Chapter 0:

Foreword - Significan Persons

Facility A Report - The Strzelecki Desert facility incident

Due to the Freedom of Information act (FoI Act) of 1982, all previous information regarding the facility incident is now declassified. All relevant documentation is now freely available from the OAIC

Significant Persons

Oscar Langwell: Head Scientist.
Age: 34. Facility owner.
Original Residence: Sydney, NSW.
Funded and supported Caleb Kaeppel. A self-made millionaire who used profits from his research to fund the construction of the facility.
Currently alive. Whereabouts: Unknown.

Caleb Kaeppel: Project lead. 
Age: 30. Brainchild of the project. Co-ordinated the team and laid out project planning and goals.
Cause of death: Gashes in head, back, lower left leg and lower right abdomen. Low levels of ATP.

Jorja O’Hara: Genetics specialist.
 Age 29. In charge of sequencing and editing DNA in testing.
Cause of death: Large gash in lower left abdomen. Low levels of ATP.

Jack Fison: Chemical Engineer.
Age: 36. Created the chemical processes for development.
Cause of death: Head torn from body, low levels of ATP

Matthew Schutt: Ecologist.
Age 38. Original residence: Doreen, Victoria.
Developed containing units and testing equipment to enable the safety of workers.
Cause of death: Multiple deep gashes in upper back. Low levels of ATP

Tristan Macandie: Computer engineer.
Age: 27. Original residence: Noosa heads, Queensland.
Builds and maintains the projects machinery.
Cause of death: Gash through left shoulder. Low levels of ATP

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