Chapter 14:

Chapter 13: Lost oneself

Kingdom of Light

When you kill monsters like the abyssal or creatures from dungeons, there’s no regret, there monsters born of darkness with the only purpose of conquering, but when you kill another human, you feel wrong, like guilt over takes you as you’re taken aback by what you’ve done. And yet I felt nothing, no remorse. No guilt, and clearly no hesitation as I kept going. Each disciple that came at me would lose their life I mean maybe they should’ve been prepared for it instead of looking at me like IM the one in the wrong, no that's not, that can't be they worship some evil dark god I’m simply defending the Kingdom and myself! 

Blank. Nothing comes to mind, floating under a sea of black. I blink once and I find myself standing in a vast area, empty with nothing but a single tree. I blink again and Im staring at a strange rune floating in a court that has no walls, I blink again to see a man standing facing off against someone, a kingdom in the distance. This time it's a kingdom in ruin, another stranger I don't know standing in front of me, speaking like last time, only now a few words are audible, those being “ kingdom” and “ freed” which doesn’t help in understanding it just adds to the confusion. My eyes open to the ceiling, and it comes back to me. I was still in the Treasure Kingdom, pain unravels throughout my body as I force myself to sit up. I examine my body to see it covered in bandages, it seems not every cut was healed. The clothes I had been wearing at the time were stitched and cleaned, changing into them I make my way to the throne room to see the Aurum and the Minster talking, until they notice my arrival that is. " you should be resting for another few days your body needs more time to recover!” The minister says trying to push me back to the room, I felt fine. " A few more days? How long was I resting?” The minister hadn’t answered immediately, "Two weeks, you were out for two weeks and I think you need a few more days to fully recover,” The minister says trying to push me again. Two weeks, what had happened with Onyx, has he still not made a move this entire time? " If your wondering about the Abyss king, he hasn’t made a move in the two weeks you were out. Your lucky we had found you then, any later and you would’ve succumbed to the fatigue from your power,” Aurum says punching my arm, reigniting the pain from the wound, “ head back to your kingdom and wait for my call, theres something I need to confirm first,” Aurum says pushing me back the way I had come. Once I had everything I needed to launch my assault on Onyx, of course I took a little detour with the whole thing here but at least i got something out of it, a weapon and info that could be vital in the future. " fine, I’ll drop by the Light kingdom,” relaying my partly put together plan to Aurum, “ what about the cult, I killed them, supposedly people of this kingdom,” I ask, in return Aurum simply frowns, “ those people were members of a cult that worshiped an entity of darkness, not citizens of my kingdom, when it comes to protecting a kingdom you must be willing to make hard decisions,” she leaves it off on that, without saying anything else Aurum walks back to the grand hall, I thank the minister for their help and head back to the cave, if it can send me here surely it can send me back. I found my ship where I had left it, it was around midday when I arrived at the kingdom, nothing had changed in my room, aside from dust having collected on the desk and shelves. Onyx can wait, and while I waited for Aurum to send word about whatever it was she wanted me to do, removing the cult from the kingdom would solve many problems that would take rise in the future if left unattended now, If i recall the disciple mentioned something about how the main hq entry would be similar to that branch, perhaps I can out one of their disciples into bringing me instead, The spear has some value to them I can use it as leverage, fortunately there seems to be just the place for it, stashed away in one of the desks drawers I grab and dust off a red envelope, sealed with red wax, the shape of a broken circle with the letter A in the center. It was an invite to the Auction house.
