Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jun 08, 2024

    Author's Commentary #106:

    Time to talk about Chapter 106: Thick fog and a Danish gambit.
    Things are starting to heat up now that some Desperados are on the hunt. Luckily, Okisato just so happened to be nearby and was able to take one of them out.

    One thing I will confirm is that the DESPERs are capable of teleporting players to real world places as settings for the game. This is why Okisato is trapped atop the Tokyo sky tree. He does get rescued eventually though so no need to worry about him. His opponent though is dead. Speaking of which, let's talk a bit about Col Baskerville Moran.

    バスカヴィル・モラン大佐 (Col Baskerville Moran) is how his name would be written in Japanese. He's an obvious Sherlock Holmes reference referencing both Hound of the Baskervilles and the character, Col Sebastien Moran. Even his rating of 2212 is a reference to Holmes' address of 221B Baker Street.

    His birthday is September 26th which is the day The Adventure of the Empty House, the story Col Moran debuted in, was first published.

    His favorite piece is the rook, mainly because it reminds him of a cannon. He actually did serve in the military, but was dishonorably discharged due to his brutality. He was actually only a Private when this happened, but soon after he joined the Desperado league and was awarded the rank of Colonel after beating the head of the military in a DESPER match.

    As for the game, it features a Danish gambit, or more accurately, a Danish gambit declined. The Danish gambit is a very aggressive opening which is why I wanted to feature it in the series. Since it was declined in this game, there's a good chance there will be a game in the future where it isn't declined, so be on the look out for that.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 07, 2024

    Author's Commentary #105:

    Time to talk about Chapter 105: Giraffe attack.
    This chapter introduces Carol, who's essentially the American equivalent of Iori, aside from secretly being a psychopath. Her dialog is deliberately misspelled and full of grammatical errors in order to illustrate the fact that she's speaking broken Japanese.

    キャロル・"セス"・クック (Carol "Cece" Cooke) is how her name is written in katakana.

    Her birthday is October 6th. I chose the date at random so there's no real significance behind why this date is his birthday.

    Like Iori, her favorite piece is the knight, mainly because it can jump around the board. She actually watches lots of chess videos in order to learn cool moves, but has found that some of them can be easily countered by high-level players resulting in her usually losing games against them.

    Speaking of the games, the inspiration for them came after I watched a video by Fischy Chess called "Every weird chess openings explain in 15 minutes (compilation)". I don't think the omega bongcloud is officially recognized, but it is similar to a crazy opening Magnus Carlson once played. Basically, the move involves you moving your king to d1 the long way by going first to f2 then looping around to d1. Iori was unable to pull the move off due to playing Mimoko.

    The giraffe attack on the other hand is in fact a real opening. It was actually thanks to the aforementioned video that I learned about it and the blunder white can fall into if they play the opening. This is also the first win by resignation game in the series. While wins by resignation are common both in real life and the universe this story takes place in, wins by resignation will be rare and won't occur unless it's a non-DESPER match. If I end up doing a proper tournament arc, that's where you'll likely see lots of wins by resignations. As for why Carol resigned, she would have been down a queen and against someone like Mimoko, that's game over.

    As for the bet, both her and Iori were planning on doing it from the start and simply wanted an excuse to justify it as a punishment. Though if Iori played seriously, the results could have been much different.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 06, 2024

    Author's Commentary #104:

    Time to talk about Chapter 104: Closure.
    This chapter showcases quite a few things. First, it shows what became of Michiko following the end of the fallen maestro arc. Second, it showcases a bit of how Daria truly felt about the entire ordeal. And third, it shows just how irredeemable Michiko truly is.

    First off, let's talk a bit more about Michiko. Raymond essentially plans to reduce her to nothing but a brain in a jar. He doesn't intend to let her die, both to make her suffer and because killing her could allow her soul to simply escape to one of her proxies. Her loss to Okisato is currently what prevents her from taking control of her proxies, however, she still has some connections to them.

    As for Okisato's comment regarding her pawns, that was a concept I decided to go with while I was writing Season 2. First off, the fact that Michiko had all her proxies go bald was not just to satisfy Ai's desires, but to also denote their status as pawns. To recap, Ai, Xiao Lin, Taira, Safumi, Mizuse, Doraaki, Tenju, and the mysterious hooded woman were all Michiko's pawns. That doesn't mean they were all her proxies though, as Tenju was moreso manipulated by her rather than outright controlled by her. One thing I will confirm is that the SPCMs she brainwashed can no longer be controlled by her due to losing DESPER matches. Xiao Lin and the hooded woman on the other hand might be a different story. Even though Michiko never once took control of Xiao Lin or influenced her thoughts through mind control, she still made one of her conditions for losing the DESPER match against Ai, becoming her proxy.

    Since Raymond has the power to view DESPER wagers thanks to both his authority as WWCF president and his gold skeleton key, he was able to access the match data and learn the exact language of the wager. This is why he gave Okisato such specific instructions on how to save Daria when he faced off against Michiko.

    As for Daria herself, while she's mainly been bottling up her emotions, she truly is devastated over Kotora's death. When she first heard about it, she cried her eyes dry, though made sure to do it when Mimoko wasn't around. She was also unsure if Michiko was truly acting on her own will and had wanted to speak with her face to face in order to confirm things for herself. Upon seeing Michiko's true nature, she realized that Michiko was never truly her friend and lost any remorse she had for her over her current predicament.

    As for Okisato, he seems to have a history with Raymond. All I'll say on that is more will be revealed as the story continues.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster