Chapter 0:


Zenith Of the Red Draft

A world of those who are in power is in charge, Those who possess combat ability and and those who possess the ability to use others, a world where calmness and respect is a trait of every being.

Sword, Magic, Fist, bow, And the mind , everything in this world can be a weapon If only used wisely.

Those who possess any of them can even go against those who claim to be superior races, Demons, And even those who call themselves "GODS"

A burning village Full of Dead bodies to the brim, This village was devastated as the result of war. A man is walking in and covered with heavy armor strolls at the village as if he was reminiscing something in the village that is now in ashes

"To think it has come to this, The demons and the southern kingdom didn't really care about the casualties huh?..."

As he walks around the village he keeps glancing and looking around as if he is trying to have hope on something

"Men, women, and even children...They really did not try to have mercy..."

As he walks around more the hopelessness he feels for his quest to even save one life, Those who have seen countless wars would even puke at the sight of hundreds of corpses of the innocent.

"This is hopeless i have gone past the available time given t-"

He suddenly noticed something, to the normal human they shouldn't even sense something was wrong however this heavily armored man is different.

"I heard a voice right now" he muttered, As he ran carrying a giant axe around as if it was made of wood and then he muttered "Im certain i have heard a voice, even tho its weak its still a voice of a human..."

As he fiercely runned the sorrouding ground shook and his foot left traces and craters and then he suddenly jumped, Skipping over 13-17 houses in the village, and then he arrived at the house at the house where he felt the presence of a dying human however he was surprised at the situation of the house

"What happened here...Never mind that I feel the weak presence of a human "

As he sneaked around a house that is sliced in half and is about burned to the ground, He instantly thought that the voice he heard was a cry for help is in this fire.

"Don't tell me it's from here? The flame is still new and the place hasn't been turned to dust yet, I have to get in there might be a glimpse of hope left"

As he looks at the roof and the ceiling looking out if his own weight would bring down the house and kill the last life he couldn't save

'I need to be careful' He thinked to himself, As he slowly walked inside the burning house he heard again that faint voice however this time he can hear it clearly 'Its voice of a child' he thinked as he scour through the burning house looking at every room he found non

"Damn it! The child's presence is weakening i need to find that child soon"

As the raging fire burns more fiercely he is losing his hope in saving the last life that he tried to save and he heard


The sound of the child, the sound wasn't in the rooms but in the bathroom' As he rushed to the bathroom and then he saw a child, Eyes that is deprived of life, Body full of blood and scratches from what looks like a large blade. As he looks around more he sees the trail of blood from it seems the child where he is from, As he follows the trail he was surprised as it shouldn't be possible.

"What the hell is going on"

As he saw what he needed to do and remedied the injuries and scratches with ointments and bandages inside of his armor and pocket, as he saw what he needed he took the child out of the burning house and he muttered 

"With this i can tone down the guilt that has been eating me"

Those who live by killing are those who deserve punishment because of their sin, However this world is not run by god but those who have monstrous abilities.

As he walks far from the fire and the village he puts down the child at the tree to inspect the scratches and injuries that the child has received.

'I have stopped his bleeding, all i know is to make this child sleep however..."

As he stood up and looked to his left and saw the burning houses and Structures he thought to himself 'would this child be even okay? For a kid who experiences this kind of event', As he is confused about what to do next he smiles.

"Then i shall make you work for me"

A rising sun in the west shines in the eyes of the boy in the morning, As he opens his eyes desperately as if he was in a nightmare.


As he holds the blanket that covers his body, he asked himself 

"Wait what happened, i was sure i was just fightin-"

His words were cut off as he remembers what happened and his head was in immense pain brought by his memory of the event.


As he grabs his head because of the immense pain he remembered a question

"Wait...Where am i?, Was it all a dream?"

As he said to himself a sound of footsteps and the door was opened and a large man walking in almost 2 meters replied

"Unfortunately it wasn't a dream kiddo, hello... are you feeling well?"

As the man walked into the room the child was in awe after the size of the man, In reply the man smiled at him

"H-hello...Are you the one who saved me?"

"That's right, can you check your wounds if there is a problem"


As he scours his own body for wounds he was relieved 

"Thank you mister"

"Don't sweat it the good news is that you are alive"

After the man replied the boy put on a face of despair and asked 

"When you saved me did my bro-"

"I apologize but it was already too late"

"I understand"

As he put on a face with despair a hand reached his face and gave him a handkerchief and said

"Oh come on do not now"

"Oh thank yo-....EHHHH!?"

As the boy was surprised by a sudden hand in front of him the man laughed and as the boy looked beside him a woman whose half face of her face was covered laughed *Fancy Lady like* 

"Yona you shouldn't do that to this child"

"I know i was just expecting something"

"You are overating my report"

"My bad"

As she laughed more and then the boy asked questions

 "Can i know both of your names and where am i?"

As the woman stopped laughing she was about to answer his questions

"We ar-"

"We are the guardsman of the Mezide clan and i am squad leader Josan Lembrie and this is Squad leader Yona"

After Yona was interrupted she became mad and complained to Josan

"HEY!! How dare you interrupt me in my introduction"

"Come on just calm he laughs sarcastically"


"Anyways kid you are at the residence of the Mezide family"

"Oh...Th-thank you"

As Johan's face is full of relief he sighed, And then asked the child.

"Now it's our turn to ask, may we know your name and....And what attacked the village and you"

As Josan stares at the child intensely he thought...'I was right It's too early for me to ask him questions after the event, I guess we should go for n-' 

"I-I am hals...Hals mayerize, From what happened our village was attacked by a Class 3 hell hound"

'This kid can guess what's the class of the monster that attacked his own village?'

As the more Questions Johan asked he became more interested in Hals words.

"Now this is my last two questions, How did you know the class and how did you kill the hound?"

After Johan asked the question the boy's face put on a frown and answered 

"My brother...My brother told me the class of that monster is class 3, And he also knows other monsters"