Chapter 4:

Chapter 4 (Ghost robots?!)

Ankh Holder (Season 2)


Guard bandits near the Kyat Tha Yay Room were lifted upward and knocked to the ground. Monks were stunned by this sudden attack. All of their attention got to Zeya.

At first, Zeya had no idea about fighting these monks. But, after seeing a lot of guards near the room, he changed his mind.

"Hey, who are you?" One of the monks asked.

Before they could say any words, Zeya stretched one of his hands. The other monks were also lifted into the air and knocked to the ground. More monks came nearer to him, armed with clubs and bats.

Zeya ignored them, flew to the metal door, and punched it with his fist. The door was opened. And Zeya could see what was inside. The room contained many books, armor, and scary statues. The mutant he was looking for, was kept in a glass cage at the center.

Zeya flew nearer the center and tried to punch the glass cage with his fist. But as he went nearer, a strange force pushed him back.

"A magnetic shield!!" Zeya was shocked. And he turned around and saw a way more terrifying thing. A female robot with a golden face, armed with a sword wielded her blade at him. Zeya could avoid it at the tip. The edge was so close that it cut some of his hair. Zeya then punched her but she disappeared.

“What the…”

And then she appeared again and kicked him in the back.

Zeya was terrified.

Is that a robot or a ghost? He was unsure.

“Gee….. Gee…” Screeching songs appeared. He looked around and saw another male-looking robot, carrying a giant club, aiming at him. This time, without avoiding it, he kicked the robot in the chest. The robot fell backward but managed to get itself up in a moment. When Zeya kicked him in the face again, he disappeared. The female robot ran nearer to Zeya with her blades. Zeya avoided her and punched her while she was aiming at him. She then disappeared. But suddenly,

“Gree… Gee…” Both the male and the female appeared near him. They wielded their weapons at Zeya.


The two weapons met in the air as Zeya avoided just on time. He then kicked both robots in their backs, causing them to fall.

“Bang Bang Bang!!” loud footsteps appeared. A group of 10 wearing metal armor and armed with laser guns came into the room. Their armors were so fixed on their body that they all looked like robots.

“Cyborgs, Seriously?” Zeya mourned.

These people began to shoot him, and he had to avoid them randomly. He also had to be aware of the two ghostly robots. In this wacky situation, he realized he couldn’t win. So, for an emergency, he flew up to the ceiling of the monastery, making it burst open. Then, from that hole, he flew out of the monastery at a very high speed.

Zeya often looked back while flying away from the monastery, terrified that the ghostly robots would chase him. Hopefully, they didn’t, but Zeya was unsecured. His heart was pounding so hard that he could hear it. He just had the scariest spying experience.

Zeya saw an uninhabited Zayat ( Note* Zayat is a structure usually built at the edges of town, donated by wealthy people, for the visitors to stay). Zeya decided to stay the night there.

As soon as he lay down, the memories of the fight appeared again, keeping him awake.

“Gah…..I should have listened to that girl’s voice,” he mourned.

“See, that’s why I said, for the best of you,” the girl’s voice appeared. Zeya stood up and said, “Show yourself,” Snakes crawled near him and slowly formed a figure of a girl. Zeya wasn’t too shocked at all he had gone through today. The figure became a gorgeous teenage girl, wearing black clothes. Her age might not be older than 17.

“You should listen to the experienced one,” the girl said.

“What’s your name?” Zeya asked her.

“Saw Nan Mon, is my name. By the way, do you believe in witchcraft and magic?” she replied with a question.

"I've seen enough today…."

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