Chapter 4:

Ch 4 - Did I Die? (Revised)

Isekai Defense


Chapter 1-5 has been revised on 29/May/2024, pulling from the Novel version of Isekai Defense. If you want to read the original Web Novel version, you can read it on google docs here:

The fully revised Novel version can be purchased on Patreon or any of these stores for $4.99 (TBU):

Thank you.



My ragged breath slowed as pain seized my limbs. Fighting them seemed futile, but trying to escape with my injured leg meant certain death. I tightened my grip on my shortsword, steeling myself for the fight.

The goblins came down from the cliff. They looked at the short sword I was holding with a trembling hand. They then jeered as if to ask, “what can I even do with that against their numbers?”

However, I ignored their mocking laugh and looked for an opportunity as they came closer. If I were to die here, it would be with a fight.

As the first green face came within my reach, I unleashed whatever fury and desperation I had left. With a wordless shout, I swung my weapon forward to meet it.

Our blades rang out in the skirmishes. Searing pain lanced through me with each cut and dodge, but I felt a ruthless calm. Each gurgling breath my foe took was one step closer to my goal.

I have killed many goblins, but even more swarmed me. My movements grew heavy. Shallow cuts and crimson blood decorated my body. Still, I battled on through a horde of goblins.


At last, my legs buckled. I dropped the short sword and fell to my knees. The only limb I could move was my non-dominant hand, but even that was trembling like it was about to fall off.

Of course, it’s not like the enemy didn’t take any damage, either. If anything, looking at the pile of goblin corpses alone, wasn’t this my victory by a landslide?

“To be defeated by a 10-year-old… How embarrassing.”

The goblins lifted their gaze from their dead comrades and looked at me.



They seemed to take offense at my words and were about to rush forward and kill me. However--


The hobgoblin silenced them with a shout filled with mana. Right, among the goblins who felt anger, the hobgoblin must be the most angry at me.


I plucked one of his eyes. Bit his neck until he bleeds. Spit here and there during our fight and even cut his genitals.

I did all of that because I couldn’t do anything about his tough skin. Maybe because he protected himself with mana, he never got cut, no matter where I tried to cut.

It felt like hitting a boulder. My hand trembled because of it, and even the short sword broke in half somewhere along the way.

Fortunately, he lowered his guard and mocked me so I could quickly attack the soft spots on his body. And since I even cut his genitals, if he weren’t angry, then he must be a saint.



Fortunately, or should I say, unfortunately, he didn’t kill me immediately. He resorted to hitting me instead—and using fists that weren’t strengthened with mana. He must have wanted to have me suffer as much as possible before finally killing me in the end.


But was it because of my laughter? The ugly guy looked even uglier as he screamed this and that.

But what does it matter? I have done the best that I could.

It was a prologue where everyone but the protagonist would die. There had never been a case where the villagers were saved.

But what about now? The villagers were alive, the protagonist’s mother was alive, and I, too, was still alive.

‘What does this mean? It means the possibility of a never-before-seen story unfolding right before my eyes—the perfect happy ending.’

Sure, it was only up to the prologue for now. However, even that was enough to fill me with hope.

‘I can create a new ending…!’

So why was I laughing despite having been beaten half to death? Because she was finally here, the dragon who polymorphed into a human.

‘Took you long enough, Bianca.’

Before I lost consciousness, the last thing I saw was the bodies of the goblins exploding to pieces. And that of a white-haired girl catching me as I fell in her embrace.


“Ugh...” I groaned, forcing my eyes open.

The glow of distant firelight lit up the surroundings. As I looked at the unfamiliar ceiling, I began to question.

‘Did I die?’

I shook my dizziness and looked around.

‘No, if I am dead, then I must have gone to hell or something.’

But what was this place? Everything seemed too peaceful compared to the hell I’ve heard of.

‘Or rather, isn’t this a cave? But where is this? And what happened?’

Then, memories came flooding back. The village. The goblins. My desperate last stand. And her - Bianca, my savior.

As awareness returned, so did searing aches and pains across my body. That’s what I thought would happen, at least, but I felt no pain at all.

I looked down and realized that the scars and injuries on my body were completely gone. Bianca must have healed me while I was unconscious.

As I regained calm, I looked around to find the one who had saved me. And then, I saw her.

