Chapter 263:

Chapter 263 Innocence of Youth

Content of the Magic Box

With a collective gasp of delight, the hatchlings emerged from their hiding place, their tiny feet pattering against the ground as they scampered toward Suzuka with all the joy of children meeting an old friend. Some reached out with scrawny little hands, their fingers grasping at the air in an adorable attempt to touch her, while others babbled excitedly in their high-pitched voices, their words a jumble of nonsense and joy.

With a sigh of relief, the rest of the hatchlings emerged from their hiding places, their tiny bodies trembling with fear and gratitude. Slowly, tentatively, they approached Suzuka, drawn by the kindness in her eyes and the warmth of her presence.

Suzuka smiled warmly at the hatchlings, she reached out a gentle hand, allowing them to sniff and nuzzle her fingers in a display of trust. She looked closer at the tiny goblin hatchlings scattered on the ground. Each one was a heartbreaking sight, their frail bodies bearing the cruel marks of relentless beatings. The hatchlings' emaciated bodies also bore the scars of starvation, their ribs protruding like jagged edges beneath their fragile skin.

The tiny hatchlings, mere bundles of innocent goblin infancy, were scarcely larger than a newborn's fist, their diminutive forms a heartbreaking sight. Each one bore the unmistakable marks of relentless torment and suffering, their delicate frames twisted and contorted into grotesque shapes by the merciless hands of the heartless evil goblins.

Their once soft, smooth skin was now marred by bruises and lacerations painting their frail bodies in shades of purple and blue, mottled with patches of dried blood and pus that oozed from festering wounds. Limbs, so tiny and fragile, were bent at unnatural angles, broken, and left to heal on their own in the absence of care or compassion. Some hatchlings bore missing digits, the result of cruel amputations carried out with callous disregard for their pain, while others sported ragged wounds that refused to close, gaping mouths of agony that whispered of unspeakable cruelties inflicted upon their tiny forms. Burns and lashings adorned their tiny forms, the cruel remnants of their torment etched into their tender flesh like scars upon the soul.

Yet despite the agony etched into their mangled forms, there was a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Hermit, the brave little goblin who had led Suzuka and her companions to their rescue, stood by their side, a beacon of comfort and solace in their hour of need. His presence seemed to infuse the hatchlings with renewed strength and resilience. Despite the horrors they had endured, the hatchlings remained remarkably cheery and upbeat, their voices ringing out in a chorus of laughter and chatter as they clung to Hermit's side.

Hermit's voice quivered like a leaf in a storm as he spoke, the delicate sound barely rising above the gentle rustle of the tiny hatchlings. His eyes darted nervously, unable to meet Suzuka's gaze as he struggled to find the courage to voice his fears.

"M-Master Helen," he stuttered, addressing Suzuka with reverence and trepidation.

"I-I think... perhaps it would be best if you... if you left. Y-you see... you're... you're scaring the hatchlings. They... they've been through so much already. I-I can't bear to see them hurt anymore. Please, I beg of you... leave them be."

Hermit's voice trembled with fear as he spoke, his words barely audible above the soft rustle of the hatchlings. His gaze now held a flicker of accusation as he looked upon Suzuka, his heart heavy with grief and resentment. Deep down in his heart, Hermit blamed Suzuka for all his fellow goblins killed during the attack on the breeding farm.

He couldn't shake the haunting image of his fallen kin, their mangled bodies a testament to the devastation wrought by Suzuka's power. In his mind, she loomed like a wrathful god, her very presence striking fear into the depths of his trembling soul. His words were a feeble attempt to mask the turmoil raging within him, the bitter taste of betrayal lingering on his tongue like ash.

As Suzuka looked upon him, her smile smug, Hermit recoiled, his form shrinking into itself like a wounded animal. He felt small and insignificant in her presence, a pathetic worm writhing in the shadow of her strength and power.

Suzuka's response was as bright and cheery as a sunbeam breaking through the clouds. With a gentle laugh, she brushed off Hermit's meek words.

"Oh, Hermit, you're being silly. Look at these little things!"

She extended her hand towards the hatchlings, who eagerly nuzzled against her fingers, their tiny tongues darting out to lick her skin. Suzuka chuckled softly, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

"See? They're not scared of me at all. In fact, they seem rather fond of me, don't you think? Let me touch them, I want to play with them a little, they look like tiny, adorable action figures."

One hatchling, with a gaping wound atop his head, toddled over to Suzuka with a gap-toothed grin and a dimwitted look on his face, offering her a breadcrumb he picked off the floor as a token of friendship. Another, with big, doe-like eyes, clung to her leg like a barnacle, emitting a series of adorable coos and giggles as she stroked his head.

Hermit's reaction was one of panicked desperation as he watched Suzuka reach for the hatchling, his heart pounding with a fear that overwhelmed him. In a clumsy, awkward movement, he lunged forward, his hands trembling as he snatched the hatchling that Suzuka was about to touch, his grip tight and protective as he pulled the tiny creature close to his chest.

