Chapter 52:


The Governor's Queen

Teodolit was lying on the roof with his hands under his head, enjoying the feeling of rain falling on him. It has been a while since he was in a proper storm. Last time was on Nita's ship, and thanks to someone he was too busy taking over command to really enjoy himself.

This was nice.

The strong downpour was cooling him down after the magical feat he just accomplished. He was rather proud of himself. And exhausted. Very, very much so.

The water was soaking his hair and clothes and running down his bare skin. Perhaps it was time to go back inside. The only thing better than sitting in the rain was sipping a hot cup of tea in a warm room. Sitting up, it occurred to him which house he was living in now. With how thoroughly drenched he was, he decided he should avoid carpets.

He thought he could hear a voice through the loud storm. It sounded like somebody was calling for him. He slowly and carefully walked in the direction of the noise, holding on with his hands to not lose balance. The tiled roof became rather slippery in the rain, but he was fine. Not in any rush, he made his way to an attic window. Holding onto its ledge, he looked down to see...

Lord Nivelir...

Oh gods, why was he here? For now he was only calling for him from under the window's roof, but if he leans too much, or if the wind shifts, he could get wet. "I'm here!" he shouted back. "I'm coming down."
Lord Nivelir looked up. "Oh, goodness. Why are you up here?!" he asked, holding out a hand to help him down.
"Your sleeve-" Teo objected. "I'm fine, just wait a moment..."

Feeling deeply embarrassed, he didn't answer his question. He carefully grabbed the roof of the window and let himself hang over the edge. He expected Lord Nivelir would step aside and let him swing himself into the room, but the man leaned out instead. He wrapped his strong arms around Teo's chest and waist and pulled him inside.

Teodolit held onto him tightly, completely red in the face and aware of it. Lord Nivelir's body was so warm compared to him. The gentle perfume he wore made him dizzy. He didn't want to let him go just yet, but he was dripping and ruining the man's beautiful clothes. All his hard work was for nothing. He did his best to ensure that he'd get home before the rain and it was distressing to see how it was now Teo's fault for him getting wet. He let go when the man carefully placed him down, too embarrassed to look up at him properly.

"What were you doing up there?" he asked, closing the window.
"Not much. I was just enjoying the weather a bit."
"You could've gotten struck by lightning! Or slipped and fell! You're lucky Rosamund saw you from below."
Lord Governor probably saw his magic, not him. Teo didn't want to tell him that, though. He didn't yet know he was a witch. He didn't want to tell him, he never wanted to tell that to Nita.

What if he comes to hate him?

"I'm sorry about your clothes-"
"Oh for gods' sakes, I can clean them," he cut him off as he was taking off his coat. "Let's go. I do not want to be in this dusty place, and we need to get you warmed up."
"But I'm-"

Protests died on his lips as Lord Nivelir wrapped his coat around his shoulders. The soft scent and warmth of the man lingering on the coat took over his senses. He was blushing. He could tell.
"Already catching a fever, from the looks of it," Lord Nivelir said, placing a hand on his forehead. "Come now, Officer," he repeated as he turned around and walked out, leaving him alone in the room.

Teodolit took a deep breath of the stuffy attic air and let out a quiet snarl. He slapped himself to calm down before he did something thoroughly idiotic.

If this man doesn't stop being so wonderful, he really will kiss him. That'll teach him.

"I can make us tea," he offered, rushing after him.
"You need to dry off first," Lord Nivelir said. "And change clothes before you get sick."
"Well, alright. But after that, I will make us tea."
"You are dripping on the carpet," he replied.

Teo cursed. He forgot. And he forgot that he was trying to impress this man, which included being at least marginally polite in his company.

He wanted to cry.

He put his hand over his eyes, calming himself down. "Listen, Lord Secretary. I'll go and change and dry my hair. And then I will make us tea. If you don't tell me where I'll be able to find you, I fear the tea will get cold while I am looking for you."
"Well, that would be quite a shame, then. I will be in my office."
"Absolutely unacceptable. If I bring you tea there, I'd feel like I am distracting you from work. Choose a different place, unless you'd want me to feel unwelcome." Unless he actually was unwelcome. He just wanted to spend some time with this man, but what if he didn't want his company?
"Did Rosamund put you up to this...?" he wondered. Up to what? He didn't have a chance to ask, Lord Nivelir continued too quickly. "Very well. How about the yellow drawing room?"
Thankfully, Teo had the time to familiarize himself with the manor. He gave him a nod and limped away, still wearing his coat. He should give it to a servant and have it cleaned. It was so nice of him to give it... to personally wrap it around him. He came so close, all on his own. Did he notice something? Was he interested? With how dense he was up until now... he didn't know.

