Chapter 11:

Chapter 11 (From Bagan to Egypt)

Ankh Holder (Season 2)

Zeya, Saw Nan Mon and Aizzagawna entered the temple. The cyborg guards surrounded them. The human captives were with them. Zeya tried his best to hide from his father, who was one of the captives. The guards also carried the mutant in a glass box.

The Dhammayangyi temple reminds Zeya of the pyramids he had seen on planet Orion-C-1. The temple has four sides, each with a Buddha statue. Four Buddha statues are dedicated to Kakushanda, Konagamana, Kassapa, and Guatama Buddhas. When they arrived at the statue of Gautama Buddha, Aizzagawna stopped and began knocking on the walls. He pointed at the part of the wall which songs like a tunnel.

“There!!!” he said, and one of his cyborgs destroyed the wall by crushing it. Inside, they saw a small passage. Aizzagawna commanded everyone to get inside it, and he followed too. The path leads them to the secret center of the temple. The center was a big chamber with Egyptian-Bagan architecture. Several statues of Egyptian gods and goddesses were made in Burmese style and curved into the walls. In the middle stood a glass table-like structure. By then, Zeya had already guessed who Aizzagawna’s ancestors were and why it was so hard to control his body.

“My ancestors who lived on your planet had developed a teleportation technology based on earth’s electromagnetic fields,” he said and put his hand on the table-like thing. The structure scanned his hands while he said, “I, Aizra, commend you for bringing us to the land of our great ancestors!” Suddenly, the whole room emitted electromagnetic waves. Zeya felt the same as when Saw Nan Mon took him to the hall of Weizzas. When the wave disappeared, he noticed he wasn’t at the temple. The surrounding walls had changed from brick into sandstone. The room’s width was over 50000 sqft.

“Welcome to the land of Egypt!” Aizzagawna said. Zeya put his hands on his back.

“The great architecture of my ancestors!!!” Aizzagawna continued.

“The works of our human ancestors,” Zeya interrupted him in a mocking voice. Aizzagawna smiled and said, “You know, my ancestors never forced humans to build these works. The humans were proud to serve them as they considered them gods. Religions and beliefs are funny, aren’t they? You can control people with these nonsense things. Besides, my ancestors taught your poor creatures magic, math, and basic geography and founded a civilization. Wasn’t it great?”

“So, you’re following their steps. What do you want, Aizzagawna? What do you want from our planet?”

“I want nothing from your planet. I want your plant,”

“Oh, then take this!!!” Zeya said and used his powers to control Aizzagawna’s body in mid-air. But, the effort was useless as his forces did not affect Aizzagawna. Saw Nan Mon shoot a purple flame at him.

“Bang!” a strange field covered Aizzagawna. He smiled and said, “No, no. Both of you can’t kill a lion in a den,” “You can’t control me in the place of my ancestors,” he continued. Suddenly, the whole room was transforming itself. The sandstone blocks were changing, and the statues in the room came to life. Copper coils appeared on the walls. A magical force covered Aizzagawna’s body. Zeya and Saw Nan Mon realized he had become invincible in this place. Also, chains appeared near them, tying them up and kneeling them down in front of Aizzagawna.

“Shree!!!” Aizzagawna shot a ray of light into the box where the mutant was kept. It broke the box and made the mutant out. The copper coils on the wall shot colorful rays at the mutant, cyborgs, and statues that came to life. Suddenly they all fused and doubled. Then the fused one tripled, and so on. Within a minute, the army of fused beings filled the whole room. These fused ones were armed with various weapons and had metallic bodies. With this rate of diffusion and duplication, there’s no doubt that Aizzagawna can take over the world.