Silver locks framed her ethereal beauty. She smiled warmly and looked at me with gentle blue eyes. “You’re awake. How do you feel?”

“Better, thanks to you.”

“Oh please, I was happy to help.”

“I’m serious. Thank you so much for saving me, Bianca.”

“You knew me?” Bianca’s long silver hair flowed down from her shoulders as she tilted her head curiously.

‘Now that I look closely, I realized that her hair is wet as if she has just taken a bath.’

She was not in her usual attire, and her skin flushed red, so she looked even more charming than her appearance in the game. Her appearance was already beautiful enough for players to create a fan club for her.

But this? Wasn’t she even more beautiful than usual?

If any of those people who were obsessed with Bianca saw this, they would surely go crazy on the forum, spamming words like ‘Bianca Mama’ or whatnot.

“What a surprise. Are stories about me still being told to children these days?” Bianca giggled and rose from her seat as she moved to the wardrobe. “Just wait for a bit, okay? I’ll go get dressed real quick.”

Bianca was humming as she picked out a few clothes. Should I be glad that my body hasn't reached puberty? Even if I looked at her body like this, I didn’t feel sexually aroused at all.

Still, beautiful things are beautiful. So, I couldn’t help but stare at Bianca in awe as if appreciating a work of art.

‘They are huge.’

I could understand why her fanbase was calling her Mama. Bianca seemed to notice where I was looking and giggled.

“Are you curious about these puppies?”

“Eh?” I felt my face grow hot at Bianca’s teasing words. “Well...”

I struggled to reply, and Bianca seemed to enjoy my reaction even more.

“You’re blushing. So cute.”

She patted my head softly, like a girl petting a kitten. It strangely felt good, so I let her do what she wanted. Soon, she finished changing and placed her hand on my forehead.

“I’ve healed you already, but let me heal you again. Just in case.”

A soft light enveloped my body. It felt like submerging in a warm bath. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long as Bianca pulled her hand away and smiled.

“Yes. You’re all good.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Don’t mind it. I’m sorry for not coming sooner.”

‘She must have read my memory quite a bit. I am curious how far she read.’

But since she didn’t mention my previous life as Kim Siwoo, her power probably could only read memories stored in the brain, not the soul.

‘That alone is amazing, though.’

Thanks to that, Bianca could quickly tell whether someone was evil by looking at their past.

“Still, you’re amazing, little hero. How did someone so small do all that?”

She continued to praise me with excitement as she recounted what happened. Seeing her lookinh so happy, like a mother feeling proud of her son, made me feel giddy.

‘I’m not used to receiving praise in my last life. So it doesn’t feel bad.’

Still, it was more embarrassing than I thought.

“I was only doing what I could.”

“Modest, too! Or are you more shy than I thought?” She grinned. “Don’t belittle yourself, little hero. A strong heart lives in that small frame of yours. Also, it’s okay to be happy when someone praises you, you know?”

“Right. Thank you.”

“Yes. That’s more like it, hehe.”

I wonder what made her so happy. But Bianca has been patting my head and smiling since before.

“Ah~ So cute. Is it okay for such a strong boy to be this cute?”

Scratch that. I understood. Bianca was treating me like a cat. If that’s the case, I could understand Bianca’s touchiness because I was also like that with my cat.

In moments like this, I would feel happier if my cat snuggled up even more to me rather than refusing the touch. So that’s what I did to Bianca.


Bianca’s eyes shook as she looked at me, snuggling to her. Was she surprised? But why? Wasn’t it better this way? Just when I thought I should pull back, Bianca broke into a melting smile and hugged me tightly.

“Hngh! So cute.”


I was startled momentarily, but I relaxed when I realized she properly controlled her strength. I thought my body would break from her hug for a moment.

It wouldn’t be funny if I died after going through all that. And due to being hugged by such a pretty girl, at that.

‘She looked elated.’

Was this how all dragons felt when they saw something they liked? Then again, other dragons I knew were enemies or neutral forces that barely appeared in the game, so I didn’t know much about them.

‘But… is it okay to let her do this?’

I felt embarrassed, but this was a rare chance to raise favorability with a dragon. Right, a little shame was nothing but a small price to pay.

Everything was for a perfect happy end, so it would be better for me to do this and gain her favor. It was the moment I swallowed my pride and acted cute like any typical 10-year-old would.


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