Chapter 117:

Itsuki's birthday [Bonus 9]

Spice of Life

"I never would have expected a woman like you to request such a dish for your birthday," Masaru exclaimed as he placed a large pizza before Itsuki.

Various exotic toppings littered the pizza as a giddy Itsuki happily cut herself a slice.

"I've always enjoyed crafting pizzas. It's my hobby. The pizza really is a fascinating culinary specimen," Itsuki smiled.

"Who'd have thought you'd be such a pizza otaku," Rika smirked as she played with Itsuki's hair.

"Do not phrase it like that," Itsuki glared as she swatted Rika's hand away.

Her hair had now grown past her shoulders and even the bald patch she once had was now covered in blue peach fuzz. she still opted to keep that side of her head shaved though.

"Guess you're now the most punk lookin girl here," Waki grinned.

Her hair had grown back significantly, though instead of getting another mohawk, she had opted to grow it out and perm it instead. She still had it along with her eyebrows bleached blonde. Matcha, meanwhile had grown her hair back to its normal length and looked the same as she did before she shaved it.

"Zuina might still beat her out, though she tends to look more cute whenever she ties her hair up," Matcha shrugged.

"I buzz the sides of my hair for practicality. I hate having my ears covered by hair, but also like having long hair," Zuina nodded as she passed by.

"I'm just glad that bald streak finally began growing hair again. I've come to like the sideshave, but I prefer to have peach fuzz rather than bare skin," Itsuki nodded.

Suddenly, Mahi and Azuki entered the restaurant. "So you continue to snarf down that filth, you're lucky that man is not here, otherwise I would have been angrier," Mahi seethed.

"And what's wrong with pizza? Everyone loves pizza," Rika glared.

"Do not contort my words, besides, the pizza was originally made as a luxury meal for royalty. The gourmet elite society simply does not approve of heretical pizza creations like the one my daughter is consuming."

"Mother is correct. The first modern pizza was said to have been made by Raffaele Esposito in Naples to honor Queen Margherita. The legend goes that he presented her three different pizzas, with her favorite being the one with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil. The pizza contained all the colors of the Italian flag which is why she preferred it, and thus, the pizza was henceforth known as Margherita pizza," Itsuki happily stated.

"This is not the time for a history lesson. And why were you so happy?"

"Why are you so upset? You're daughter's captivated by pizza, hmm now that I know she's such a big pizza nerd, I'll let her expand the pizza menu starting tomorrow," Rika grinned.

"Really!? I've got so many ideas I want to try!" Itsuki giddily smiled.

"If I didn't know about this flaw of hers beforehand, I'd have assumed she was tainted by you. Hmm, perhaps this one dormant flaw is why she didn't fully succumb to that man's brainwashing in the first place," Mahi scoffed as she headed out.

"Are you not going to celebrate with me?"

"No, in fact I think disowning you might be the best course of action. While there are benefits to keeping you as my daughter, one of those I refuse to take advantage of due to personal beliefs."

"Which is?"

"That I refuse to subject you to an arraigned marriage. If you were the initiator though and held all the power, it would be a different story, but since you are unlikely to marry a man that would result in my status rising to greater heights, disowning you is the best course of action. You are useless and broken beyond repair."

Everyone shot Mahi disgusted glares as she left. "What a despicable woman. Disowning her daughter on her own birthday," Matcha scowled in disbelief.

"So why are you still here?" Rika glared at Azuki.

"I felt like giving you bad publicity," Azuki sneered as she sat down. "Now show me a meat pizza, or rather how you desecrate the gourmet elite society's mold of a gourmet pizza."

"So how much meat and what kind? we got standard beef, boar, snake, seafood's also an option with-"

"D- Do you just slap everything down on a pizza and call it a meal!? There were classes at Tabemono Gakuin that taught the fundamentals of pizza crafting and what you said would get you kicked out of the class with an F!"

"But you said you wanted a cursed pizza. Though I guess we don't serve those... actually, since today's pizza day, we can bring resurrect one of our limited time items from the Olympics," Rika maliciously snickered.

"No, Rika don't you dare resurrect that abomination! It does not deserve to exist! It is revolting and horrible and putrid and disgusting!" Masaru fumed as he began to freak out.

All the other staff present began to get worried too.

"Rika, that THING you made back then was NOT pizza. I know different cultures have different customs, but that was NOT pizza!" Itsuki glared.

"All the more reason she needs to try it. Oh Mimi," Rika called out.

Mimi suddenly appeared and quickly bound Azuki to her chair.

"HUH!? The hell are you tying me up for!?" Azuki fumed.

"Payback for what you did to me back at the hotel. Now, Mimi, keep her here while I go make the special pizza," Rika snickered.

"Aye Aye! Ri-chan!" Mimi smiled.


Azuki cringed in horror as Rika placed her creation before her. "ready to try some Brazilian pizza?" Rika snickered.


"Hey Waki, got something we can use to make her eat this?"

"I got a force feeder 5000 on me," Waki smiled as she headed for the changing room.

"Force feeder what!?

"Force feeder 5000. I originally bought it to have Matcha use on me, but I'm starting to grow out of my masochistic phase. Though if Matcha decides to dominate me, I won't resist," Waki blushed as she returned.

"Hmm, it says this thing even allows you to chew. Well as long as it's safe, shove it in her mouth. She's gonna leave a bad review anyway so might as well make it worth it," Rika snickered. Sweat began to pour down Azuki's face as Rika shoved the device in her mouth. "Now, experience the pizza of Brazil," Rika snickered as she shoved a piece of the Brazilian pizza in Azuki's mouth.


After she was fed the whole pizza, she was released. "That was on the house, come back again, Momma," Rika snickered.

"MOMMA!? Don't you dare call me that- ULP! You have no right to touch my son," Azuki fumed as she clutched her stomach and hobbled out.

"You will be her mother-in-law when we are married," Masaru nodded.

"MARRIED!? You heathen! I- ULP! Ugh, I hate you, but I hate the filth- ULP no I hate you mor- BLEEEEEH!"

Everyone cringed in disgust as Azuki vomited right in front of the karaoke place on the other side of the street.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? CLEAN UP YOUR PUKE NOW!" the furious owner shouted as she walked up.

"Damn heathen," Azuki groaned as she fell to the ground and was dragged away by the furious karaoke place owner.

"Well my birthday has certainly been eventful. Rika, could please ensure that filth never enters my line of sight again?" Itsuki glared.

"If people want to order it there's no helping it," Rika shrugged.

"Very well, though never serve that to me, EVER!"

"Don't worry, I only gave her a taste cause she was here to harass us."

"Still, it seems a bit far."

"Fear not. Mother and Father would often force me to eat putrid dishes as punishment for messing up," Masaru stated.

"Wha? Not even my parents were that cruel."

"Speaking of which, look who's on TV right now," Rika grinned.

On the TV, a deranged Makihara appeared. "LOOK! I HAVE CARAMELIZED YOUR SLOP FUNNEL! YOU WILL EAT IT AND ENJOY IT! GOURMET ELITE CUISINE SHALL REIGN SUPREME!" Makihara ranted as he shoved a caramelized funnel cake at the camera.

"Well, it seems he's making some... improvement?" Itsuki nervously stated.

"That looks delicious, Rika, make that for me immediately. I'll be on break until I've finished it," Masaru stated as he sat down at an open table.

"Heh, guess that ass is improving slightly," Rika smiled.

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