Chapter 33:

The prisoner

Spice of life [Remake]

Going back in time to earlier in the day...

Itsuki shook her head as she stared at the police station across the street. "Ugh, I even ran all the way here in my work uniform. I bet I got a bunch of weird looks," she sighed to herself. She stared at the station for a bit before shaking her head and heading back the way she came. "I really should learn to calm down a bit. It would prevent me from doing dumb things like this. Rika was clearly in distress and needed me to offer her some support. My father also made me do things I did not want to and tried to mold me into a puppet. Yet, I was so stupid, I just ran out on her when she was at her low. Sure, I don't completely forgive her for sitting on her ass back at Tabemono until AFTER I had lost, but at least she didn't run away. I really should go back," she thought as she turned around.

She then bumped into a middle school girl whom she had failed to notice. "I'm sorry! Are you alright?" Itsuki asked as she offered to help the girl up.

The girl shot her a glare of pure malice as Itsuki suddenly felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. She turned to see a young female officer with pigtails angrily smiling. "And just what did you do to my cute little sister!?" Yumeko asked in a cheerful manner.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see her and-"

"Onee-sama! She tried to splat my brain all over the ground!" Fujiko fake cried.

"I did not! I merely bumped-"



Before Itsuki could react, Yumeko had cuffed her, gagged her, and covered her head with a sack.

"You're under arrest for assault and battery," Yumeko sneered as she dragged Itsuki away.

After some walking, Itsuki was seated in a chair where she was restrained and forced to wait for hours upon hours. Eventually, the sack was removed and Itsuki found herself restrained in a small room with no windows and a single heavy metal door. She also noticed Yumeko and Fujiko standing before a small cart. Though what terrified her more was that she wasn't the only prisoner. Bound and gagged in the chair next to her was none other than Sundae.

"Sundae!?" Why's she here!?" Itsuki thought as Yumeko grabbed her face and forced her to look at Sundae.

"Take a good look at what I'm going to do to her," she sneered as let go of Itsuki's face and walked over to Sundae.

Sundae struggled in terror as Yumeko grabbed her by the hair and tilted her head back.

"Now, pretty sure you were supposed to be bald. Well guess I better rectify that error, by making you bald right now!" Yumeko sneered as she pulled out a pair of hair clippers and drove them into Sundae’s hair.

Tears rolled down Sundae’s face as Yumeko mercilessly shaved her.



Itsuki stared in horror as Yumeko finished ripping the wax off Sundae's head. "All done! Now let's see how hideous you look," Yumeko sneered as she flashed a mirror before Sundae.

"No NO NO NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?" Sundae screamed as Yumeko ripped the tape off her mouth.

"My, your screams sure do sound lovely, but I think you sound better gagged," Yumeko sneered as she slapped a new piece of tape over Sundae's mouth. "Now it's your turn. Feel free to go wild, though don't go too crazy. The cult doesn't appreciate it when you break the minds of their potential recruits,” Yumeko sneered as she handed the clippers to Fujiko.

"Yes Onee-sama. I'll hold back a bit. Now, let's do something about you, cutie," Fujiko sneered as she gazed at Itsuki.


Tears poured out of Itsuki's eyes as Fujiko flashed a mirror before her. "Evil. How could she do all that to me!? Why? Is this what I get for abandoning Rika? And what's this about a cult? W- What's going to happen to me-"

Itsuki's thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing. Fujiko glared and immediately grabbed the phone out of her pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Itsu-" Rika's voice said, before Fujiko hung up on her.

"Rika? You're calling me? After what I did?" I'm sorry for running out like that. Rika, please save me!" Itsuki tearfully thought.

"We're out of time. Now help me wrap her up!" Sakaguro ordered.

Fujiko clicked her tongue before begrudgingly helping her sister and the chief mummify Itsuki in packing tape. “I wasn't done yet!" she snarled.

"We're on a tight timetable. Now, if you don't want to get caught, do as I say," Sakaguro growled.

"How bout I wax that buzzcut off your head along with your eyebrows and eyelashes, Yoriko?"

"Chief Sakaguro to you, young lady! I don't care if your father is the superintendent general. This is MY station!"

"Nah, Makoto-chan's the new superintendent now that Commissioner Rikuma is now, well, a commissioner," Yumeko snickered.

"Tch. I'll hand her and that other girl off to the middleman. You two stay put," Sakaguro glared.

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