Chapter 353:



The arid landscape reflected her heart in a way that comforted Katie.

Even as black plastic debris blew into her reddened eyes, the girl found solace in the creaking rubble around her. In front of the collapsed roller coaster, what had once been the largest in all the world and one she’d never ride- she stood in approximately the same spot she had, many years ago.

She lifted out of her bag what she had found here. Another creation, just about as beautiful as the destroyed attraction watching over her. She didn’t understand its design, but she knew who would.

Clutching the wrinkled green ticket, careful not to let it blow away, Katie pretended to laugh. She’d all but forgotten how it felt to be happy, but this was close enough to her.

She lifted her phone to her dry and shivering lips. Of course, he picked up immediately.

“I-I have a job for you.”

After a long silence, the old man responded.

“…I thought you’d never ask.”

She contorted another laugh. Even he picked up on the sadness within it, though he dare not complain. In this hell, it was akin to a relatable gesture of friendship.

“How soon can you… be here?”

“How soon do you need me?”

“She’ll be coming soon. I need you right now.”

“…That’s fine, but where in the hell are you? Just what did you get your hands on?”

“…I think this one’s special. You’d better come see.”

He grumbled as she sent him her location.

“…Why are you there…?”

“Come on.”

Katie hung up and looked at her phone. This thing was useless now. Just another way for her family to find her.

She considered stomping it, but promptly slid it back into her bag instead.

She wanted them to come.

Steward McOy
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