Chapter 179:

Defeated. (Part 1)

Project: INFERNO

(As five months has gone by, the date is now May 18th of the year 2000. Meanwhile, the Magachi mansion was left as a destroyed pile of rubble ever since Gaito's death and has never been visited again, the entire Magachi family and all their allies and friends lived on with their lives trying to ignore the fact Gaito is no longer around. In Hell, Hinami was wandering around the castle with a worried expression on her face until approached by an adult Daigo.)

"Daigo: Sis? Is something wrong?"
"Hinami: Hm? Oh.. Nothing's wrong brother."
"Daigo: Hinami, it's all over your face."
"Hinami: ..."
"Daigo: ...It's been five months, maybe we should just... Go visit his grave."

(Hinami grips Daigo by his shirt and fights back the emotions still active inside of her.)

"Hinami: You shut up..!! He's coming back, you know it..!!!"
"Daigo: ...They manipulated him into a human, he was killable now."
"Daigo: Hinami."
"Hinami: HE'LL COME BACK..!"
"Daigo: Hinami.."
"Hinami (Breaking Down): He'll.. c-come back..."

(Daigo then holds Hinami as she begins to gasp loudly before sobbing further into Daigo's chest.)

"Daigo: I know it sucks. I miss him too, father does too."
"Hinami: ...I.. can't.. do it.. I already said goodbye at the funeral.. I can't go visit him..."
"Daigo: Look, this is killing us. We need to get out of Hell for a while and hang out somewhere, sibling bonding."
"Hinami: ... I don't.. I don't know..."
"Daigo: Hinami, you've sealed yourself down here ever since the funeral ended. No one in the family even bothers contact each other anymore and mother and Sawano has been focusing on getting stronger. It's just us.
"Hinami: ...Fine... But where will we go..?"
"Daigo: It's May right? Why don't we go to America for a walk on the boardwalk? I'll pay for anything you want."
"Hinami: ...Okay."

(As the comforting Daigo accompanies his sister, they prepare to go on their walk. Meanwhile for the other family members in other realms...)

-Dragon Realm-

(Shibuto was seen training alongside Dynnael and Choryrth with the strongest attacks and combinations they could use to increase Shibuto's durability in offense and defensive tactics. Dynnael in his human form was battling Shibuto as Choryrth remained a dragon with powerful lightning attacks from the side.)

-Beast Realm-

(Khomat was sitting atop his throne, watching every single beast of his own get stronger for their own purpose while he awaits his next challenger at the same time becoming more bored and bored by the second but was very irritated with the fact Gaito is no longer around.)

"Khomat: ..."

-Void Realm-

(In the Void Realm, the Voidions were then introduced to an enforcement of five powerful individuals to protect the Void Realm during Onara's absence. Onara then returns in the Void Palace and returns to her chambers, sliding down on the closed door as she then curls herself in a ball out of irritation.)

"Onara: ...I need a break from this Goddess work.."

(Onara then stands up to leave her office and return to Earth for a personal vacation.)

-Anti-God Realm-

(Fuchibuto and Ankoku were forming peaceful relationships among the other races across the universe as Ankoku was distracted by sensing Sawano from afar on Senvoinerth.)

"Ankoku: ..."
"Fuchibuto: Ankoku, is something wrong?"
"Ankoku: I can sense my brother. His flames are ascending again."
"Fuchibuto: ...Any guesses on the color this time?"
"Ankoku: Who knows? Unholy Inferno flames are powerful depending on the strongest emotion he holds to heart."
"Fuchibuto: Hm..."


(Lotus was seen training familiar faces within the Gojai dojo, Chimon was once again headmaster for Saikan Academy, Xinera was drinking at a bar alone while still depressed, Khoteku and Masunashi were both living normal human lives while living as roommates and a bunch of friends and family were not avoiding one another but were also focusing on living their lives as nothing happened. Meanwhile out on the south seas, Milo The Clown was waiting on his pirate ship for collected treasure of a legendary wreckage.)

"Milo: Come on damn it! What's taking so long?!"
"Clown Pirate #1: Uh.. s-sorry sir! The shipwreck is so far down-"

(As Milo orders his crew, he'd continue to wait while admiring the cloudy sky and rushing waves of nothing but the ocean.)

"Milo: Tch... It's been five months and not a damn Magachi or that bastard Kazuya or Knitemare became active, the hell happened to those fools?"
"???: Tell me about it."
"Milo: HUH?!"

