Chapter 7:

The Empty Canvas

Upside down

Shaniee's mind was a blank slate, his memories and identity erased. He wandered the desolate landscape, a hollow shell of his former self. The Collector's game had left him a victim of his own desperation.

In the distance, a figure appeared – Emily's ghostly form, her eyes filled with a deep sorrow. She reached out, and Shaniee felt a glimmer of recognition, a spark of his lost memories.

Together, they walked toward a blank canvas, a symbol of Shaniee's empty mind. Emily's ghostly form began to fade, her essence merging with the canvas.

As Shaniee watched, a brushstroke of color appeared, followed by another, and another. The canvas transformed into a vibrant, surreal landscape, a representation of Shaniee's lost memories and identity.

The New Beginning

Shaniee's eyes widened as he realized the truth: Emily's ghostly form had become his memories, his identity, and his art. The canvas was a new beginning, a chance to recreate himself, to paint a new reality.

With a smile, Shaniee took up the brush, ready to face the unknown, armed with the power of his own creativity

A haunting, ethereal tone, with the canvas serving as a symbol of Shaniee's rebirth. Now shaniee life will be a mix of surreal, dreamlike sequences and vibrant, colorful brushstrokes, representing Shaniee's newfound creativity and hope.

And so, Shaniee's story concludes, but the world of Dark Gathering remains, waiting for the next victim

Thank you for joining me on this journey

This is then end of this novel I'm working on another one too so just wait lil bit it will be out soon 
