Chapter 1:


Hearts Beyond Horizons

You ever just stare outside a window and get lost at seeing everything pass you by?

That was me, Kishino Ryutane on the second to last day of middle school. Augustine Elementary is what many would call a small place with a lot of heart. I had been going there for as long as I could remember. It hurts to see it all go away for me. The memories of hanging out with friends would be nice if I had one. Even though I never had any, you can’t help but feel this nostalgia. Almost as if it doesn’t necessarily have to end.

However, you can’t always get what you want. It is like that sometimes. I am expected to move forward with my life and into a more bigger place to learn new things.

High school.

What would I do before my big first day? That’s the problem. I don’t really know how to go about it. My parents are pretty good people but they are also very protective.

I have my small sister, Hime, who I always have fun with. We do a lot of things together. She is about to be 6 years old in three months. I am very excited about that.

Then there’s my big brother, Koto. He doesn’t exactly talk to me that much. I wish he would but I’m too afraid to ask him. Mostly because he never says anything when I ask him about stuff. I don’t know what it could possibly be, but I am still trying to find that out. I’m not trying to be rude about it if that’s why he acts like that. I’m just curious.

Lastly, we have a 15 month old puppy named Lilac. She is a border collie who loves playing around with all of us, even Koto. I play with her the most though. I always take her on walks during my days off of school. My fondest memories with her are on Saturdays. She will often catch the toy frisbee I bought for her. We go to deserted areas where you can see the trains passing by on railroads in the distance. It is like my private space outside of everything I do.

When I’m in that private space by myself on Sundays though, I do something I don’t normally share with other people.

I go shiny rock collecting, but not just to catch a few minerals. Ever since I went there, I started creating something I can only describe as a way I can always remember my life here. One day, I planned to come back and keep those memories forever with me.

I would use them to build my personal art project: Kishino’s Memorabilia. Each mineral of different colors would be put together to draw how my week went. Little by little, it added up.

Then the strangest thing happened one evening when I was hiking for more minerals. I was slowly approaching from the trees hiding my view when I saw something I had never seen before.

A girl from my class was looking at my memorabilia.
