In 2030, a ravaging storm strikes Tokyo, 17-year-old Hiroki Kurogane seeks for a shelter in an abandoned bookstore, tormented by memories of a world destroyed by cruelty and greed. When a mysterious, ancient glowing book catches his attention, As things got worse, Hiroki realized he was facing certain death, and an unknown force pulls him into a destiny he never expected. Hiroki will suffer to unravel the mystery of the book, confront his fractured past, and to uncover the truth about Yumix.
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Your support for your Yumix Project helps us a lot :>
Author | |
Genre | FantasyMysteryPsychologicalShounenIsekai |
Updated | Oct 03, 2024 |
Chapters | 2 |
Writing Status | Ongoing |
Word Count | 2,318 |