Chapter 1:

I was him

Hunter's Lost Joy

I run, running for how many hours. 3 or 4 hours. I don’t know. But I have to run. I have to live. I got a lot of valuable info from this raid. I have to transfer this info out of this Plane. But above all , I want to see her, my daughter. Wait for me, your dad is coming.

But luck wasn’t on my side. I feel my leg being grabbed. I fell down on my face. I tried to jerk it off but it wouldn’t budge. I have no choice now. I took out my phone which had valuable info.

(???)- Messenger, come forward. GO GIVE IT TO JION ONLY JION.

As I give my order, I feel intense pain in my leg. Then a suddenly warm pain runs through my leg. I feel a sharp thing above my stomach and before I could process, it comes down with all its might. This is how I die


Turning up the volume, I listen carefully.

(Radio)- Another criminal has escaped, with this prisoner escaped that number has added up to 8. Authorities are suspecting it is tied to the recent events from city-wide gang gathering and collaborating together locally and this recent activity possibly has connection to “Sig–

I turn off the radio app, my seat shakes a little for the speed train is going through now. It’s packed with people, but mostly with office workers and students. It is mostly silent other than the screeching sound of rail tracks. Many faces, many identities, many ideas, my perspectives, many ideologies. But all are trapped in a single common thing. That is ‘We are humans’.

And maybe that’s why I envy him. Not because of popularity or his over the roof achievements. But because he can ignore the darkness of our minds.


Taking out the earbuds of my earphones, I shove them in my pocket. Keeping my hands in my pocket, I take a sharp right turn. In the distance a white building with a big field in front slowly emerges. Already I can see them, I am wearing the same uniform as them. I already feel annoyed coming here. Why did I bother listening to him? I could have said no. Next time, I will do that. I don’t like it here. I feel suffocated here. I take out my phone again, and open my message app.

- Hey yo, J. Can you send me the full documentation from the recent search??

Typing that, I sent it. I have to look into this matter. I can hear distant crowd chatter, the backpack on my shoulder feels like death weight on me. But it’s lighter than the burden of the past. which clings to you, haunts you, linger on to you like ghost, and sometimes it calls–

(???)- Hiro-san, please wait for me.

And sometimes it calls you. I don’t bother to wait. I simply ignored her, and continued my walk to school. Removing my shoes and walking up to my shoe locker, I take out the indoor school shoe. Why does she act like nothing happened? And even with that there is no sorry or simple talk on that, our past. Maybe she can act like nothing happened, but I can never do that. The past, no those days are engraved onto my soul.

(???)- Hey you, move.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I look over to the source of voice. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Akari Watanabe. Without saying anything I move aside and give her space. She gives me one last annoyed look then walks to her shoe locker besides mine. And she dressed up like that again. It’s an eighth wonder to the world that she doesn’t get reported to school authorities.

Akari Watanabe is a second year high schooler just like me. And one of the most painful things about her is that she is in my class. A little taller and average height, she is slim, but she has a mature, voluptuous figure that easily has made her the center of attention among the school, mostly among them are boys. Pink hair with inconstant hair style, blue eyes, and eye-catching earrings, but she still wears our school uniform but in a stylish way. What can I call that, gyaru-cute. The reason why she still isn’t scolded by the school is in simpler terms, is still tone down, but it’s still pushing the boundaries. Why is she pushing boundaries like that, just for attention? No, it’s for certain someone.

Turning my attention to my locker again, I see white envelope sticking out, and out of the corner of my eye, I see her. Taking the envelope, I quickly take my leave.

In the hallway I take a look at the white envelope. It’s pain and simple, and putting it under light, I see a letter init. It’s happening again. I only fall for this once, but I will not fall twice. I ripped the envelope apart and tossed them in the bin. Taking the stairs, I go to my class 2-1. Another day in my life. I took my seat. It’s from the 4th, the back row seat. There is still some time for homeroom. Thank whoever is up there, she isn’t in my class, they aren't where, well, if I can also manage today, it will be great.

Slowly my mind wanders off to deep slam, for the lack of rest. Fadely, I hear a group’s gossip. They are 2 seats away, but I can still hear them.

- Hey hey, have you seen Minami-kun yesterday. He looks so cool playing basketball.

- He is so cool, even though he is good at sports and studies, he doesn’t take pride for it.

- His girlfriend will be one hell of a lucky one, to have him.

- Can’t be, he has his own standards. You know, the higher popularity, the higher the standards.

- That’s the thing, nobody knows his standards, not even his friends.

- Realllyyyy, That's a big mystery. Well that’s tough luck for you, Akari. It will be quite the challenge for you to win him over.

