more time in these bloody things than I have to.” She referred, not to her imaginary period, but rather the red coating the outside of both the girls’ dress-code compliant uniforms. “And we can do you better than that hoodie.” She made sure the rifle still had ammo left after everything that had gone down. Macy wasn’t paying enough attention to care. The poor woman was even smiling.

“T-thanks, Charlotte…”

“Anytime, Macy.”

The manipulator walked off towards the ambient light seeping out the glass windows of the establishment. She’d considered giving her hapless accomplice a goodbye kiss to seal the deal, but thought she’d save that card for later. The devil knew pretty clothes and acting dumb would only get her so far, even with that desperate classmate of hers.

Back in the car, Macy shut her eyes, covered her ears, and continued grinning before the explosive popping from inside the station began. As bad as this was, she thought, it was still better than going to school.

Moments later, Charlotte returned to the car.

“I got you this.”

Opening the door, she threw Macy the clothes. Nothing she’d ever wear herself, but she knew her backup would like them.

“T-They’re wonderful…” the bloodstained child shivered. “Thank you.”

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