And it didn't matter. The man was so busy lately, with all the nonsense that was going on- oh. He didn't even ask him how the trial went. It went well, right? They weren't going to get hanged, right? He saw the Prince's carriage heading for the teleport circle, surely Lord Governor wouldn't have returned here without him if he was found guilty.

Or he wouldn't have returned at all.

He quickly went to his chambers to wash himself from stray leaves in his hair, and the dust he gathered while he was in the attic. He changed to dry clothes and at least marginally managed to handle his hair. Perhaps he should tie it back... but his hair was only barely reaching his shoulders, so the front would be too short to tie in a ponytail. He had no idea what the fashion was like among Bretonian nobility anyway. While working, he could look however he wanted to, and when he sparred with Lord Nivelir his appearance wasn't relevant either. Despite his reaction to Ekliptik's outfit when he saw them, he didn't comment his or Nita's appearance. Perhaps he didn't mind them... but he wanted to spend some time with him now. His outfit was a simple linen shirt and long comfortable pants. He looked like a poor commoner, although his clothes were all clean and taken care of to the best of his abilities. Which, hm, included patches in different color. Next to Lord Nivelir's elegant and expensive garments... was this really alright? Well, it was all he had, at least for now.

Thankfully, his brilliant personality will work to make up what he lacked in appearance.

He went down to the kitchen to brew them tea. The servants were already somewhat used to him and nobody bothered him. He considered going to his room to get his cittern, but decided against it. He wanted to talk to the man. Get to know him better. It was better than playing music while he sat in silence. It would be rude, or even boring. Or, at least it felt that way. He wanted to play for him at some point, though. Just... not today. Today, he had a tea to make. His own little blend, just for Lord Nivelir, to help with stress.

Hopefully he'll like it.

Bluebell got him the most beautiful tea set he'd ever seen. Carefully crafted and elegant porcelain was painted with pastoral pictures of the countryside. Surely Lord Nivelir would like this. When everything was ready, he made his way to the drawing room.

Lord Nivelir...

His heart started racing as soon as he saw him. Lord Nivelir chose the most unfortunate seat, an armchair, and he was elegantly sitting with his legs crossed, resting his head on his hand as he was reading a book. He was beautiful. And he had a change of clothes, too. Teo felt a twinge of guilt for inconveniencing him so terribly. Well, the tea should help, right? It was made with love, if nothing else.

"Good afternoon, Lord Secretary. I made tea."
He looked up, mildly surprised. "So I see."
"Ah, please don't get up," Teo stopped him, carefully walking to the low table as he carried the platter. He gently set it down and poured them tea. "There we go. It's an easy task to handle."
"I offended you again. I apologize."
"What? No, not at all! You offered to help and I didn't want to inconvenience you. You weren't rude."
"Hm. In that case, thank you for the tea, Officer."

That could be interpreted as a dismissal. Unfortunately for Lord Nivelir, Teodolit was determined to stay. This prim and proper man won't get rid of him so easily. At least, not without telling him off directly. He picked up his teacup and sat down on the couch, the closest he could be to Lord Secretary. He was comfortable and not going anywhere.

Lord Nivelir's eyes widened a bit when he tried the tea. "This is exceptional," he said. "What blend is this?"
"Oh, it's just a little something I mixed up," he said, blushing again. "You and Lord Governor looked rather stressed lately, so I thought to make you a calming tea. I read a lot of books on alchemy and magic and I try to apply the principles... I am not sure how well it works, but Lord Governor seemed to notice it a few times."
"I didn't know you were a mage."
"Oh, no no. I am not an alchemist," he said, technically not lying. "It's just a hobby of sorts. It is interesting that it sometimes works out. Some alchemy doesn't seem to demand the use of magic to make it happen."
"Very interesting."
"Thank you." He was doing so well! He just needed to keep it up! "Say, about the trial. How did it go?"
"Lord Governor won the case, of course."
Of course. "I am happy to hear I won't be hanged tomorrow," he jokingly said.
There was a flash of deep concern that was quickly replaced with a dry smile as Lord Nivelir tried to accept his joke. "We would have warned you in advance if something like that was to happen."
"You would've let us get away?" Teo asked.
"Yes. Lord Governor insisted."

He wasn't sure how to take that. "And you?" he blurted out.
Lord Nivelir let out a sigh, deep in thought. "Well, it would hardly be fair to arrest you after luring you in under the white flag. I agree with that much. You must excuse me for not being overly enthusiastic about releasing wanted criminals back into the world, though."

Prenez mon coeur, et fracassez le comme du verre...

