Chapter 64:


The Governor's Queen

Rosamund caught a bit of a cold. He was feeling unwell, his voice was hoarse, there was an occasional cough or a sneeze, and he really would have preferred to sleep through the day. Doctor Soxhlet decided it would be the best if he rested in his new bedroom (old one was still being 'renovated' after his encounter with the devil), though, and it brought an endless parade of concerned faces. Teodolit made him tea. Lilac brought him medicine. Nivelir visited him and stayed by his side, chatting for an hour. Ekliptik was... hovering. Walking in and out of the room at random times, clearly concerned. He couldn't really ask any of them to leave when they were so worried about him.

Besides, he enjoyed the attention. Perhaps he should be a little greedy ❤

Adanita more or less moved into his room during the day. She took with her the books that Baroness Mayberry sent her, and enjoyed tea in an armchair she moved to be by his side. It was so sweet of her to worry about him so much. He really was quite alright, enjoying his well-deserved rest, alternating between napping and looking out at the peaceful garden. From time to time, she'd do a little thing for him. Offer him tea, or medicine, or freshen up the cold towel on his head.

"You really do not need to do all this," he said. "I will be fine in a day or two, you know?"
"Do you want me to leave, then?" she asked.
"No, no. I appreciate the company. Although I am worried you will get sick from me."
"Hah! I never get colds, I am too strong."
Oh, she was very strong. He couldn't help but smile. "Still, I can't help but worry..."
"I'll be fine, Lord Governor. Besides, someone has to keep you safe. I wouldn't want the assassin situation happening thrice."
"Or fourth time? Should we count Lotus' kidnapping?"
"Nah... or, hm. Maybe. Anyway, I'll protect you in the case Coterie sends a third would-be killer."
"Gods, another thing I must handle..."
"I can handle 'em for you."
"I might just take you up on your offer."
"Really? Alright, I'll have Ekliptik send someone. You'll have their boss in your office in a week."
"Thank you. Alive, please. Perhaps I can talk it through before I send them to the gallows."
"They tried to kill you twice."
"Third time's the charm," he said with a smile.
"Don't even joke about it. If there is a third time, I'm taking my men and we're leveling the whole place."
"The dead can't learn."
"They can't kill you, either."
He had no answer to that.

"May I?" she asked, and he gave her a nod. She placed the back of her hand on his cheek, feeling his temperature. He liked that she asked now, after their chat yesterday. It wasn't that he really minded her touch, but he'd prefer not to be caught off-guard. In fact, he thought as he closed his eyes, he didn't mind it at all.
"I think it's going down. How are you feeling?"
Dizzy, he thought as she let him go. "Quite alright. I will be perfectly fine tomorrow."
"Right. I think you should sleep a bit more... I'll stop talking now. Or, would that help you fall asleep?"
"Do you feel like sleeping when I speak?" he asked.
"Aye, sometimes. You have a very melodious voice, and an extremely boring choice of favourite topics."
"Well I am glad that the taxonomy of plants works as a lullaby to you."
"Mm... the way you speak of things that interest you is music to my ears. You should be proud that you have such an effect on me."
"What a way to be called a dull old man."
She let out a soft laugh. "Well, I rather like it." With a smile, she offered him a hand. He made himself comfortable before accepting it. She was right, a nap will do him good. Her gentle company was more than appreciated, and he felt cozy and safe as he closed his eyes.

Two days later, he was in perfect health.

Adanita, meanwhile, absolutely caught a cold from being around him while he was ill. The opportunity to relentlessly tease her about it simply wasn't something he could pass up on. Not only did he bring his work with him to her bedroom in the same way she did, he also took the time to personally cook her some good old chicken soup. What better way was there to heal from a cold, after all?

"I told you," he said again, widely smiling.
"Aye, aye."
"You brought it upon yourself."
"Aye, aye."
"I hope you will take it as a valuable learning opportunity."
"Aye, aye. You oughta, too. Why are you here? You'll get sick again."
"A-a-a! Not how it works. I already had this sickness, so I am immune now. I won't get it twice." The thought of them getting each other sick with the same disease because they'd keep staying by each other's side was funny, though. He really hoped that she didn't pick up a completely different bug from somewhere. Him getting bedridden again will only bring the same mockery back down on him.

"Lord Governor is torturing an ill woman," she grumbled.
"Come now, I brought you soup. I made it myself, you know?"
"Aye, aye. It's the least you can do, considering you made me sick." She turned over on her side, watching him work. "It was good. Thank you. How come you cook so well?"
"I was a single man in my thirties and forties, living alone in a house. Of course I know how to cook."
"Aye? Is that normal for people in the other world?"
"Isn't it normal for everyone to know how to cook? At least a little, I mean."
"Aye, but you are amazing."
"Thank you. I know."
"Ever full of yourself."
"Humility never gets anyone far."
"Aye, aye." She reached under her pillow and took something small in her hand. He couldn't quite see-

"Is that the pinecone I hit you with?" he asked.
"You've kept it all this time?"
Her face turned a deeper color. "...aye," she quietly said.

So cute! So sweet! Did it help to keep her grounded? Did it help her sleep? Oh- oh damn it all, she gave him a beautiful cravat pin he was wearing right now, and all he gave her was a pinecone. And a pen, he reminded himself. Still, one present was purely practical, and the other one wasn't exactly something that could last for a long time. It was a pinecone. They fall apart. He could understand the sentimental value, but he needed to think of something better for her- aha! Oh, Elodie will have a field day with that...

"I just like to have it nearby," she said.
"It's quite endearing," he said. He placed a hand over hers, and by now even her ears were a deep crimson color. "I am happy I was able to help, and that you feel better."
"Aye. Y'know, y'don't need t' hold my hand. 'm fine. Dun wanna keep y' from yer work..."
Her accent was getting stronger when she was flustered. So cute! So sweet! "I am willing to sacrifice a hand if it means you sleep better. Don't worry, you will be fine in a day or two, just how I was," he assured her. They will both be extremely busy in the coming days. He might as well spend some time with her until then. "I do not need both hands for reading, after all."

"Aye, aye."

Per Astra