(Milo then surprisingly notices his longtime friend, Kenta sitting on the captain's wheel and jumps down as Milo and Kenta performed their handshake. After catching up, the two then begins to speak on the matter.)

"Kenta: After my brother died, the family separated and some actually changed their name to get rid of the Magachi past. Many of our family went to fight Kazuya alone within five months but never returned. Unfortunately.. We have to come to terms with the fact that we've lost this one."
"Milo: ...I'm ashamed I wasn't quick enough for the battle."
"Kenta: It's fine Milo, you have your business and time."
"Milo: No. No, Gaito has done much for all of us and for him to be treated like this is wrong!"
"Kenta: As much as I want to fight Kazuya and Knitemare, I may have all of Gaito's abilities but with Knitemare and that damned book, it'll be impossible."
"Clown Pirate #2: Captain! We have the treasure!"

(As Milo and his pirates and the curious Kenta viewed the treasure, Milo pulls out a platinum colored globe and was ashamed.)

"Milo: Ahh, it's just a globe..."
"Kenta: ...! MILO! What chest was this..?!"
"Milo: It was a chest from a shipwreck, hailed from a forgotten dojo."
"Kenta: ...Milo, that globe belongs to-"

(The globe immediately bursts a bright light and flies into the air after being activated after eons of silence. The globe then shines a ray of light on Milo and flies directly into his chest, inserting itself into Milo's soul as the crew was in worry for their captain. As the light fades away, they'd all witness Milo The Clown glowing yellow for he was now on par with the strongest of the strong in the universe.)

"??? (Voice): Milo The Clown, you have been chosen for this power. You are my vessel and I am your strength, let us begin our journey together."
"Milo: My word... What the hell was that thing...?"
"Kenta: That was the Divine Globe... Sawano had that thing locked away ages ago and must've forgot about it..."
"Milo: MEN! Turn the ship to a nearby island, I must test this!"
"Crew Members: AYE-AYE CAPTAIN!"

(As the ship was then turned around, time passes as they'd arrive on a small island populated by trees and plants, no wildlife. Milo then pulls out his balloon sword and slashes the air at full force as the power of the Divine Globe allowed Milo to slash through the entire island, the ocean and multiple rows of stars in space as Milo along with the crew was then in shock at the amount of power proven in one attack.)

"Milo: ...!"
"All: WHAAAAAA!??!?!"
"Kenta: Now I see why he locked that thing away... Wrong hands my ass, if any villain got a hold of that, we'd be in trouble."
"Milo: With this power... I'll be able to do my hardest and avenge your brother on your behalf, Kenta!"
"Kenta: I appreciate it, but we don't know where to begin either way."
"Milo: Then we may as well train as hard as we can and Kazuya and Knitemare SHALL FALL.. FOR my name is Milo The Clown- No... PIRATE GOD, MILO THE CLOWN!"

(Milo then jumps towards the captain's throne atop his ship and commands his crew.)

"Crew Members: AYE-AYE CAPTAIN!"
"Kenta: This is going to be a fun war. If you got this strong already Milo, I wonder how strong everyone else will be getting."

(Meanwhile on Senvoinerth in the Magachi Palace training hall, Sawano was revealed to have black and red flickering flames as it was revealed Sawano has controlled up to 50% of his Anti-God power as Death witnessed him fight every training dummy spawned to battle him.)

"Death: I can now understand why he's far dangerous than with his potential unleashed. He becomes a hellish brute who'll demolish anyone or anything in its path. Especially that new transformation..."
"Sawano: DEATH!"
"Death: ...?"
"Sawano: Can you check to see when Kazuya and Knitemare will return?"
"Death: I cannot unfortunately."
"Sawano: Then I'm staying down here until they're here."

(As Sawano continues to train relentlessly, the others of the family whom were getting stronger were focusing on nothing but training while afar in a new realm, Kazuya was sitting at his throne with his slave wives pleasing him while he watches the family in dire straits and separation.)

"Kazuya: Ahh... it feels so fucking good to be rid of such a shitty father. Knitemare, I can say without a doubt.. we've won. Finally, we've won against that selfish bastard."
"Knitemare: I couldn't agree more Kazuya, now is the time we celebrate.. The death of the "greatest" hero!"

(As Knitemare and Kazuya laughs at their victory, they'd treat each other to a toast in celebration. Meanwhile in the Plane of Arcanedia...)

"Njore: ..."
"Elder Guardians: ..."

(Njore and the Elder Guardians were then in sheer shock to see Gaito standing in front of them with a halo atop his head as he then spoke.)

"Gaito: Njore. Guardians. A word, now."

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