Chapter 4:

4. Safe Land

It All Started With Farming

Seti wasn't confident in his skills. Knowing that a hunter-gatherer society would be hard to convince. Especially with a weak man who focuses on agriculture such as Seti.

When he looked at the hunters. The majority of them were fit, burly, and muscular. Most of them were dominantly male with one pale girl accompanying them. Looking at them, his worries skyrocketed, and his confidence lowered. Am I gonna successfully convince them?

Asumi's assurance was the only thing keeping his confidence alive. Hoping that she could convince the leader of the tribe.

The conversation between Asumi and the leader was done. It was long due to the usage of sign language.

The burly old man signaled to the group. They headed deeper into the forest and found themselves in an open clearing. There were smooth and peculiar formations inside the clearing.

There the tribe had met up to where the woman and the children held up. They were grouped up in the middle of the clearing protected by many hunters. The children were playing with the sticks and the women took care of the young.

Some senile people couldn't contribute but remained to teach the younglings their life experiences. There was even a crippled old man being cared for by a young female child.

It was a functional hunter-gatherer society. Their tools were made of stone, enough to kill a giant armadillo if aimed right. Their clothing was made of animal skin and most of the hunters wore armadillo plates. Except that the majority of them were already falling apart or were damaged. The men were not fully clothed and their upper bodies were exposed. Their shoulders were covered with armor held on by a rope. The women were fully clothed even though some parts were revealing, it was enough to cover their private parts.

Their entire population amounted to 76. A small tribe to paleolithic standards. Most of them were hunters that numbered

When they saw the returning hunters. They prepared themselves and their luggage and set out to the wilderness. They headed off in the direction where both of them came from. They had returned to the grasslands and Seti was uncomfortable about it.

Seti was worried that the giant armadillo would appear once again. Asumi noticed the sweat running down on his face. She tried to assure his safety."I know you're weak but don't worry these guys are good at hunting that giant armadillo from before."

She pointed her fingers to one of the hunter's shell plates. The texture was identical to that of an Armadillo. Seti was slightly relieved by this but his worries won't wane.

They continued walking till they arrived at the riverbank. The water heads left where the elevation is low. The fishes were more abundant than in their previous spot. A perfect place to showcase Asumi's skills in front of the tribe leader.

Asumi talked with the leader. She implied that this would be the spot where she would demonstrate her skills."This is a perfect spot. I can see many underwater animals moving. It would be best if I can demonstrate it now!"

He nodded and gestured to Asumi to begin."Well then, you may show your skills."

She asked for a spear and one of the hunters lent theirs. She pulled back the edges of her jeans so that they wouldn't be wet once again. She looked clearly on the clearwater, looking for every available fish.

The entire tribe was watching Asumi. They had a great interest as they never attempted to catch fish since they found it to be arduous.

Once she found one unfortunate fish. She never hesitated to stab the fish in the body. It shook, attempting to escape while feeling the pain. Then it died a painful death. She held the spear high and presented the dead fish.

They gasped in awe and discussed it with other members. The leader was deep in thought and the pale girl's eyes shone. The burly old man then approached Asumi and patted her shoulder. "I see! So then you're admitted to the tribe! We can finally have underwater animals in our bellies! Just like the other bigger tribes!"

A great addition to the tribe! This woman will make our tribe fill our bellies every time! Anyone who can give us food from any place is important! The leader was enthusiastic about Asumi. He was susceptible to change and was willing to admit any outsider as long as it benefitted the tribe. That said, only those who can support shall stay. However, the problem now lies with Seti.

I hope Asumi can convince that old guy! Being with them only increases my chances of survival. Even if Asumi is gone and or the tribe. I just need the two of them so that I can live longer. Seti, who had no combat skills, relied on the company of others. Soon he planned to make amends if ever their tribe transitioned to agriculture. I wish they could transition into sedentism rather than being a nomadic tribe. There my skills would flourish!

The burly old man looked at him. He analyzed his body from head to toe. He recognized that Seti wasn't fit for hunting nor any physically enduring activity. He questioned Asumi about his skills."How does this guy get food from trees and plants? Does he kill it?"

She delightfully answered."This person can grow food from plants. He makes more food than hunting but it takes a longer time."

He nodded his head. He tries to understand how he can grow it. So she asked her once again."How does a person like him grow food?"

She responded."He takes care of them. Let them grow until they reach maturity."

"So it takes years? No, I don't want it! We are a tribe that constantly wanders this grassland! A long time for food won't benefit us!" He voiced his concerns about his knowledge.

"I understand but if we try to change our lifestyle then possibly it could work out. I would recommend staying at one place for his skills to truly flourish. Wouldn't it be worth a try? Besides, his food can last long and can never end!" She tried to convince the leader of the tribe. The old man slowly comprehended the works of agriculture. A foreign idea that seems to be impossible to work for a hunter-gatherer society.

As for Seti, he thought that the transition to sedentism would heavily affect their tribe. They would be worried about the lack of resource diversity. If an entirety of a hunter-gatherer society remains in a certain area. Animals would severely drain quickly.

Then Asumi had an idea. She proposed this idea to the leader hoping that he could have an agreement."Umm, What if we take a small portion of your population. Like 7 of you to stay in this area! Help that person in my back then head out and continue your life! If you come back and find living in one place better than being a nomad then you can join us!"

The burly old man felt that the idea was good. He could see the results of Seti's skills and find a better lifestyle for his tribe. Which is a desire that he fights for. I'm interested in seeing the results of this.

Soon enough the burly old man liked her idea. He shouted and gestured to the crowd. Seti couldn't understand anything but he saw that the tribesmen were surprised. The burly old man declared an order from the tribe." Everyone! Is there anyone willing to change their way of life!"

The pale girl raised her hand. Shortly two more hands rose to the sky. There was a female child and a crippled old man. No other person dared to lift their hands. Everyone was satisfied by their way of life.

The leader nodded and finalized his decision."I see, then the three of you shall live with this man until we come back from this land. It would be long and you can return if you can find us! I promise the three of you that we will return before winter!"

The crowd had their eyes on the three people who raised their hands. Asumi felt aggrieved by the number of people who decided to stay. She couldn't even have a single hunter to protect them. She thought that they were at a disadvantage.

However, Seti doesn't even know what is happening. He was thoroughly confused and desired to know the core of the situation but his lack of knowledge didn't help.

The tribe was preparing their food and supplies. The majority of them had decided to stay in the nomadic lifestyle. They crossed the river where only five people remained. Seti this time was bewildered by what had happened.

He asked Asumi."Hey! Why are they leaving! Shouldn't we catch up to them!"

Asumi decided to inform Seti."The leader doesn't see the likelihood of the tribe doing agriculture. So yeah we are going to stay here and farm to at least convince him."

"Oh my god… This isn't going to go well." Seti felt another opportunity waned on him. But it didn't stop him.

"*Sigh… it sucks but I guess this is reality. We should head back to the forest. Find a good plant to cultivate aside from cereal." They headed inside the forest where they camped out alongside three new mouths to feed.

But there was a circular shadow that loomed the forests. This time it roamed around outside and hid from them. Tomorrow, there would be chaos.

Hans Trondheim