Chapter 24:

Bonus Chapter: Pater Noster

Convergence of the Three Empires

By: The blog of Serelica Antonious, tourist

There’s not much information in regards to the papacy of the Sakilo-Jawani Empire. Its real ruling body was never clearly shown to any outsiders, there was a rumor going around that the only way people could actually contact the pope was through the word of God. Whatever that means.

All I, and a bunch of mates I live with at the moment, really know is that the name of the current pope is ‘Sin’. Pope Sin, that’s pretty funny if you think about it, but then again the man may just be oriental… or woman. I’m not really sure about the customs of this place. No one really says anything, the locals are lively on their own but with other people they’re kinda skeptical. Keeps to themselves.

Though I’ve heard my mates talking in length about the capabilities of the Sakilo-Jawanians; for instance, their military prowess is a thing that the other galactic powers are somewhat afraid of, mostly the reason why they haven’t collectively steamrolled this place yet. Something about weapons of mass destruction that they could use on a whim if nothing comes for them in regards to their god. Religious fanatics really scare me sometimes.

I also found out why they had that weird name, it apparently had something to do with their theology. Something like, their first messiah was named Sakilo, they freed them from the clutches of a former galactic empire with the power of their God. Jawani on the other hand, is the futuristic form of this messiah which would come for them in the time of their largest crisis.

From the few people I’ve interviewed regarding this topic, it is apparent that the Jawani figure will arrive in the form of a fire that will engulf the entire galaxy in its holy light, its holy warmth. It could be related to their fanatic crusade, why they so desperately want to bathe the galaxy in their holy flames, maybe they’re trying to summon this intergalactic messiah.

Or maybe I'm just playing too much into their intensive beliefs, they are all warlike after all. Even judging by their violent history, there would be at least one person that would be fully opposed to the warring, but none of them are, it seems.

But that’s all for today, maybe tomorrow I’ll check out the Jangagarian Forest planet of the Caspians, or maybe I'll go home. This place is taking a toll on me.
