Chapter 7:

Adventures Unfold

Hearts Beyond Horizons

What unfolded under the span of those next five hours could only be described as the most traumatic part of Izusaki’s life.

Her deep suspicions were that Sire was the one who both scratched something on her skin while she was asleep and set the doll in her room. Izusaki couldn’t figure out why he did it or where he went after that, but all she could do was call the police at that point.

She told me they didn’t have any critical information to confirm a lead on his location after investigating. However, the only evidence that could be found were shoe prints that coincidentally matched a recent suspect who was much older. Izusaki, after all of that chaos, was forced into being adopted by a new family that were really strict from what I’ve heard.

They wanted her to become a nurse. I don’t exactly know the real reason why, although there were a few clues I could make out in order to determine it for myself.

From what I can see though she really didn’t have that much of a say in choosing. It is what led to her holding hand sanitizer and extra custom-made band-aids inside her pocket because they got anxious about seeing her with injuries.

Especially if people got to talking about it…

As I was laying there on the hard floor cuddled next to Lilac with Izusaki, I felt my heart pounding a bit more rapidly. I moved over to the front left corner of the cart and sat down to try and process these heavy feelings I was having.

My parents weren’t going to be happy with me disappearing past the evening. I don’t think they might trust me with Lilac ever again either.

My thoughts were too clouded for me to understand why things got out of control so quickly. I had to make sure Lilac wouldn’t fall out of my sight again. The best thing I could imagine doing is waiting until the train looped back to where we left.

Around midnight, I couldn’t help but drift off to sleep so I could pass the time eventually.

Of course, the time definitely passed by a lot more than I expected…
