Chapter 6:

Chapter 6

I Discovered My Club Members' Secret!

"Alright, everyone. Here's the plan," Clinn announced as he faced me and Brian. "Our objective is to stay together and find those witches."

"Absolutely!" Brian and I chimed in, following Clinn's lead.

We scoured every corner, but the witches seemed to have vanished from the second floor. Come on, they must be here somewhere. Where could they be hiding?

Feeling frustrated, I furrowed my brow and locked eyes with Clinn and Brian. "I have a feeling those witches are on the primary floor."

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Brian agreed, placing his hands on his hips and turning towards me and Clinn.

Clinn nodded in agreement. "Yes, I believe you're right." He overviewed the environment and after that coordinated his look towards the staircase. "Let's go."

Together, we made our way towards the staircase, ready to descend. Suddenly, laughter echoed from behind us.

"Hold on!" Clinn whispered, his voice barely audible. "Did you guys hear that?"

Brian and I halted our movements, turning around to scan our surroundings. We realized the laughter was coming from another staircase across from us.

"Yes, it came from that direction," Brian confirmed, also speaking in a hushed tone.

I raised my gun, assuming a battle stance, and glared at the staircase. "Alright, everyone. Prepare yourselves."

Clinn and Brian reflected on my activities, both concurring, "Completely!"

We waited anxiously for the witches to appear on the second floor, ready to launch our attack. Despite the difficulty, Brian and I managed to fend off a couple of witches and emerged victorious.

"We did it!" I exclaimed, leaping into the air. "Two down, three more to go!"

"You're right!" Brian exclaimed, grinning at me and Clinn, his fists raised triumphantly. His left hand firmly gripped his gun.

"Alright, no time to celebrate," Clinn said, his gun resting on his shoulder as he turned around. "We must track down and eliminate the remaining three witches.”

Once we reached the second floor, our search for the three remaining witches continued. However, despite our efforts, we were unable to locate any of them. Brian then proposed the possibility of them being in the cafeteria, kitchen, front yard, or backyard. Clinn and I agreed with his suggestion, and we proceeded to search those areas as well.

Unfortunately, our search in the cafeteria, kitchen, and front yard proved fruitless. Determined to find them, we decided to focus our efforts on the backyard. We scoured every inch of that area but still came up empty-handed. It was then that we decided to make our way towards the track area.

As we made our way there, we suddenly heard laughter behind us. We turned around to find the witches preparing to cast their spells on us. Clinn instructed us to prepare ourselves, and he took the lead in attacking them. Brian and I followed suit, although we soon realized that these witches were much more formidable opponents than the previous ones. Despite the challenges, we managed to emerge victorious and celebrate our triumph.

Overjoyed, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Yes, yes, yes! We defeated those witches!" I jumped up into the atmosphere, my clenched hand raised towards the green sky. Brian joined in, saying, "Oh, yeah! You said it!"

Clinn then reminded us that we still needed to find one more witch in order to be free and return home. I missed my family so much and I couldn't wait to be home with my family. Clinn believed she might be on the basement floor, presenting us with an opportunity. I agreed with him, and we eagerly made our way forward. "Let's go!" I exclaimed.

Returning inside, the guys and I descended to the basement floor. We searched every nook and cranny, desperately trying to find the last witch. However, she seemed to have vanished without a trace. Frustration crept over me, and I scowled, reluctant to go back and recheck the entire classroom. But it seemed I had no other choice. If I wanted to succeed, I would have to go and find her there.

“Ah, seems she may not be on this floor," I grumbled before coming to a halt and turning to face Clinn and Brian. "I accept we ought to look all over campus once more."

"Huh? But-" Clinn began to object.

Brian took a deep breath and swiftly pivoted to give Clinn a stern look. "Bro, we looked for her on this floor and she's not here! Although I'm not thrilled about combing through the entire campus again, Eric is right."

"Now, hold on a moment. She could show up on this floor any minute. She has to," Clinn strongly disagreed. "We should wait here for her."

Brian waved his hand dismissively and raised his voice, "I'm not waiting here. I want to go home. I'm clearing out, whether you like it or not." He headed towards the stairway, planning to make his way down. "Come on, Eric. Let's go!"

"You!" A familiar voice startled Brian.

As green smoke enveloped us, we turned to see the final witch floating in the air without a broomstick. Her glowing green eyes locked onto us.

"How set out you are to eliminate all of my friends!" A green ball materialized over her hands, twirling in the void. "Now you will pay for that."

"No, how set out you are to draw us into your club and hoodwink us into getting to be your sacrifice!" Brian snapped as he, Clinn, and I aimed our weapons at her.

"Yeah!" I chimed in, glaring at her. "You're going to regret that, big time!"

She chuckled wickedly as the ball expanded in size. "Oh, really? I suppose I'll have to show you all the consequences of crossing a witch like me!"

"Huh! Don't count on it!" Clinn growled through clenched teeth.

The final witch let out a piercing scream as she hurled the ball in our direction. Startled, I exclaimed as my companions and I swiftly dodged the attack to protect ourselves.

Breathing heavily, my eyes widened as I turned towards the source of the attack. A large, charred circle on the wall emitted smoke, leaving me to ponder the catastrophic consequences had it struck any of us. It would have been utterly devastating, rendering us unable to continue living, especially our families.

Nevertheless, as we redirected our attention to the last witch, we realized she was far more relentless in her assault than we had anticipated. Her strikes were swift, draining our energy almost instantaneously.

We struggled to find a way to defeat her, desperately brainstorming for a solution. It was then that I had a sudden realization: we could use water balloons against her.

Each of us launched a water balloon, aiming to impede her attacks. With her movements slowed, we unleashed our weapons upon her until she was ultimately vanquished. As soon as the battle concluded, we found ourselves magically transported back to our own dimension, to our families. It was truly unbelievable. We had finally emerged victorious. Overwhelmed with excitement, we cheered for our triumph and decided it was time to return home for good, at long last.