That’s the certain someone. And well Minami Tenjin is that kind of person, if you are a girl you will immediately fall for him or later that's what I heard. He is tall, blonde, a little tanned for being athletic. With good looks, he is good at studies and sports. And sometimes I hear that he does all kinds of house work too. I don’t know about girl’s standards but sounds like a good guy to me. With that he is kind and helps others in need, no ego from his achievements, and treats others equally. That’s why, people of the same age or elders, everyone adores him. I can’t lie but I don’t like him. I was with him on some group activities and I say confidently what was said about him is true. He is such a bright person.And maybe that’s why I envy him. Not because of popularity or his over the roof achievements. But because he can ignore the darkness of our minds.

And slowly class starts to fill up. And after five minutes or so, the homeroom starts. Before the homeroom fully starts, I got a text.

- The ones with criminals involved in, Sure. I will send it before lunch.


It’s now PE class. And We had an indoor match. And the match is between our class and another second year class. I don't know which class it is, I didn’t bother to know. And as always I am sitting in the corner. Watching the match. I didn’t play basketball ever again from that day.

And if I were to play with these people, I would feel like I am cheating. And they never needed players from bench players.

And it's an unwritten rule that, if you are a bench player then you don’t need to play today. I watched the match but something was wrong, very wrong. My gaze was fixated on the player who now has the ball. His leg….looked it’s being slipped off on the floor, like it is being twisted. He is about to get his ankle twisted.

With a loud thud, the player falls down. Clutching his leg, immediately the PE teacher runs to the injured player. After some back and forth, it was discovered that he had twisted his ankle.

(???)- Sir, we need an extra player for our team.

(PE teacher)- I know, I know. But who is going to play? None is willing to play on their own. How about this if anyone wants to play for the team, I will treat them.

No one stands up.

(PE teacher)- Fine, if you guys want the hard game then here it is, Tenjin. Pick someone.

Minami Tenjin looks among us, unsure who to pick. There is something else going on here. Why no one is willingly helping him and he seems to notice it. And then he looks at me, giving me a weak smile

(Tenjin)- Hiro-san, if you don’t mind, will you play for our team?

I stand up and walk over to him, lowering my voice to keep it between me and him.

(Hiro)- On one condition, If I get the ball, then I will play on my own, I don’t need help from others nor I will help them.

He gives me a confused look and nods. I look at the score. Opposite team score is 3 and ours is 2. Huh, worse than I expected.Taking my position, I aim for the ball. The PE teacher blows the whistle again, the game continues. I run for the ball, faking to my right, I took the ball with swift motion, not losing my build up momentum, I jumped and dumped the ball through the basketball net.

(???)- What just happened?

(???)-- He moved so fast I couldn’t react.

Tenjin gives me a thumbs up along with friends. And I do this two more times. Neither they can’t rect nor they can keep up.

One of the team members, I think his name is Rio, said

(Rio)- Dude, why are you wasting your talent by hiding it?

I say nothing. Simply focus on my game, but I can’t ignore the eyes which are fixed on me. Many whispers, many words, many emotions, but I can feel them. I wiseI couldn’t. I want to end this fast. As always I take a hold of the ball again, but I am somehow in a pickle now. The opposite has created a circle around me.

(Tenjin)- Hiro-san, pass me the ball.

I ignore the call, instead, I throw the ball above them, high enough to not be able in reach, and I take a foot slide lowering my body enough to get passed by them.

(???)- What?

(???)- Did he just do that?

(Rio)- What is he? Alone wolf?

I take the ball, and before they could realize what is about to happen I slam the ball through the basketball net. The PE teacher blows the whistle again. The game is over finally.


I open my gym locker and take out my uniform, already the others have done changing. I was held by the PE teacher. He says he hates to watch my talent go to waste and advises me to be an active player on the team, not just sit around and watch. I declined. He tried to reason with me, but I had cut him off. I am really hungry. I hurriedly changed my clothes.

(Tenjin)- Hiro-san, do you have a minute?

Without turning around, I shake my head indicating I will talk. I have changed my pants, only the upper dress remains.

(Tenjin)- I am really sorry for my team’s fault, for them you have to be dragged into this mess.

(Hiro)- Why are you saying sorry for something which isn’t in your control, Minami.

Turning around I look at him, he is somewhat awkward.

(Hiro)- It’s fine, I didn’t mind it.

(Tenjin)- I thought,.. you referred to be left alone.

(Hiro)- That’s true.

I remove my gym shirt, exposing my bare body. I quickly grabbed my shirt but he already saw it.

(Tenjin)- Hiro-san, is—

(Hiro)- DON’T.




I quickly put on my shirt.

(Tenjin)- Are you ok? It’s fine if you don’t want to talk abo–

(Hiro)- I saID NOT A TALK. I don’t like pityness.


He remains quiet and changes his clothes. After finishing my changing, I turn around to leave.

(Hiro)- Hey, Minami-san. Sorry about my outburst there.

(Tenjin)- It’s alright. If you want, you can join us after school.

I give a little laugh, He looks at me, confused.

(Hiro)- I was you, but you are not me.

(Tenjin)- What? What are you talking about?

(Hiro)- You will understand soon.

I slowly take my leave.