"I understand, I suppose," he said quietly. This was the best he should expect, after all. This man was meant to be their enemy before Nita and Lord Governor made such a strange situation. "You dislike Lord Governor's plan, then?"
"No, not necessarily. A peaceful solution is by far more preferable to an open war with you. What he conceived as a solution, though, is possibly the most dangerous idea he's had yet. I know you don't know him that well, but to me that sentence means something."
"But you are still helping us."
"Yes. If I didn't, Lord Governor would surely fail."
"You care about him a lot," he noticed.
"Yes. I do." His face softened up. "I supported his endeavors for most of my life. Worrying about him somewhat became my second nature. I think this is a noble goal to pursue, but I wish his motivation wasn't Honorable Lilac. It puts me on edge- hm." He looked at the cup with some suspicion. "What did you say you put in this tea?"

Teo listed him the herbs. His shoulders relaxed, it seemed he believed him. He'd never use drugs or poison against him. The suspicion in his eyes faded and he took another sip.

"Nonetheless, it seems I left a rather poor first impression on you. Your Spymaster seems to be quite afraid of me. Considering their amazing contribution to this whole affair... I must admit I feel rather bad."
"You wouldn't feel bad otherwise?" he asked with a smile.
"I would, but not as much. I didn't... I was out of line. They are young and I was extremely rude to them. And impatient."
"They are very sensitive to people's emotions. When you chastised their clothes during the first evening, you've frightened them. It will take some time until they stop being jittery around you. But I am sure you'll manage. I'm not sure if you remember, but you helped me out of the carriage when we first arrived. If we go by first impressions, you struck me as a kind and gentle man." What did he put into this tea? He looked away to make his blushing less obvious. Why was he so obvious? Why was Lord Nivelir so dense?

"I see..." he said, deep in thought. "You know, Rosamund decided that I should be on vacation for two weeks, starting today," he admitted.
"Really?!" he brightly exclaimed.
The beautiful, wonderful man seemed so shocked with his reaction. While Teo was trying to calm down, he managed to collect himself and continue. "Yes. In any case, the point I wanted to make is... I believe I was under a lot of stress lately. Even Lord Governor said I should find someone to speak to and spend time with and... well, I apologize. I think I am saying too much right now because of how tired I am. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable."
"You didn't," he promised. "Not in the least. If- if you'd like- I'd like- I mean." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I am a bit nervous."
"Take your time," he said. "I am aware I am frightening."
"What?! What idiot told you that?"

Lord Nivelir simply raised his eyebrows at him.

The tall, dark, beautiful man with a deep scar across his face stared him down. His black eyes were cold as ice, and his expression completely neutral.

Teo wanted to cry. He was being honest, for once in his life.

"You- you are imposing. And wonderful. And kind, in your own way. I- I like you. I don't think you are frightening. You are beautiful. And strong, and dependable, brilliant, and intelligent. And... what I wanted to ask is, if you wouldn't mind that is- if you'd want to, I'd like to spend more time with you. I enjoy learning more about you. We can spar again if you'd like, too. And I can make us more tea." Please...

"Well, your sincerity is certainly endearing," he said. His deep voice softened, and for the first time, Lord Nivelir offered him a smile. "And I find myself enjoying your company. I wouldn't mind spending some time chatting with you."

This was it. Teo could die happy now. Wait, no. He didn't even kiss him yet. That will have to come first. And that was the bare minimum. Maybe Lord Governor should also get a kiss, for giving Teo this incredible chance to spend time with the man.

"I can play a cittern. I have it with me. I'd like to play it for you one day," he said. "And I'd like to show you around Nita's ship. And-"
"Would you take a walk with me around the Capital?" he asked.
Teo froze up. Lord Governor's blessing was among the rarest of them all, considering the prerequisites demanded death or near-death. But he couldn't be sure there wouldn't be any people that wouldn't be able to notice him on the street.

"I'm sorry," he quietly said. "I don't think I'd be suitable for that place."

"I see. It's a shame. I will certainly need to go there one of these days." He seemed disappointed, but not angry. Did that mean they would still spend time together?

"I'd like to hear you play sometime, then," he said. "As long as I get another cup of this tea. It really put me at ease. I feel much better."
Teo gave him a bright smile. "I'm happy I helped. Is it alright if- at least in private- if I called you by your name? Officer and Lord Secretary sounds needlessly formal. I'd like to be a friend of yours, not just a work acquaintance."
"Certainly. My friends usually call me by my surname, though."
"I've noticed. I don't see why, though. Leica is a beautiful name. It suits you well." He was making a bumbling fool of himself in front of this man. Gods, why, why, why... "A-and Nita and Ekliptik call me Teo. You can use whichever you prefer."
"Very well then... Teodolit."

He melted at the sound of his name coming from this man's lips. He was so hopelessly in love... But he couldn't get ahead of himself. Lord... no, Leica... didn't do anything yet. Despite his desperate clinging onto his every word, there was no sign of him showing any romantic interest. But at least he had a chance to speak with him more. To spend more time with him, to get to know him better. And maybe... maybe Leica will begin to care for him, too... He sipped more of his tea, praying his face wasn't overly red.

"Thank you, Leica."

Per Astra