The poor hatchling let out a gasp of surprise, "Uuuuuuuf!" as if the air had been knocked out of him, his fragile form trembling in Hermit's grasp. With a shaky breath, Hermit turned away from Suzuka, his small frame hunched in on itself, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground as he spoke, his voice a mere whisper lost in the sound of his fear and anxiety.

"P-please, M-Master Helen," he stuttered, his words barely audible amidst the rush of blood pounding in his ears, his voice trembling with a terror born of years of abuse and torment.

"No touch! No touch!" Hermit shook his head frantically, his hands clutching the hatchling to his chest as if his life depended on it.

"D-don't touch them... y-you've done enough. P-please, just leave us be. These... these tiny little ones are all I have left. I-I can't bear to lose them too. Master too strong, too cruel, you will crush them! Little one fragile, delicate touch needed! Please, leave."

His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke, his heart aching with the weight of his helplessness. At that moment, all he could think about was protecting the hatchlings, shielding them from any further harm, even if it meant driving away the one person who had promised them salvation and had come to their rescue.

Ignoring his tense posture and desperate pleas, she leaned forward with a playful grin, reaching out once more toward the hatchlings.

"Now, now, Hermit," she chided gently, her voice carrying a hint of playful teasing.

"There's no need to be so protective. I'm just saying hello, not trying to eat them. You worry too much and besides, they are much tougher than you give them credit."

Listening to her words Hermit only tightened his hold on the hatchling.

 "But I have to say, these little goblins look like a basket of puppies, well, ugly puppies but strangely adorable," she continued, her eyes sparkling with jest.

"I can't resist giving them a little pat. I'm sure they could use some love and attention after all they've been through."

With a gentle hand, she brushed her fingers against the nearest hatchling, her touch light, and tender as she stroked his broken form. The hatchling let out a soft whimper, but to Suzuka's surprise, he seemed to relax under her touch, nuzzling against her hand with a tentative trust that warmed his heart.

"See? They're not afraid of me at all. In fact, they seem to quite like the attention. Such fragile little things." she murmured, her voice dripping with twisted affection.

 Hermit's response was meek and submissive, his voice a whisper as he trembled under Suzuka's gaze.

"I-I'm sorry, Master Helen," he stammered, his words muffled by his fear.

 "P-please, I-I'll do anything you ask. J-just don't hurt them."

His eyes were wide with terror as he looked up at Suzuka, his entire body quivering with the anticipation of pain. He knew he was powerless against her, at her mercy like a wounded animal waiting for the final blow. He had an impression that he was nothing more than a pawn in Suzuka's twisted game, but he had a tiny hope that perhaps, just perhaps, he and his fellow goblins could find a way to survive.

Suzuka's expression softened as she sensed the genuine fear in Hermit's eyes and the trembling of his body. Despite her callous tendencies, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the pathetic creature before her.

"Hey, hey," she said, her voice gentle and soothing as she reached out to touch Hermit's shoulder, her touch light and comforting. 

"Don't worry, Hermit. I'm not here to harm you or your fellow goblins. We are here to rescue them and build a town, remember?"

Hermit's eyes widened in surprise at her words, a glimmer of hope flickering in their depths. He dared to believe, if only for a moment, that perhaps there was a shred of kindness in this cruel world.

Suzuka offered him a reassuring smile, her words filled with sincerity.

 "I know things might seem scary right now, but I'm here to help. I assure you, Hermit. I will deliver on what I promised. You and your kind will be safe with me."

Suzuka's hand gently patted Hermit's scrawny shoulder, her touch surprisingly tender despite the usual roughness.

 "Come on, Hermit," she said with a warm smile, her voice filled with encouragement.

 "Let's turn that frown upside down and make a big smile! We're off to see Larry and find out what he's got in mind. I'm itching to know our next move!"

Hermit responded meekly with a soft whimper, his eyes reflecting a mixture of uncertainty and hope. With a nod, he set to work, gathering the tiny goblin hatchlings scattered about the ground. With a tenderness bordering on reverence, Hermit cradled the hatchlings in his arms, his massive, meaty ears serving as a protective cocoon for their fragile forms. With painstaking care, he gently rolled them into the soft nest of ear flesh, ensuring that each tiny naked body was snug and secure within the confines of his ear cavity. From the safety of their newfound sanctuary, the hatchlings peeked out with curious eyes, their rustling heads and limbs squirming with the innocence of youth.

But one of the hatchlings proved to be particularly unruly, his tiny body writhing and squirming with boundless energy. With a sudden burst of movement, he slipped from the safety of Hermit's ear crevices, his tiny form tumbling towards the ground in a heart-stopping blur.

Time seemed to stand still as Hermit's gaze locked onto the pitiful hatchling, his mind frozen in a state of panicked indecision. For a fleeting moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as the tiny creature plummeted towards his inevitable doom, his desperate squeals echoing through the air like a tragic lament.