When I returned to my class, my deepest annoyance came true. My lunch box is not in my bag. Those bastards did it again. If it wasn’t for the rules, I would have put them in their grave. But I can’t. I take my wallet. I have to eat that Cafeteria’s lame ass food. Quickly making my way to the cafeteria, I bought a sandwich and some salad. And a cold drink. I take it to the school rooftop. Very few people come there. Opening the door to the rooftop, I was greeted with instant sunlight.

As my eyes adjust to sudden change, I eat my lunch in silence. And I take out my phone, and check my message app. As expected, he sent it. I will look into it when I am home. There is also a message attached to it.

- Looks like we are dealing with a big group of them. Not sure about their grades. But looking more into it, I have a gut feeling, it will be grade 3 or above. And from search we found some traces of a big ritual, and we are suspecting a wave of them in upcoming days.

Well, That's that. I simply type ok and send it. After finishing my lunch, I throw the trash and head to my class. As I walk down the hallway, I see two girls. One of them pushes the other towards me. She stops in front of me. She doesn’t look familiar to me.

(???)- Ummm, W-hhat’s..y-you….ann-s.wer,

She is like a broke recorder. Senpai. Huh, that means she is first year. I calmly reply

(Hiro)- What answer?

(???)- Thh-e…le-ette.r.

Oh, she put it on my locker. That explains a lot.

(Hiro)- Sorry, I threw it in the bin.


Before she can ask anything, I walk past her. I can’t deal with her. And before I enter the class, I feel something...on the other side. It's them again. They are at both doors. I clutch my fist, not in frustration but in anger, knowing I can do nothing about it. I open the door. And a splash of water hits my face.

(Guy1)- Hahaha, take that nerd.

(Guy2)- Serves you right.

Saying that, they slap my back as if it was a harmless prank. They slowly leave the class, and the other student sits there quietly or talking among them as if nothing happened. I clutch my fist till I feel my flesh. I brush off as much water as I can. And quietly sit at my desk. But my tiredness from yesterday's mission catches up to me. And I nod off while the teacher's lecture goes on.


(???)- Seriously, what’s wrong with you, Hiro.

I calmly listen to her, Miss Suki. Someone very strict among teachers. So strict that even delinquents fear her, let alone students' parents. If they say somewhere in the line “it’s the teacher's fault or it’s not our son’s/daughter's fault” then they are done. Rest is history then.

(Miss Suki)- Your lack of hard work and unseriousness is really getting on my nerves.

She crosses her hands and crosses her stocking wore legs while facing me.

(Miss Suki)- Even Akari is doing much better than you. You are not doing any homework or assignments. And don’t get me started on your exam scores.

She frimley looks at me.

(Miss Suki)- If this keeps up, you have to repeat this year and have a “talk” with your parents.

The “talk” she means is a one-sided talk.

(Miss Suki)- From tomorrow, I want you to see serious. Now, leave. You have wasted my time enough.

Saying nothing I quietly leave the room. Going near my shoe locker, I take out my phone again. Opening my message app again, I type

- Mr. Koro, please visit me at the usual restaurant.

Putting my shoes on, I finally leave this nightmare building. But luck wasn’t on my side.

“She” was there. With someone else and the girl from before I wrote the letter to me. “She” was comforting the girl, who was in tears. The other talked toward me with anger.

(???)- Hey, you jerk. Who do you think you are? A prince. Not only did you ignore Shiori but also rejected the girl in the worst way possible.

(Hiro)- Pardon?

(???)- Pardon, what. Do you have any feelings?

(???)- No, I don’t. I buried them a long time ago. Now, excuse me, I have to be somewhere else.

Without saying another word, I walk past them. I have bigger things to attend to.


I turn to see the disparring boy in the distance. Such a cold attitude. And she has feelings for him. I looked at her, he didn’t even glance in her direction. Shiori Sakurazaka is now comforting the first year girl. I go near them and whisper in her ears

(???)- Will she be ok?

She nods. She looks up and talks to her. After that the little girl’s mood lights up a bit. She goes away waving her hand. I wait outside for Shiori. After all, we have a sleepover tonight. Which is something I am really looking forward to. She comes out with a smile. But why does she have sadness in her eyes?

(???)- Mei,thanks for waiting for me.

(Mei)- No problem.

Saying that we start walking together, one after another we talk on different topics. I really love spending time with her. I feel warm with her, something I don’t feel with others. But why she likes that good for nothing guy

(Mei)- Seriously, Shiori , why the hell do you like that jerk? He should fix his attitude.

(Shiori)- Haha, no he is really kind person–

(Mei)- Look, Shiori, You are a great girl. Anyone who has you will be the happiest person in the world. You are so kind and talented, but please don’t waste yourself running behind that guy.

I wish I was him, I could have taken better care of her. He has no quality. She looks down, the sadness is fully showing on her face. Is she sorry for that guy?

(Shiori)- Mei, can we please not talk about this. I will tell you about him someday.
